Inhaler "Nicorette": reviews of smokers

Inhaler "Nicorette": reviews of smokers
Inhaler "Nicorette": reviews of smokers

Many people who want to get rid of their bad habits are in constant search of an effective solution to the problem. And modern pharmaceutical companies meet those who suffer from addiction by offering more and more new remedies every year. One of the most effective and simple solutions, according to user reviews, is the Nicorette inhaler. But to achieve this goal, you should know how to use this tool correctly and what to expect from it.

Mechanism of action

So, what is the Nicorette inhaler and how exactly does it work? First of all, it should be said that it does not contain dangerous chemicals and tars contained in ordinary cigarettes. The inhaler contains nicotine, but it is medical and absolutely not dangerous for the body.

With this tool, you can get rid of addiction more easily. This is due to the fact that medical nicotine is absorbed much more slowly and enters the bloodstream in smaller quantities. The use of the Nicorette inhaler makes it possible to make the withdrawal syndrome less pronounced and severe. BUTafter all, it is he who most often causes a person to return to his former habit.

Benefits of the Nicorette inhaler
Benefits of the Nicorette inhaler

In fact, there are several varieties of addiction, one of which is the behavioral form. People with this problem usually smoke only in the company of friends. But staying at home, they may not remember cigarettes at all. People with such an addiction are able to easily overcome a bad habit with an inhaler. It is also perfect for those who prefer to quit cigarettes gradually.

Device Benefits

According to the instructions for use and reviews, the Nicorette inhaler does not provoke addiction, unlike regular cigarettes. In addition, users note several more advantages of this device, the main ones being:

  • ease and speed of use;
  • possibility to quit tobacco gradually;
  • no significant contraindications;
  • no smoke, and therefore no negative impact on other people and the smoker himself;
  • convenient release form.
  • Photo inhaler "Nicorette"
    Photo inhaler "Nicorette"

By the way, the product is made in the form of a mouthpiece. The Nicorette inhaler is very convenient to take with you and use it.


According to users, the device also has some disadvantages. For example, some people complain of side effects such as coughing and discomfort inthroat that appears immediately after using the inhaler. For those who are in the office or other public place, the release form of the product is not quite suitable. It is inconvenient for such people to use the mouthpiece, because of which they have a strong desire to smoke. Although the manufacturer offers another way to solve the problem - patches and tablets.

How to use the Nicorette inhaler

According to numerous reviews, this device is not only effective, but also very convenient to use. In the photo of the Nicorette inhaler, you can see the simplicity of its device. How to use this tool? Very simple! Cartridges with nicotine need only be inserted into a special plastic mouthpiece. Replacement products are available in the form of capsules. Each cartridge contains a porous material cylinder containing approximately 10mg of medical grade nicotine.

How to use the Nicorette inhaler
How to use the Nicorette inhaler

When a person has a strong desire to smoke, he should take the assembled mouthpiece and take 2 deep breaths. As a result, medical nicotine enters the blood through the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is noteworthy that the breathing apparatus is not involved in the process.

Application features

If you are using an inhaler for the first time, do not take too deep breaths. This way you can prevent dizziness. The effect of using the Nicorette inhaler appears gradually.

Each cartridge is enough for several inhalations. Due to himYou can replace about four cigarettes. During the day, do not use more than 12 cartridges. Although usually 5 pieces are enough for the average smoker.

How to use the inhaler
How to use the inhaler

The full dosage suggested in the instructions can be used for two months. Then a person should gradually reduce the number of cartridges used, and after a while completely abandon the device. Thus, you can get rid of tobacco addiction without negative symptoms and all sorts of problems.


According to users, the Nicorette inhaler may cause some side effects. Although such symptoms are characteristic of the body's reaction to the effects of nicotine in any form. The level of severity of side effects is determined by the dosage taken.

Often, an overdose of the drug leads to irritation of the pharynx and oral cavity, as well as coughing. Usually, patients experience these side effects at the initial stage of therapy.

Negative manifestations

Other symptoms may develop, including:

  • migraines;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • hiccup;
  • minor disruption of the digestive tract;
  • nasal congestion.
  • Side effects of the inhaler
    Side effects of the inhaler

It is extremely rare for a person using a Nicorette mouthpiece to experience palpitations and arrhythmia.

As forinsomnia, dizziness, causeless anxiety and headaches, all these are signs of tobacco withdrawal syndrome. To avoid an overdose of the product, follow the instructions for its use exactly.

In addition, it is worth saying that the use of an inhaler is considered dangerous for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Before starting therapy in such cases, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Reviews of smokers about the inhaler "Nicorette"

In fact, the responses of people who have tried the effect of this device on themselves vary significantly. Some users actually succeeded in giving up cigarettes with this product, while others continued to search for more effective drugs after using the inhaler.

Obviously, most of the negative reviews are connected, of course, with the unsuccessful attempts of people to get rid of a bad habit. Although in fact, blaming the drug for this is not entirely correct. Indeed, often the reason that a person cannot give up tobacco lies in the strength of his habit and unwillingness to fight it. Such reviews are usually not supported by anything. After all, the inhaler is not a panacea, it only helps a person get rid of nicotine addiction at the physiological level, but psychologically the patient must come to this decision on his own.

Reviews about the inhaler "Nicorette"
Reviews about the inhaler "Nicorette"

In some reviews, users say that due to the long use of "Nicorette" they are faced with dependence on the veryinhaler. It takes a few more months to break this habit.

Among other things, you can often see reviews on the Web related to the side effects provoked by the inhaler. So, many users often complain about the appearance of discomfort in the throat and a slight cough due to the use of Nicorette. However, these symptoms usually disappear around the third day of active use of the mouthpiece.

But be that as it may, most of the responses on the Web are positive. Many users talk about the high effectiveness of the drug and how useful this tool has been in the fight against nicotine.
