What is a rare blood phenotype?

What is a rare blood phenotype?
What is a rare blood phenotype?

If you donated blood at least once in your life as a donor, you probably learned some interesting new information about yourself related to the individual characteristics of your body. How do you know if your blood phenotype is a rare type? And what is this strange characteristic feature of the organism?

blood under a microscope
blood under a microscope

Compatibility of people

The study of this feature is necessary first of all in order to understand the compatibility of the blood of the donor and the patient who expects to receive it. If the phenotypes do not match, transfusion can lead to severe complications, even death of the patient. Thus, a patient with a 2 negative blood group cannot be transfused with the same group, but with the presence of a positive Rh factor. Looking ahead, I would like to add that the Latin letter D is responsible for the Rh factor, in the presence of which the patient is considered Rh-positive in the phenotype and vice versa.

finger blood
finger blood

Checking blood compatibility is carried out primarily by matching antigens,with varying potency, also called immunogenicity.

Antigens A and B

One of the key factors influencing the determination of the blood phenotype is the presence of antigens, denoted by the Latin letters A and B. In the absence of both types of red blood cells, the blood group is considered I, if only A is present - II, if only B is present. If the composition contains erythrocytes A and B - this is group IV. Based on the above designations, we can conclude that I blood type can be transfused to any person, but its owner is allowed to transfuse only I. People who do not have A and B antigens are considered to have a rare blood phenotype. If erythrocytes to which the body has no resistance get inside, this can lead to irreversible processes. They certainly will not entail the recovery of the patient.

test tubes with blood
test tubes with blood

Rare blood phenotype by group

According to statistics, the frequency of "occurrence" as a percentage of the total population of the planet is:

  • I – about 34%;
  • II – 38%;
  • III – 21%;
  • IV group – 8%.

As you can see, the rarest blood type is VI. Digressing from the main topic, I would like to draw attention to the fact that there is a theory of the dependence of the character and interests of a person on his blood type. This kind of research was carried out by Japanese scientists, who were convinced of the truth of their guesses. It turned out that the blood type is not only a characteristic hereditary trait, but alsoIt has the strongest development on the personality itself, its views and beliefs. In addition, knowing this feature of the body, you can be sure which foods your body will absorb much better than others.

According to this version, the owners of the first blood group are endowed with strong he alth, are less prone to mental illness, and are also considered to have a strong will and spirit. They are recommended to eat poultry and beef.

The owners of the second blood group are diligent and hardworking, used to bringing their affairs to the end. They have friendliness and easily converge with people, and also have empathy at an innate level. Such people love pork and tolerate it well.

Those who were born with the third blood type, as a rule, easily adapt to new life situations, and are also prone to perfectionism. They like to do what they want, and they are quite freedom-loving. Lamb is the best for them.

The owners of the fourth blood type tend to be guided by the second between reason and feelings. They are often leaders in any company and it is easy for them to convince others of their point of view. Any food is suitable for such people, they tolerate almost any innovation in the diet well.

Rare Rh factor

blood donation
blood donation

The next aspect that affects the compatibility of people's blood is the definition of the Rh factor. These antigens include: D, d, C, c, E, e. Between themselves they form pairs, such as DD, dd, CC, cc, EE, her, Dd, Cc, Her. According to statistics, onall over the planet, the most frequent Rh antigens are found with the following frequency:

  • D – about 85%;
  • C - 70%;
  • E - 30%;
  • s – 80%
  • e – 97%

Thus, rare blood phenotypes by Rh factor include ccDEE, CCDEe, CcDEE. Most common phenotypes: CcDEe, CcDee, ccDEe, CCDee, ccddee.

Hopefully this article has helped you answer the question of what kind of blood is considered rare. I would like to believe that the information you read motivates you to donate and help other people!
