Women's he alth is a sensitive and complex topic. Having some deviations in gynecology, it is difficult for a woman to be completely satisfied with her life, since a slightly disturbing "sore" in the next moment can turn out to be a huge problem. This is especially true for those women who are still ahead of motherhood. One such problem is an ovarian cyst. The causes of this disease in women have not been fully determined.
General information
A cyst is a benign neoplasm that has a pathological cavity inside.

The cysts consist mainly of liquid, but they are also found with a sebaceous secretion, and are simply filled with air. There are also tumors containing pus, they are called abscesses. The growth of the cyst occurs as the accumulation of the substance of which it consists. Among benign formations, the cyst occupies the first place in terms of frequency and place of manifestations, since it can be on almost any tissue or organ.human.
If we talk about such neoplasms in general, then they distinguish congenital and acquired.
Types of ovarian cysts
The development of cysts is slow, ranging in size from a few mm to a whole cm. They are most often diagnosed in women of childbearing age with irregular menstruation.
Cysts are classified among themselves by type, they are distinguished by the nature of education and content:
- Follicular.
- Cyst of the corpus luteum.
- Paraovarian.
- Endometrioid.
- Dermoid.
- Mucinous.
Causes of cysts in women
Neoplasms in the female reproductive system develop under the influence of many reasons. For each type of ovarian cyst, the causes of occurrence may vary slightly, but the general origin of all formations of this kind is identical.
- Hormon disruption.
- Endocrine system dysfunction.
- Inflammatory processes in the ovaries.
- Sexual infections.
- Multiple induced births.
- The onset of early menstruation.
- Irregular menstrual cycle.
Additional, but not mandatory, causes of ovarian cysts include:
- Overweight or underweight.
- Excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine.
- Early entry of a girl into sexual life.
- Heavy physical activity.
- Constant stress.
- Systematic overwork.
- Change in the surrounding climate.
It is worth noting that there is no specific "risk group" prone to the occurrence of ovarian cysts. The reasons mentioned above cannot always be ruled out, especially since this disease can appear in the fair sex at any age.
Quite often there are cases when the emergence and resorption of benign formations goes unnoticed. In the absence of symptoms and causes of an ovarian cyst in women, it is possible to identify it only with the help of ultrasound and regular examination by a gynecologist.
In some cases, the symptoms are pronounced, the fairer sex should be concerned if present:
- Pain in the lower abdomen, which has a pulling character.
- Pain during active sexual contact.
- Uterine bleeding.
- Failure of the cycle of menstruation until the complete cessation.
- Feeling pressure on the bowels or bladder when emptying them.
- Gagging during strenuous exercise.
- Temperature above 38°C accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Follicular cyst
One of the most common women's he alth problems are follicular cysts. They belong to benign formations and are formed as a result of a violation of the normal activity of the ovaries. The reason for the occurrence of a follicular ovarian cyst is that when the egg matures, it does not break and ovulation does not occur. The reason is that thisa natural process, suggest hormonal disorders, high physical and psycho-emotional stress, uncontrolled contraception, abortion, sexual infections.
The growth of education occurs due to the transition of fluid from the blood vessels into it or due to ongoing secretion. But often, follicular cysts dissolve on their own as their secretion ends.
Cyst of the corpus luteum
The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that appears at the site of a ruptured follicle immediately after ovulation. The function of this organ is to synthesize the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the successful implantation of the embryo if pregnancy occurs. If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum is excreted from the body at the next menstruation. The pigment lutein gives this organ its yellow color, hence its name.
Like follicular cysts, masses on this gland are classified as functional. The cause of the ovarian cyst of the corpus luteum is in impaired blood circulation, because of this, fluid accumulates. But also the appearance of such a disease can be caused by hormonal disorders, problems with tissue lymph flow, increased physical activity, abortion.
A corpus luteum cyst for a pregnant woman carries absolutely no danger. Rather, on the contrary, since a woman in position needs the hormone progesterone. The absence of the corpus luteum can provoke an early miscarriage due to hormonal deficiency.
Paraovarian cyst
Paraovarian cyst –single-chamber cavitary tumor-like neoplasm, which is formed from the epididymis of the ovary. It is located between the fallopian tube and the ovary. Inside the cyst contains a clear fluid with a high protein content and a small amount of gland secretion. Paraovarian cysts grow slowly, but eventually they can reach large sizes.
Such a formation may appear during pregnancy, but does not affect it in any way. The only moment that indicates a possible operation is when the cyst grows on a stem, and this stem is twisted.
They also differ in their location:
- Paraovarian cyst of the right ovary. The causes may be inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalance, repeated abortions, diseases of the endocrine system, unregulated contraception. The factors that served the development and growth of such formations can even be excessive sunburn and excessively elevated body temperature.
- The causes of a cyst in the left ovary with this variety are absolutely the same. The only difference is in their functionality, the left adnexa is supplied by the renal artery, while the right adnexa is supplied by the abdominal aorta.
Endometrioid cyst
This kind of tumor consists of the accumulation of menstrual blood and the sheath of endometrial cells in which it is enclosed. Often identified as an expression of genital-type endometriosis, in this disease, cells of the mucous tissue that covers the uterus from the inside grow and are located in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina and abdominalcavities. The growth of bleeding endometrial tissue in the ovary leads to the formation of endometrioid ovarian cysts filled with thick dark brown contents.
Unlike the types described above, the causes of this kind of ovarian cysts have not been fully identified.
- During menstruation, cells from the uterus enter the fallopian tubes back.
- Movement of uterine cells into the ovaries during operations.
- With the help of blood and lymph flow, cells enter the ovaries.
- Failure of hormonal processes.
- Immune system abnormality.
Dermoid cyst
A tumor consisting of a connective tissue membrane and a jelly-like mass with various inclusions (skin, hair, fragments of teeth) is called a dermoid ovarian cyst. The reason for the occurrence lies in the theory that during the development of the embryo in the womb, a chromosomal failure can occur, in which a group of cells from one embryonic layer unhooks from its layer and remains in another, alien to it. Subsequently, cells unusual for this layer remain in any organs or tissues that have developed from it.
In adulthood, the alleged causes that give impetus to the development of teratoma are: hormonal imbalance associated with the onset of puberty, pregnancy or menopause. And also the trauma of internal organs can become a determining factor.
Mucinous cyst
This disease is a growth filled with mucus called mucin. These benign tumors, to a greater extent than all others,susceptible to transformation into malignant neoplasms. An important sign by which mucinous cestadenomas can be determined is the multi-chamber cyst. Often this disease affects both appendages, while the tumor can reach very large sizes, increasing the stomach to the size as in the photo. The causes of the ovarian cyst of the mucinous type are not fully understood, but several factors can be identified in which the mucinous neoplasm most often manifests itself:
- Hormonal dysfunction.
- Inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.
- Reduced immunity.
- Late menopause.

Most often, cestadenoma occurs in women over 35.
What is the danger of a cyst?
In some cases, formations may disappear on their own, in other situations, only the elimination of the cause of the ovarian cyst will help. The consequences and complications of losing control over the growth and development of a neoplasm can be severe.
- Possibility of cyst malignancy, especially if the cyst is mucinous or endometrioid.
- When twisting the leg of the cyst, there is a violation of blood supply, tissue necrosis, inflammation of the abdominal cavity. This leads to consequences in the form of sharp pains in the abdomen, high fever, vomiting.
- Any type of cyst has a chance of rupture, with the contents of the shell pouring out into the abdominal cavity. After that, an inflammatory process can begin, which will end in blood poisoning. Ascomplications of the rupture can be called the appearance of adhesions, disruption of the intestines, recurring regular abdominal pain and problems with urination. Also, the rupture of large cysts threatens with the complete removal of the affected ovary.
- Formations on the ovaries can cause infertility in a woman or complicate the process of bearing a child. In addition, by preventing the normal movement of the egg, the cyst increases the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

Treatment of cystic formations
Often, women do not suspect for a long time that they have a cystic formation in their body. In such cases, its presence is detected either by the onset of symptoms, or by visiting an ultrasound specialist.

The choice of therapeutic methods depends on the manifestation of symptoms, age, he alth status of the patient and the causes of the ovarian cyst. Treatment can be therapeutic or radical. Therapy is prescribed in case of functional cysts and in the absence of complications. In these cases, it is usually prescribed to take drugs that can even out the hormonal state, a course of vitamins, homeopathic treatment.

The doctor can also prescribe physiotherapy, diet, gymnastics.
If there is no positive effect, and the neoplasm is growing, an operation will be prescribed - removal of the formation and examination of the material taken for cancer cells.
Recently has become widely usedlaparoscopy. This procedure allows without significant blood loss and with minimal violation of the integrity of the skin with the help of a laparoscope to operate on the patient. But this method is used in the case of small cysts and only with benign formations. The undoubted advantage for the doctor is the ability to see much more than with conventional surgery.
If the doctor suspects malignancy, a laparotomy is performed. This operation involves an incision by the surgeon in the abdomen to gain access to the necessary organs.

Types of surgery for ovarian cysts:
- Kistectomy - removal of the formation with the ability to save he althy tissue, after rehabilitation the organ will be able to work normally.
- Resection of the ovary - excision of the tumor along with the surrounding tissue.
- Removal of the ovary completely, sometimes performed in conjunction with the removal of the second ovary and fallopian tube.
- A biopsy is necessary to take material for histological examination with the likelihood of malignancy.
Once formed and removed, functional cysts may reappear. Correctly selected treatment and support with hormonal drugs will help to avoid this. It is also recommended to visit a gynecologist and an ultrasound room at least once a year to detect pathologies in the early stages.
The cyst is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Especially it should be feared by women of reproductive age, who have not yethas children, as the advanced stage of this tumor can cause infertility forever.