Malignant tumor of the thyroid gland: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Malignant tumor of the thyroid gland: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Malignant tumor of the thyroid gland: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Malignant tumors of the thyroid gland are formed from the cells of this organ. Pathology is considered quite rare. It accounts for 1% of all cancers and less than 0.5% of deaths.

The greatest redistribution of morbidity is observed at about 45-60 years old, but cancer can develop at any age, including children and adolescents. At an early age, the tumor manifests itself more aggressively than in adult patients. Women become victims of this pathology 2-3 times more often than men.

malignant thyroid tumor
malignant thyroid tumor

The disease is more common in regions that have been exposed to radiation, as well as where there is not enough natural iodine.

Malignant tumors of the thyroid gland are non-aggressive neoplasms. They may not increase in size for years and not metastasize. However, this is not a reason to ignore the disease. Modern diagnostic methodsallow you to identify the pathology at an early stage and start treatment on time.


The factors that provoke the development of malignant tumors of the thyroid gland have not been fully established. Nevertheless, doctors name many reasons that can significantly increase the likelihood of developing the disease. These include:

  1. Radioactive exposure. Scientific tests have proven that after such an investment, the number of cases of the disease increases 15 times. Also, radioactive rain poses some danger.
  2. Radiotherapy to the neck and head. Prolonged exposure to x-rays can cause tumor development even after several years. The cells of the human body become prone to mutation, division and active growth. Similar processes ensure the development of follicular and papillary varieties of tumors.
  3. Genetic predisposition. Scientists have established a special gene that can be inherited. It is responsible for the development of thyroid cancer. If it is present in a person, then the risk of a tumor is almost 100%. When such a gene is found, doctors may suggest prophylactic thyroidectomy.
  4. Over 40 years old. Although cancer can also occur in children, the risk increases significantly with age. In the process of aging, malfunctions in gland cells at the gene level occur more often.
  5. Professional hazards. The most dangerous activities are considered to be activities with ionizing radiation, in hot shops or work with heavymetals.
  6. Bad habits such as alcoholism and smoking often provoke malignant tumors of the thyroid gland. Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens, and alcohol weakens the body's natural defenses against cancer cells.
  7. Stressful situations and depressions that significantly undermine immunity. And since it is immune cells that are able to naturally destroy cancer cells, this does not happen and a malignant tumor occurs.
signs of thyroid cancer
signs of thyroid cancer

Chronic pathologies

The following chronic pathologies can contribute to the appearance of benign and malignant tumors of the thyroid gland:

  1. Diseases of the genital organs in women. These are most often chronic pathologies of the ovaries and uterus, especially if they are accompanied by hormonal disorders.
  2. Multiple endocrine neoplasia.
  3. Breast tumors are hormone-dependent malignant and benign neoplasms of the breast in women.
  4. Polyps in the rectum and colon cancer.
  5. Multinodular goiter.

Let's look at the main symptoms of thyroid cancer in women and men.


The structure of the thyroid gland resembles a butterfly. It is located under the cartilage on the front of the neck and is covered by the skin. Due to this localization, it can be easily felt and seen on ultrasound. This greatly simplifies the diagnosis of the disease.

The first sign of a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland is the occurrence inorgan tissue of a small nodule. It can be seen under the skin, it has the form of a small elevation. In the early stages of its formation, the nodule may be elastic and painless, its mobility is rather limited. It does not grow into the skin, rolling under it. Over time, the formation increases in size and becomes more dense.

Many people have thyroid nodules, but 5% of them are malignant tumors. If such a lump appears in a child, it is urgent to inform the doctor about this, since at the age of 20 years there should be no seals of this organ.

Another early symptom of a malignant tumor is an enlarged lymph node in the neck. In some cases, this may be the only sign of illness.

Other symptoms

In the later stages, when the neoplasm becomes larger, other signs of a malignant thyroid tumor appear:

  • difficulty swallowing;
  • pain in the neck, which may be seen in the ear;
  • feeling of a lump in the larynx;
  • cough that is not caused by colds or allergies;
  • hoarse voice;
  • swollen neck veins;
  • breathing difficulties and shortness of breath.
thyroid cancer treatment
thyroid cancer treatment

These symptoms are due to the fact that the malignant formation has reached a large size and began to compress neighboring organs: the trachea and esophagus. Metastases in the laryngeal nerve and in the tissues of the vocal cords - the causes of the changevotes.

Symptoms in women with thyroid cancer can also manifest themselves in the form of "hot flashes", like those that occur during menopause, hormonal imbalances, resulting in menstrual irregularities, and periodic pain in the mammary glands.


The thyroid gland produces many hormones that regulate the metabolic processes of the human body, therefore it contains a variety of cells in its structure. They are the basis for various forms of cancer, which include:

  • Papillary thyroid tumor. Such cancerous growths on their surface have many protrusions that resemble papillae. Because of this, the tumor becomes like a fern leaf. Papillary tumor belongs to the category of highly differentiated neoplasms. This means that at first glance, abnormal cells do not differ from normal thyroid cells. Papillary oncology is the most common form of pathology - about 80% of all cases. Such a tumor is characterized by slow growth and non-aggressive manifestations. It does not tend to form metastases and responds well to therapy. In women, papillary tumors occur 3 times more often than in men, and this occurs at the age of 30-50 years.
  • Follicular tumor, which is characterized by the presence of rounded vesicles - follicles. It occurs in approximately 10-15% of cases; and most commonly in older women. The tumor usually does not grow into the surrounding tissues, nearby blood vessels and does notmetastases, which is why it is also called "minimally invasive". However, 70% of follicular tumors are quite aggressive. Cancer begins to spread not only to the lymph nodes and blood vessels, but also to distant organs: the lungs and bones. Such metastases can be treated with radioactive iodine. The prognosis of the disease is very favorable, especially in patients younger than 50 years. In older people, the disease is often complicated by multiple metastases.
malignant thyroid tumor removal and consequences
malignant thyroid tumor removal and consequences
  • Medullary tumor is a rather rare type of thyroid cancer. In 5-8% of cases, it is formed from parafillicular cells that produce the hormone calcitonin, which regulates the level of calcium and phosphorus, as well as bone growth processes. Medullary tumor is the most dangerous, unlike the previous forms. Through the capsule, it can grow into the muscles and trachea. The disease is accompanied by a feeling of heat, "hot flashes", redness of the face and stool disorders. Medullary tumors are detected in people after 40-50 years. It affects both sexes equally. The tendency to such neoplasms is inherited. However, there is also a sporadic form of such a tumor, when there is no hereditary predisposition to its development. Medullary cancer may be accompanied by other dysfunctions of the endocrine glands - multiple endocrine neoplasia. The cells of such a tumor, unlike other forms of cancer, do not absorb iodine. Therefore, the use of radioactive iodine in this case is ineffective. The only way to get rid of such a tumor is by surgery. It is required to remove the cervical lymph nodes and the thyroid gland completely. In patients over 50 years of age, the prognosis of the disease is unfavorable.
  • Anaplastic tumor is a very rare form of cancer of the gland, in which atypical cells develop in it. They lose their functions and actively divide. Aplastic tumors occur in 3% of cases, and this is observed in people after 65 years, more often in women than in men. The pathological process is characterized by the rapid spread of metastases throughout the body, as well as the fact that it is inadequately amenable to therapy and has the most unfavorable prognosis.

Thyroid cancer diagnosis

Ultrasound machines are used to examine the thyroid gland. This procedure helps to determine the size of the gland, the presence of nodules and tumors in it, to find out their size and exact localization. However, such a study cannot determine whether a nodule in the gland is a malignant tumor. The greatest concern is caused by nodes that, on ultrasound, have uneven and fuzzy edges, an inhomogeneous structure, and are distinguished by a well-developed circulatory system.

malignant thyroid tumor prognosis
malignant thyroid tumor prognosis

To find out what cells the neoplasm consists of, aspiration fine-needle puncture biopsy, which is carried out under ultrasound control, helps. A special thin needle is inserted into the nodule, with the help of which a sample of cells is taken for examination. This is a very low-traumatic and accurate diagnostic method.

Besidesinstrumental studies, laboratory tests are carried out - enzyme immunoassay, general and analysis for thyroid hormones.

Treatment of a malignant tumor

The most common method of treating malignant pathologies of this organ is its removal. An indication for surgery is even a suspicion of an oncological process. If the biopsy method confirmed that there are cancer cells in the node, then it definitely needs to be removed. If the neoplasm is small, the doctor will suggest removing a separate part of the thyroid gland along with the isthmus. This surgery is called a hemithyroidectomy. The remaining part of the gland takes over the production of hormones.

What kind of surgery is performed for a malignant thyroid tumor?

Most experts believe that the best option is the complete removal of the organ - thyroidectomy. Only in this case, you can be absolutely sure that the tumor will not reappear. If this happens, it will be necessary to repeat the intervention, which contributes to the development of negative consequences, for example, this leads to vocal cord paresis.

If a malignant tumor has grown into nearby tissues and the area of the lymph nodes, they are also removed. This intervention is called lymph node dissection and thyroidectomy. The surgeon excised the gland, fatty tissue and lymph nodes in the cervical area.

malignant thyroid tumor causes
malignant thyroid tumor causes

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about an hour, and if necessarywill remove the lymph nodes, then 2-3 hours. The specialist removes the gland, restores blood circulation to he althy tissues and stitches.

What are the consequences of removing a malignant thyroid tumor, read below.


Many studies have shown that patients tolerate surgery quite well, and after it they continue to work and lead a normal life. Patients after removal of the thyroid gland can become pregnant and give birth to a child. The only caveat is that after the removal of this organ, a person needs to constantly take certain medications, which make up for the lack of hormones. Such drugs are prescribed for life.

Postoperative complications

There is a small chance of postoperative complications. This is severe swelling, bleeding, or suppuration of the wound. In addition, in the process of surgical manipulations, the nerve endings responsible for the functions of the vocal cords and disruption of the activity of the parathyroid glands can be damaged. The endings of the laryngeal recurrent nerves are located close to the thyroid gland. In order to avoid damaging them, surgeons use high-precision electrical instruments. But in some situations, injury cannot be avoided. There is a loss or hoarseness of voice, coughing. This phenomenon can be observed temporarily, but sometimes the consequences of the operation can remain for life.

Also, many are interested in the prognosis for a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland. More on that later.


Forecast prettyoptimistic than for other cancers. For example, in patients younger than 45 years old with a tumor size of up to 3 cm, there is a 100% guarantee of recovery. In elderly patients with advanced forms of cancer, the prognosis is not so favorable.

thyroid cancer surgery
thyroid cancer surgery

How long do people with thyroid cancer live?

At the same time, much depends on the form of the neoplasm and the stage of its development. With a papillary tumor, the five-year survival rate is 95-100%, with a follicular tumor - 55%, with a medullary tumor - 30%, with an aplastic tumor - even less, which is associated with intensive tumor growth and the formation of metastases in distant tissues and organs.

We looked at the causes of thyroid cancer and how to treat it.
