Throat cancer: symptoms in the early stages

Throat cancer: symptoms in the early stages
Throat cancer: symptoms in the early stages

In this article, we will look at the first symptoms of throat cancer.

This is a very common pathology, however, it cannot be said that it is among the leaders among other malignant tumors. The incidence of this type of cancer is approximately 8%, and most often this tumor is found in elderly men, smokers and people suffering from frequent inflammation of the larynx. In women, this cancer of the throat is much less common.

throat cancer symptoms in women
throat cancer symptoms in women

What are the first symptoms and signs of throat cancer? In the photo in the article you can see where the tumor develops.

The risk of pathology increases significantly in smokers, regardless of gender and age. In addition, it is noted that residents of large cities suffer from malignant tumors of the larynx more often than people living in villages.

What are the symptoms of throat cancer?

A disease in the early stages of development is not distinguished by the occurrence of specific symptoms, therefore, for a long period it can hide under the guise of a variety of inflammatory processes, which leads to delayed diagnosis and difficulties in treatment.

Factorsrisk and precancerous condition

Malignant neoplasms most often develop against the background of already existing pathological processes or under the influence of external adverse factors.

Among the risk factors, the main ones are:

  1. Smoking, which at times increases the risk of cancer.
  2. Work in hazardous industries - in conditions of dust, gas pollution, high or low temperatures.
  3. The use of alcoholic beverages, the vapors of which irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx.
  4. Excessive vocal loads typical of singers and teachers.

Changes that may precede signs and symptoms of throat cancer:

  1. Chronic forms of laryngitis, especially in cases of mucosal hyperplasia.
  2. Papilloma of the larynx.
  3. Leukoplakia - the formation of areas of keratinization of the mucosa, as well as other dystrophic changes against the background of chronic inflammatory processes.
  4. Pachydermia.

Papilloma of the larynx and epithelial dysplasia, accompanied by other changes in the mucous membrane, are a precancerous condition that most often turns into a malignant tumor.

Symptoms of cancer of the throat and larynx are important to recognize in a timely manner.

Features of the formation and structure of a throat tumor

An important characteristic of a malignant tumor in the throat is its histological structure. Since most of the larynx is covered with stratified epithelium, which becomes the source of neoplasia, the most common forms of cancerin this case, squamous, keratinized or non-keratinized.

throat cancer early symptoms
throat cancer early symptoms

A photo of the symptoms of cancer of the throat and larynx is presented below.

When the cells of an oncological tumor have developed to the stage that is accompanied by the formation of a horny substance, keratinizing cancer occurs. It is considered a differentiated variant, characterized by slow growth and later metastasis. The prognosis for the patient in this situation is relatively favorable.

When malignant cells do not form a horny substance, we are talking about poorly differentiated non-keratinizing cancer. This variant is characterized by rapid growth and metastasis and, as a result, an unfavorable prognosis.

Signs and symptoms of throat cancer can develop both exophytically and infiltratively, deepening into tissues and not disturbing the mucosal surface at the initial stages of development.

The vestibular region is most often affected. This localization of the tumor of the larynx is considered the most unfavorable in terms of metastasis and subsequent course. A little less often, the tumor develops in the middle and rarely - in the lower section.

The vestibular localization of the neoplasm is characterized by rapid metastasis, since this department has a large amount of fiber and a developed network of lymphatic vessels. Through them, pathological cells reach the regional lymph nodes. In addition, often such tumors are found in advanced stages, which is directly related to non-specific symptoms that hide the disease under the guise of pharyngitis.

In the middle section, cancer is found less frequently, and its location can be considered favorable. The tumor in this case is unilateral and affects the vocal cords. It grows in the form of a bumpy formation, which eventually ulcerates and becomes inflamed with overlays of fibrin, which gives the tumor a whitish tint. As the malignancy grows, the mobility of the vocal folds is limited up to their absolute immobilization.

As for the metastasis of oncology of the larynx, its intensity depends on the age of the patient - the younger he is, the faster it happens.

Symptoms of throat cancer vary by stage.

throat cancer symptoms photo
throat cancer symptoms photo


To determine the stage of malignant tumors in the larynx, oncologists use the traditional TNM classification, which most accurately characterizes the features of the malignant process. The symbol T indicates the location of the tumor and its size, N - changes in the lymph nodes, M - the presence or absence of metastases. Based on this, it is possible to determine the stages of the cancer process, which include:

  1. The first stage. Throat cancer symptoms are mild or non-existent. It is characterized by a small size of the tumor, which does not reach the border of the anatomical parts of the larynx in the absence of metastases.
  2. At the second stage, the formation occupies the entire department and reaches its borders, however, metastasis is still not observed.
  3. At the third stage, the formation is able to go beyond the throat and grow intoneighboring tissues. At the same time, there is an increase in regional lymph nodes and sometimes distant metastases.
  4. At the fourth stage of the oncological process, the presence of distant metastasis is observed, regardless of the size of the tumor and the nature of the damage to the lymph nodes. Symptoms of throat cancer are pronounced.

Signs of throat cancer

The main signs of cancer in this area do not differ in specificity and severity of symptoms, especially in the early stages of development, so patients often do not rush to the doctor.

Changes that are untreatable and even get worse cause people to still seek medical help.

The most characteristic symptoms of throat cancer in the early stages are:

  • dryness in the nasopharynx, inconvenience when swallowing, a feeling of sore throat;
  • voice changes.

These signs are often observed in patients who suffer from chronic pharyngitis or laryngitis, as well as in long-term smokers and the elderly. Such manifestations can hide the presence of a malignant process for a long time.

Later, similar symptoms of cancer of the throat and larynx are joined by pains that are permanent and can radiate to the ear, and in advanced cases, there is a manifestation of cancer intoxication and cachexia.

Early stage throat cancer is characterized by the appearance of these symptoms, as well as the presence of a tumor-like neoplasm in the larynx, which is determined using laryngoscopy.

Symptoms of throat cancer in women and men are determined by the location of the neoplasia in onefrom its parts. Thus, during the formation of a malignant neoplasm in the upper part, pharyngitis-like symptoms occur: dryness, difficulty in swallowing, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, and perspiration. Later, ulcers may appear and the tissue of the formation may disintegrate, which is why putrefactive odor from the mouth and blood in the sputum separated by coughing are often observed.

But since there are often no symptoms of throat cancer in the early stages, the pathology is diagnosed exactly when the manifestations are already pronounced.

Neoplasia, which develops in the middle section, usually affects the vocal cords, and the first signs of the disease are a violation of speech functions: a change in the timbre of the voice, hoarseness, and sometimes a complete absence of voice. In cases of exophytic development of a malignant tumor, respiratory failure may be observed, and if the tumor grows into the neck, difficulty in swallowing.

When a tumor progresses in any part of the larynx, especially with the development of metastases, there are signs of intoxication, loss of appetite, people lose weight and become lethargic. Pain is added to these symptoms, characterized by tumor growth into neighboring tissues, as well as damage to blood vessels, nerve endings and cartilage.

With further development of the neoplasm, it may grow into the esophagus, which is often accompanied by dysphagia and indigestion.

Symptoms of throat cancer in women

A consultation with a dentist or an otolaryngologist is mandatory if at least three of the symptoms described below appear (provided thatthat they do not go away after 10-14 days): hoarseness of voice (sometimes - complete loss); barking cough without expectoration; feeling of "lump" in the throat; difficulty swallowing saliva or food (even liquid consistency); the presence of blood streaks in saliva, sputum or nasal secretions; sensation of sore throat without signs of colds; severe swelling in the tissues of the neck; an increase in lymph nodes in the cervical region; violation of the work of taste buds; bitter taste in the mouth; sore throat (reminiscent of pain in a sore throat); ear pain (possibly hearing loss and complete deafness); bad breath; breathing difficulties (short, h alting, painful breathing).

throat cancer symptoms in the early stages
throat cancer symptoms in the early stages

Diagnosis of disease

Like any malignant tumor, throat cancer needs to be detected as early as possible, because only in this case it is possible to achieve positive results from treatment.

If symptoms of throat cancer appear in the early stages, you should visit an ENT specialist who will prescribe all the necessary examinations. Examination of the pharynx allows you to establish the fact of the occurrence of any neoplasm. The doctor pays special attention to the condition of the cervical lymph nodes, an increase in which is the first sign of cancer. With the help of palpation, their consistency, size and mobility are determined. As the tumor develops, the lymph nodes thicken, increase, and their poor displacement is observed up to complete fixation in the tissues.

The main method for diagnosing symptoms and early signs of throat cancer is toAn early stage is laryngoscopy, which allows you to see the tumor in the vestibular region, as well as on the vocal folds. For a more detailed diagnosis, laryngoscopy is complemented by the use of microscopes (microlaryngoscopy).

Very often, in order to diagnose the symptoms of throat cancer in the early stages, X-ray studies, CT and MRI are used, which allows assessing the condition of the throat in various projections.

Histology is an obligatory component of diagnostic measures. When the presence of a malignant neoplasm is determined during laryngoscopy, but histological examination does not confirm it, a second biopsy may be performed. Such cases may be associated with superficial sampling of biological material, as well as the presence of inflammation in the tumor and its combination with a concomitant disease, for example, tuberculosis.

The first symptoms of throat cancer in the photo presented in the article reflect the area of localization of the disease.

If after a triple biopsy it is not possible to establish a diagnosis, the patient undergoes removal of the tumor (partially or completely) and sends it for urgent histological examination. If the diagnosis is determined, surgical measures continue with the removal of the larynx according to the technology adopted for the treatment of such diseases.

Despite the relatively small range of diagnostic methods for determining laryngeal cancer, its early detection is quite possible.

What to do if you have symptoms of throat cancer in the early and advanced stages?

Possibilities and types of treatment for laryngeal cancer

The treatment of this pathology is a very difficult task, especially when it comes to advanced cases. The throat is a very complex unpaired organ, so its removal entails a serious disability of a person. In such cases, it is very important to detect cancer in its early form, which allows you to maintain spontaneous breathing, swallowing and the ability to speak.

The choice of the method of surgical therapy, as well as the need for radiation and chemotherapy, depends on the stage, localization and histological structure of the malignant neoplasm.

The main and most effective method of treating such a disease is a surgical operation to remove the tumor. This treatment is in most cases accompanied by radiation therapy.

The stage of the disease also determines the amount of surgery. For example, at the first symptoms of cancer of the throat and larynx, sometimes it is enough to remove the tumor itself, for the second - the cancer-affected section. With the third and fourth degree of the oncological process in the larynx, radical methods of removing the entire larynx are often resorted to.

At the present stage of development of medicine, the main types of such operations are:

  1. Laryngectomy - removal of the larynx - a very traumatic and difficult type of treatment.
  2. Resection - removal of part of the throat.
  3. Reconstructive and plastic surgery that aims to restore breathing and swallowing functions after laryngectomy.
throat cancer symptoms andlarynx
throat cancer symptoms andlarynx

If there is a small tumor on the vocal folds, one of these folds can be removed. This operation is called chordectomy. It is very effective, especially in subsequent radiotherapy. Removing half of the throat is called a hemilaryngectomy. Photos of throat cancer symptoms are presented in the article.

In case of cancerous neoplasms of the third stage, as well as in case of impossibility of resection, a total laryngectomy is performed, as a rule, with removal of the hyoid bone, as well as the root of the tongue. Such a surgical intervention is very traumatic, after which the patient has no chance of independent breathing and nutrition, which is an indication for a tracheostomy - the installation of a special device on the neck for breathing and a nasoesophageal probe.

If lymph nodes are involved in the process, they are also removed along with neck tissue and other affected tissues.

Radiotherapy is also a very relevant method in the fight against a malignant tumor of the larynx, and in the early stages of cancer, it can be used as an independent therapy. In this case, external and internal irradiation is performed using different carriers that are injected directly into the affected tissues.

throat cancer symptoms stage
throat cancer symptoms stage

With the help of such radiation, the tumor can be reduced in size, which helps to prevent the development of recurrence in the postoperative period.

Radiation and chemotherapy

Chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant tumors of the larynxplays only an auxiliary role and is used as an adjunct to surgery and radiation therapy. The purpose of using chemotherapy drugs is to prevent the possible spread of cancer cells through the blood and lymphatic vessels, which is metastases.

In all cases of development of malignant neoplasms of the larynx, it is mandatory to prescribe painkillers, vitamins and antioxidants, and in the postoperative period, antibiotic therapy should be carried out to ensure the prevention of various infectious complications.

Folk remedies and nutrition

Folk remedies for such diseases do not have independent significance and can only be used as components of complex therapy. For gargling, you can use various infusions and decoctions of herbs - chamomile, bay leaf, St.

Eating for oncological diseases of the throat does not differ significantly from the usual one, however, it is necessary to adhere to a more sparing diet, which provides for limited consumption of rough, very hot and cold foods. In addition, you should completely stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

throat cancer symptoms stage
throat cancer symptoms stage

Disease prognosis

Prognosis for malignant tumors of the larynx is determined by howtheir treatment was started in a timely manner, and also depends on the nature of the growth and localization of the neoplasm. If an oncological tumor is detected in the first or second stages, a successful outcome can be expected, in the third - in more than half of the patients, the prognosis is also good, only therapy for oncology of the larynx of the fourth stage can only slightly prolong the life of the patient.

At the first signs and symptoms of throat cancer (the photo can also be found online), you should immediately go to the doctor.

As for the preventive measures of oncology, they are simple methods, such as maintaining a he althy lifestyle, fighting bad habits, quality nutrition and timely treatment of inflammatory diseases. You should not wait until the disease goes away on its own, as this is the main mistake of all cancer patients who, at the first symptoms of throat cancer, did not start timely treatment.
