Children's clinic of Ussuriysk and reviews about it

Children's clinic of Ussuriysk and reviews about it
Children's clinic of Ussuriysk and reviews about it

Surely tourists of the city of Ussuriysk will be interested and useful to know the location and reviews of one of the main clinics of the city. How did this hospital earn such trust and affection from parents? The best professionals and pediatricians are gathered in the children's clinic.

Ussuri polyclinic
Ussuri polyclinic

Directions in the children's polyclinic of Ussuriysk

The hospital for children in Ussuriysk has a main block building and 3 departments. The address of the children's polyclinic: Ussuriysk, Nekrasova, 115. The polyclinic provides a variety of types of treatment.


The clinic also provides the following services:

  • preventive medical examinations;
  • vaccination in accordance with the patient vaccination schedule;
  • diagnostic examinations: laboratory, endoscopic with X-ray, sound and multifunctional;
  • outpatient method of pediatric examination and own types of appointments of such narrow specialists as an endocrinologist and an infectious disease specialist, a nephrologist and a cardiologist, an otolaryngologist and a surologist-andrologist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and a physiotherapist, as well as medicalsports medicine and exercise therapy workers;
  • Day care for general pediatric diseases in a hospital.

The Ussuriysk Children's Polyclinic is distinguished by the presence of the best specialists in the treatment of children.

Photos of Ussuriysk Hospital
Photos of Ussuriysk Hospital

Visitor reviews of the clinic

Here are some reviews from visitors to the clinic. According to the mother of a five-year-old girl, the chief pediatrician of the clinic is the best pediatric doctor in the city of Ussuriysk. She is responsive, sensitive, listens to every complaint and provides only the right treatment options for children. Toma Viktorovna is a pediatrician of the highest level! Other patients note that Sostina T. V. is a doctor from the Lord God! Excellent pediatrician with over 30 years of experience. He has the highest qualifications, the presence of which he regularly proves. In addition, he applies and improves his own knowledge in specialized educational institutions and conferences! Doctor "from God", there would be more like them. Visitors to the clinic are grateful for the return of he alth to their children.

Negative feedback about the children's clinic in Ussuriysk

One mother of a two-year-old boy left a negative review about the clinic. She says that on a certain day there was a need to be examined by planned doctors. Having gone to the children's polyclinic in the city of Ussuriysk on the advice of friends, she, with a child in her arms, faced a huge queue that ended on the street far from the entrance to the reception. It turned out that the distribution of coupons is not carried out in anydesignated time, from this a queue of a huge size is formed. For this reason, she had to return home and look for a more organized clinic.
