The drug "Aquamaris Norm", instructions for use of which will be given below, is intended for irrigation of the nasal cavity or its washing in case of diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as for the prevention of colds and viral diseases during the epidemic period.
Forms of release of drugs under the brand name "Aquamaris"
The "Aquamaris" series, instructions for use of which are given below, includes several drugs:
- "Aquamaris Norm" - designed for children from 2 years old and adults.
- "Aquamaris Strong" - for quick relief of nasal congestion and restoration of normal breathing, intended for adults and children from 1 year old.
- "Aquamaris Plus" - recommended for the treatment of the common cold and the restoration of the normal state of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx after damage that occurred after a long inflammatorythe process or the use of vasoconstrictor or hormonal drugs in drops, with a "dry" runny nose softens the crusts. Contains dexpanthenol.
- "Aquamaris Baby" - is prescribed for babies from 3 months old to speed up recovery after a cold.
A number of other remedies are also available.
In the line of the trading company "Aquamaris" (Jadran, Croatia) there is also a special watering can to facilitate the process of washing the nasopharynx.

Components "Aquamaris Norm"
The medicine looks like a colorless liquid with a slightly s alty taste. Has no pronounced odor. The preparation contains the following components in 100 ml:
- Sea water (31.82 ml) - water from a source in the area of the biosphere reserve in Croatia "Northern Velebit" is used, containing 7-14% more trace elements and useful minerals (compared to other sea water reservoirs). This place is considered the cleanest on the Adriatic.
- As an auxiliary substance - purified water (100 ml). When diluted with seawater, it is synthetically brought to an "isotonic" form, that is, with a sodium chloride concentration of up to 0.9% (the numbers correspond to the level of water in human blood plasma).
As stated in the instructions for "Aquamaris Norm", there are no chemical additives and preservatives in the preparation.
Aquamaris action and effect
Isotonic natural water taken from the sea,helps to normalize the physiological state of the tissues and mucous membranes located in the nose. It helps to thin the accumulated mucus and stimulates the normal level of its production that occurs in the goblet cells located in the mucous walls of the nasal cavity.
The use of sea water for irrigation or washing the nose helps to significantly reduce the spread of infection in the sinuses and ear cavity in inflammatory diseases (sinusitis, otitis media, frontal sinusitis, etc.). The use of "Aquamaris Norm" (spray) according to the instructions in the treatment of colds allows you to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of other therapeutic agents. This helps to reduce the duration of the respiratory disease and avoid complications.
Also, Aquamaris liquid is prescribed for irrigation of the upper respiratory tract in order to accelerate tissue healing after surgery to remove adenoids, polyps and after septoplasty. This drug is recommended for continuous use by people who work in hazardous industries (drivers of vehicles, workers in dusty or hot shops), live in regions with severe climatic conditions, as well as for smokers.

Indications for use
"Aquamaris Spray" and nose drops are prescribed by a doctor:
- For the treatment of atrophic and allergic rhinitis, as well as their prevention.
- Sick adults and children to increase moisture and cleanse the mucosasinuses with inflammation of the tissues of the nasopharynx.
- In the complex treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) or influenza.
- Patients suffering from overdrying of the nasal mucosa, as well as those who are constantly in an air-conditioned room at work. The drug helps to maintain the physiological parameters of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
- For the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the nasal cavity and throat (sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis).
- For the elderly in order to prevent atrophic changes in the mucosa that occur with age.
The drug is also used in combination with other medicines:
- In the postoperative period regarding the removal of adenoids or other surgical interventions in the nasopharyngeal area.
- When preparing mucous surfaces for the subsequent application of drugs.
- For cleaning the nasal cavity from dust, viruses and bacteria, pollen or smoke.
- With long-term therapy with corticosteroid drugs that cause dryness of the mucous tissues in the nasal cavity.
"Aqua Maris": instructions for use, price
Recommendations for the correct use of the drug are indicated in the attached instructions. They depend on the form of release of funds. Therefore, when buying a drug, you should carefully read the instructions. Only after that you can start using the tool.
The price of "Aqua Maris Norm Spray" (150 ml) is 360-450 rubles. The medicine is also produced in cylinders of smaller capacity.(50 and 100 ml). The drug is recommended for use in adults and children 4-6 times a day by injection. In this case, the spray jet should be directed to the back wall of the nasopharynx. Before starting, the sprayer should be set in a horizontal position and tested by pressing the cap 2-3 times.
In the instructions for use "Aquamaris Norm" the price is not indicated. In Russian pharmacies, you need to pay 280-300 rubles for 50 ml. The order of the procedure:
- The spray tip must be inserted into the upper nasal passage with the head tilted to the opposite side.
- Do a flush, then blow your nose well.
- The procedure should be repeated if necessary.
- Next, do a similar flushing of the other nasal passage.

According to the instructions for the Aqua Maris Norm nasal spray for adult patients and children over 6 years old, the following is recommended:
- Stand over the sink, leaning forward in a comfortable position.
- Tilt your head to one side.
- Insert the tip of the can into the nasal passage from above.
- Rinse for a few seconds, then blow your nose well.
- Repeat as needed.
- Do the same with the other nostril.
Aqua Maris Ectoin
Especially for people who are allergic to odors, pollen, animal hair, household chemicals and other types of allergens, Aqua Maris nasal spray is producedEctoin , containing the substance of the same name (2 g), sea s alt (0.9 g) and purified water.
Ectoin is one of the components produced by halophilic microorganisms in nature, which are able to survive in any, even the most adverse environmental conditions. The substance has an increased hydrophilicity. With its help, a special hydrocomplex is formed, which settles on the mucous tissues of the nose. This protects the person and prevents direct contact with allergic components in the air. Settling allergens on the mucosa are removed by washing the nasopharynx. This drug is recommended for adults and children from 2 years of age for a long time during the dangerous periods of flowering of allergenic plants.
Ointment "Aqua Maris"
This product is designed to relieve irritation around the nose or lips, which usually occurs with frequent wiping of the nose. Its main components:
- D-panthenol - a substance that promotes the regeneration of the skin. When it penetrates the cells of the epidermis, it forms pantothenic acid, which allows you to normalize metabolism in cells, increase the strength of collagen fibers, which helps healing.
- Vitamins E and A - necessary to moisturize and increase the elasticity of the epidermis, help soften and heal.
Instructions for the use of the ointment prescribes to apply it by applying to the skin several times a day. It can also be used for allergic skin reactions. It is preliminary recommended to wash the desired area of the epidermis with warm water andblot with a paper or cloth napkin.
Ointment is also recommended to protect the skin near the nose and lips in bad weather. The product must be applied 30 minutes before going outside.
Use in children
For babies of different ages, the following preparations of the Aquamaris brand are used:
- "Baby spray" dosed. Produced in a 50 ml metal bottle, equipped with a special anatomical nozzle. It is prescribed for children from 3 months to speed up recovery after SARS.
- Drops "Aquamaris" - are intended for regular instillation into the nose of children from the first day of life (1-2 drops 2-4 times a day). The tool helps to soften the crusts, promotes rarefaction of thick mucus and its removal, moisturizes the mucosa and restores its normal functioning.
- Spray "Aquamaris Norm" - instructions for use recommend it for regular use in children from 2 years of age.
Newborns should instill drops by pressing the bottle with minimal effort. This is due to the risk of infection in the middle ear.

Instructions for use "Aquamaris Norm" and "Aquamaris Baby"
Recommendations for the use of "Aquamaris Baby":
- The procedure should be performed on the child in a supine position, turning his head to one side.
- Insert the tip of the bottle into the nasal passage from above.
- 2-3 nasal lavage.
- Sit baby up and help blow nose (for babies over 1 year old).
- Repeat as needed.
- Do the same procedure for the other nasal passage.

Instructions for use "Aquamaris Norm Spray" recommends using the drug in children as follows:
- For the treatment of babies 2-7 years old, you need to do 2 clicks in each nostril. Repeat the procedure 4 times during the day.
- Children and adolescents 7-16 years old are allowed to carry out the procedure 4-6 times a day, 2 injections.
- In order to prevent children 2-7 years old, 1 press is done 2-3 times a day.
- Children 7-16 years old - carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day, one injection alternately in each nasal passage.
Aquamarine Strong
The drug is intended for preparing a solution for washing the nasopharynx and reducing congestion in it. It is based on the sea water of the Adriatic, is available in the form of sachets or saline with a dispenser. To prepare the solution, the contents of the sachet must be poured into a special dispenser, then add boiled water and mix well.
In recent years, "Aquamaris Strong" is also available as a spray. When using it, it is recommended to do 1-2 injections in each nostril 3-4 times a day for 14 days. Approved for use in children over 1 year old. Price - about 240 rubles.

Analogues of the drug
Cheaper medicines containing sea s alt can also be bought at the pharmacy. Consider the analogues of "Aquamaris Spray", instructions for use of which, composition and cost are given below:
- "Morenazal" (produced in Russia) - nasal spray or drops for children under 1 year old, contains a sterile solution, including natural sea s alt, as well as minerals and trace elements. Price - from 200 rubles.
- "Marimer" (produced in France) - available in the form of an aerosol and nasal drops, packed in disposable bottles of 5 ml. Price - from 85 rubles.
- "Fluimarin" (Germany) - a nasal spray consisting of sea water (29%). It is used in the treatment of colds, has a decongestant and softening effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Approved for use in adults and children. Available in a 15 ml plastic spray bottle.
- "Physiomer" (France) - nasal hypertonic spray, intended for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and infectious diseases of the nose, ears and throat in adults and children from 2 years of age. Produced in a bottle of 135 ml of liquid. Price - about 420 rubles.
Preparing the tool yourself
For nasal irrigation in children and adults, you can make your own saline solution at home. The simplest recipe for washing the nasopharynx consists of 250 ml of distilled or boiled water, to which 1 tsp is added. s alt.
More complicated recipe:
- 1 l clean orboiled water.
- 1 ampoule of magnesium sulfate.
- 2 ampoules of calcium chloride.
- 1 tsp iodized s alt (heaped).

In accordance with the attached instructions for use, "Aquamaris Norm" is approved for use in women who are carrying a child or nursing. This is because sea s alt has only a local effect and cannot pass into breast milk or harm the fetus.
The only contraindication to the use of this drug is individual intolerance to sea s alt. No side effects after using Aquamaris Norm have been identified, which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews.
The drug is not able to have a systemic effect on the human body. It can also be used in combination with other drugs used to treat colds and inflammation in the nasopharynx.

User opinions
In their reviews of Aquamaris Norm, people note many of its advantages, including:
- Does not dry the nasal mucosa.
- Good as a prophylactic.
- There are no chemical components in the composition.
- Virtually no contraindications.
- Suitable for babies.
Disadvantages reported by users:
- Too high a price for a smallbottle of sea water.
- Can't cope with a runny nose.
- Dispenser may not work.