Correction of nasolabial folds: reviews, methods, results

Correction of nasolabial folds: reviews, methods, results
Correction of nasolabial folds: reviews, methods, results

The appearance of vertical creases on the skin, connecting the corners of the lips with the wings of the nose, upsets all women. Sooner or later, every person faces them, because their education is only a matter of time. Modern cosmetology offers several ways to correct nasolabial folds. Reviews of women who have undergone anti-aging procedures convince that with their help it was possible to significantly smooth out the creases and erase a few extra years from their faces.

Correction of nasolabial folds
Correction of nasolabial folds

Reasons for appearance

Today women have the opportunity to look younger than their peers 30 or 50 years ago. This advantage is given to them by modern cosmetology. Nasolabial folds can be smoothed out using various procedures. And in some cases, it can even be done at home.

Creases appear in absolutely all women, but at different ages. Someone discovers this unpleasant surprise at the age of 25. There are also lucky women who bypass this problem until the age of 40.

Nasolabial furrows are formed for the following reasons:

  1. Hypertonicity of the muscles in the mouth. They spasm and shorten, pulling the epidermis with them.
  2. Hypotonicity of the muscles. It doesn't happen very often. Excessive relaxation causes cheeks to sag.
  3. Heredity. For some people, furrows around the mouth are noticeable almost from birth.
  4. Decreased skin elasticity. In this case, a serious correction of the nasolabial folds is necessary. Feedback from patients and cosmetologists suggests that in this case, the most effective way is to introduce mesothreads or perform a surgical operation. With reduced skin turgor, not only folds form around the mouth, but also a large number of wrinkles on the face. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively.
  5. Bad habits. Especially smoking. Frequent muscle tension leads to the formation of creases. Drinking through a straw gives the same effect.
  6. Insufficient cosmetic care. Irregular cleansing of the skin, the use of low-quality creams, the abuse of the sun without the use of protective products.
  7. Sudden weight loss.
  8. Mistake.
  9. Displacement of the bones of the skull due to injuries.
  10. Articulation loads associated with professional activities. For example, actors or announcers.
Correction of nasolabial folds
Correction of nasolabial folds

Types of creases

Women quite often turn to cosmetologists with a request to correct nasolabial folds. In the reviews, experts note that in order to choose the most appropriate way to solve the problem, it is necessary to find out not only the cause of the formationcreases, but also their type.

In some cases, you can get rid of the crease with the help of massage. But there are situations when the situation can be corrected only by deciding on a circular facelift.

Crease classification:

  1. Stroke-fold. Subcutaneous tissues are not affected. This is a very fine wrinkle on the surface of the epidermis.
  2. Gap-fold. Deeper furrow. It develops against the background of withering of subcutaneous tissues.
  3. Gradient fold. It is quite difficult to completely smooth out. There is an impressive difference between the cheek and the upper lip.


Shallow furrows can be eliminated with mesotherapy. As well as biorevitalization. Depending on the needs of the skin, the cosmetologist, using a syringe with a small needle, injects a cocktail of vitamins and microelements into the mesoderm. Also amino acids. It moisturizes the skin, restores its turgor and smoothes wrinkles.

It is impossible to eliminate deep creases with the help of mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Such techniques are best used for prevention, in the case when wrinkles are just beginning to form. And also in combination with other procedures.


This technique allows you to transform a woman's face in one procedure. Even experts note that the introduction of fillers into the nasolabial folds gives a really good visual effect. Patient feedback confirms that this is the most popular correction method.

Now they are based on hyaluronic acid. There was a time when cosmetologists used various polymer gels, butnow they are practically abandoned. Hyaluronic acid is safe and completely eliminated from the body within 6-12 months. It leaves behind moisturized and rejuvenated skin. The new filler can then be used.

Filler injection into the nasolabial folds
Filler injection into the nasolabial folds

Everyone wants the result of the procedure to please and last as long as possible. To do this, it is necessary to introduce high-quality fillers into the nasolabial folds. Reviews of experts say that these include:

  1. Juvederm.
  2. Restyline.
  3. Surgiderm.
  4. Princess.
  5. Belotero.

The use of these drugs reduces the risk of side effects to zero. And also for a long time to keep the result.

Botulinum toxin

Botox is not injected into the nasolabial folds. This can lead to complications. For example, the patient may have unnatural facial expressions or the corners of the mouth may drop. Therefore, the injection is performed in the muscle responsible for the development of creases. The toxin blocks the flow of nerve impulses. The muscle relaxes and stops pulling the skin along.

Correction of nasolabial folds
Correction of nasolabial folds

In fact, injections of botulinum toxin into the nasolabial folds are a rather controversial method. Experts still have not come to a consensus on the advisability of its implementation. Some doctors deny the possibility of developing any positive changes after the procedure. Others insist on them. While still others use Botox injections in combination with otherdrugs.

Facial gymnastics

More and more popular exercises from nasolabial folds. This is an excellent method of preventing and combating subtle age-related changes. Exercise allows you to keep the muscles in good shape, preventing them from being hyper or hypotonic. They also improve blood circulation and lymph flow.

Most effective exercises:

  1. The lips are tightly compressed and pulled inward. Then they smile as widely as possible, trying to raise the corners of the mouth. Repeat about 10 times.
  2. Shape your lips into the shape of the letter "O", tighten the muscles for five seconds, then relax.
  3. Inflate your cheeks as much as possible, then squeeze out the air with force.

Bio-reinforcement of the face

Often, cosmetologists, to whom clients turn to with a question about how to tighten nasolabial folds, are advised to use special threads. They form a framework under the skin, which increases its elasticity and smoothes wrinkles.

Up to 40-45 years, it is recommended to use absorbable material. It is injected with the help of special needles and fixed according to a certain pattern. The threads stretch the skin, smoothing wrinkles. In parallel, a fibrous tissue is formed around the implanted material, which acts as a framework for the skin. It also boosts collagen production. The thread itself is gradually absorbed and excreted from the body.

Tightening of nasolabial folds with threads
Tightening of nasolabial folds with threads

After 45 years, the skin needs more reliable fixation. For this, gold and platinum threads are used. They are thinner than a human hair and canstay under the skin for life. When repeating the procedure or before carrying out contouring, the material must be removed in advance.


You can tighten the nasolabial folds with a massage. It helps to cope with mild creases for people with high muscle tone on the face. You can do the massage yourself. But it is better to entrust this procedure to a professional. With self-massage, it is impossible to achieve complete relaxation and it is rather difficult to work out all problem areas with high quality.

Facial massage
Facial massage

The procedure should be done in courses, two to three times a year. The most effective rejuvenating massages include:

  1. Plastic.
  2. Myofascial.
  3. Intraoral.

Cosmetic fillers

Filling the nasolabial folds can be done without the use of injections. For this, there are special cosmetic fillers, which include hyaluronic acid, collagen and various plant extracts. These drugs are available in the form of creams or gels, which must be applied to problem areas.

Cosmetic filler pushes the nasolabial fold out, smoothing the skin and improving its relief. It restores the natural volume of the epidermis at the site of the wrinkle. Unfortunately, cosmetic fillers only work if they are on the skin. After removing makeup, the wonderful effect of smoothing wrinkles disappears.

Some cosmetologists oppose the use of such cosmetic products. They think the placeholdercloses the wrinkle with a silicone film and provokes the development of edema. Thanks to this, a temporary smoothing of the skin is achieved.

Patient Feedback

Each method of correction of nasolabial folds has its fans and opponents. Reviews of patients who have eliminated creases with hyaluronic acid fillers indicate that they consider this procedure the most effective and regularly repeat it. This technique allows you to get instant results. The patient can appreciate the changes the moment the doctor uses the syringe and completes the procedure.

Correction of nasolabial folds reviews
Correction of nasolabial folds reviews

The use of bio-reinforcement also gives an impressive result. But judging by the reviews, the procedure is painful and requires a long recovery. In addition, various undesirable effects often develop after the introduction of threads.

There is a category of women who tend to use only natural remedies in the fight against nasolabial folds and skin aging. They do facial exercises regularly. And also at least three times a year they take courses of 10-15 massages. Many of them achieve impressive results without the use of Botox and fillers.
