Cataract is one of the most famous eye diseases. According to statistics, most often it affects the elderly. The most effective treatment today is cataract removal. In old age, the consequences of surgical interventions are more difficult to experience. How is it in this case? How is the operation going? Are there alternative treatments? What is a cataract, how does it develop, can it be prevented through prophylaxis? We will answer these and other questions below.
What is this?
Cataract of the eye. What it is? This is the name of the clouding of the eye lens, which in our visual system is a natural lens that passes through itself and refracts light rays. Anatomically, the lens is located between the iris and the vitreous in the eyeball.
When a person is young, such a "lens" is transparent and elastic. The lens can easily change its shape, focusing on an object that needs to be seen. Therefore, a person, because of this ability to focus, can see equally well both near and far.
But with age, the state of the lens can be recognized as pathological. What it is? Cataract of the eye - either partial or complete clouding of the lens. Because of this, only part of the light rays enter the eye. Visual functions deteriorate. A person sees the world around him fuzzy and blurry.
Over time, the disease only progresses: the lens becomes more cloudy, and the person is steadily losing sight. If left untreated, a cataract can lead to complete blindness.
Today, several forms of this disease have been identified: congenital, traumatic, radiation, caused by certain diseases. However, it is senile, age-related cataracts that are most common.
Statistics data
According to medical statistics, cataracts most often affect people over 50 years of age. Worldwide, about 15 million people suffer from the disease. Most of them are over 60.
According to WHO (World He alth Organization), by the age of 70-80, 460 out of 1000 women and 260 out of 1000 men suffer from this disease. As for people over 80, cataracts are diagnosed in every second. According to the same statistics, it was because of this disease that 20 million people lost their sight.

Causes of disease
There are several ways to remove cataracts in the world. And it's notby chance, because the number of those suffering from the disease is very large today. But why is it evolving?
The transparency of the lens is normally justified by its nature. It consists of water, mineral elements and proteins. It is nourished by intraocular moisture. Washing the lens, it saturates it with the necessary nutrients.
However, with age, various metabolic products begin to accumulate in the intraocular fluid. They have a toxic effect on the lens. Its nutrition is disturbed, which is why over time it loses the necessary transparency.
However, this is only the main cause of cloudiness. The nature of the disease may be different. Turbidity can be provoked by both ophthalmic pathologies and diseases of other organs. In this case, there is reason to talk about a complicated cataract. In particular, it develops under the following conditions:
- Glaucoma.
- Myopia.
- Damage to the vascular network of the eye.
- Pigmentary dystrophy.
- Retinal detachment.
The following diseases can also lead to the development of cataracts:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Blood diseases.
- Joint damage.
- Asthma.
- Skin diseases - psoriasis and eczema.
We need to learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment of cataracts. It is important to note that external factors can also provoke the disease:
- Wrong diet.
- Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. In particular, calcium and vitamin C.
- Harmful working conditions.
- Exposure to ultraviolet or radioactive radiation.
- Smoking.
- Unfavorable environmental situation.
The disease first affects one eye. More often than not, the left one. As it progresses, it spreads to both lenses.
The consequences of cataract removal in old age we will present further. First, let's decide on what grounds this disease can be distinguished. The name is ancient Greek. From this language it is translated as "waterfall".
And this is directly related to the symptoms of the disease. With a cataract, a person begins to see as if in a fog. As if through misted glass or constantly pouring water. As the disease progresses, the intensity of this "fog" increases. Stripes, spots and strokes flash before the eyes.
The patient may also note the following:
- Photophobia.
- Difficulties in writing, reading, working at a computer, sewing, working with small items.
- Doubling the image.
The development of cataracts is noticeable and outwardly. If you carefully examine the patient's eye, you can see that his pupil is somewhat clouded. At an advanced stage of the disease, without additional devices, it is noticeable that the pupil has completely turned white.

Stages of disease
We look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of cataracts. As for the age form, this is a progressive disease. Accordingly, it goes through several stages of development:
- Initial. Hereclouding of the lens occurs in the periphery, outside the optical region. The patient at this stage does not notice any symptoms. A cataract can only be recognized during an ophthalmological examination. Or during the annual medical commission.
- Unripe. At this stage, the turbidity moves towards the optical zone. Visual acuity noticeably deteriorates, which is already noted by the patient himself. In particular, he constantly sees a fog before his eyes. This makes it difficult both to engage in certain activities and self-service. At this stage, cataract surgery with lens replacement is required.
- Mature cataract. Opacification captures the entire lens. Vision is reduced to such an extent that a person can only recognize light. The patient sees practically nothing even at arm's length, distinguishes only the approximate contours of objects.
- Overmature cataract. At this stage, the lens substance is so liquefied that it acquires a characteristic milky white tint. It is possible to see only bright light directed directly into the eye. The condition is fraught with a number of complications. For example, secondary glaucoma due to compression of other eye tissues by the enlarged lens. The ligaments that hold the lens can also be involved in the dystrophic process. Macular degeneration of the retina may develop. If the ligaments rupture, this will lead to a dislocation of the lens into the vitreous cavity. In addition, the proteins of the reborn lens can be perceived by the body as foreign. Hence the development of iridocyclitis.

The development of cataracts can be suspected by a general practitioner. However, he does not have the necessary research equipment to base this diagnosis on.
If you notice haziness before your eyes, double vision, constant flashes, "flies", stripes, then you need to visit a qualified ophthalmologist as soon as possible. In some cases, the doctor diagnoses the disease during a visual examination with the necessary equipment. Sometimes you need to do the following:
- Ophthalmoscopy.
- Biomicroscopy.
- Visometry.
Drug therapy
Cataract surgery with lens replacement is the main treatment for the disease today. In addition to it, there is the possibility of drug therapy. With one caveat - it is effective only at the initial stage, when the patient does not yet complain of haziness before the eyes, when the optical zone of the lens is not yet affected.
Drugs are prescribed according to available indications by the attending ophthalmologist. Self-diagnosis here is fraught with complete blindness. The following eye drops are used:
- Quinax.
- "Taufon".
- "Vita-Yodurol".
- "Oftan-Katahrom".
All of the above drugs can slow down the progression of turbidity. But they cannot eliminate what is already there. Similar drugs, by the way, are successfully used in the treatment of retinal detachment.
As forvarious dietary supplements, bioenergy devices and complexes, their effectiveness has not been experimentally confirmed. Most often, these are "dummy" drugs that are offered for a lot of money. A method of enrichment on people who are afraid of surgery. Turning to such a "treatment", the patient only wastes precious time, starts the disease. And this is fraught with complete blindness, which is already becoming impossible to cure.

When we talk about the consequences of cataract removal in old age, we mean the surgical operation to replace the lens. The official medical name for the procedure is phacoemulsification with implantation of an artificial posterior chamber intraocular lens. According to statistics, it is prescribed for 99% of patients who have been diagnosed with cataracts.
Laser cataract removal and its analogues have been used in Russia for more than 20 years. The most favorable outcome of treatment is in patients with immature cataract (at the second stage of the disease).
How is a cataract removed? The entire operation is performed under local anesthesia. An ultrasonic tip 2.2 mm long is inserted through the corneal incision into the patient's eye. They destroy the clouded lens. An artificial movable intraocular lens is placed in the lens capsule.
The duration of such an operation is no more than 20 minutes. Vision after cataract removal is restored quickly. Sometimes on the first day after the operation. The patient is prescribed special drops after cataract removal. They contribute to the speedy restoration of visual functions. The remedy is used within 4 weeks after the operation. Therefore, after a month, the patient can return to their usual way of life.
Free cataract surgery is also available today. Most often, it is prescribed to patients in the third or fourth stage of the disease. The operation here is carried out a little differently: the entire lens is removed, and a rigid lens is implanted instead. It is either placed in the lens capsule or sutured to the iris.
In this case, a special continuous seam is additionally required. It is removed according to indications in 4-6 months. Here, in the postoperative period, with the removal of cataracts in old age, poor vision remains. This is due to postoperative reverse astigmatism. Visual functions return to normal in this case after the removal of the suture. Here, a complication after cataract removal can be called the divergence of the postoperative wound. However, such cases are rare. In general, such manipulations with the lens go smoothly.
Today the following main methods of cataract removal are distinguished in Russia:
- Laser seamless operation. This method is by far the most efficient. The operation is performed without incisions, carried out in a matter of seconds. Its essence is to remove the clouded lens and implant an artificial lens.
- Phacoemulsification ultrasonic. Special equipment is used to inject a mixture into the eye that softens the pathologically alteredlens. Then, with a surgical instrument, it is destroyed and removed. Next, a new artificial lens is inserted in place of the removed lens.
- Extraction extracapsular. A surgical incision is made in the cornea, through which the old lens is removed and its artificial alternative is placed.

Artificial lenses
Elderly patients are often frightened by the fact that a foreign object will be implanted in the eye. But at the present stage of development of medicine, this should not cause concern - in terms of its properties, an artificial lens is as close as possible to a natural one.
Depending on the condition of the patient, the recommendations of his attending ophthalmologist, the surgeon selects a certain type of intraocular lenses:
- With a yellow filter. This addition protects the eye from harmful UV rays. And thus prevents the development of other age-related ophthalmic diseases.
- Accommodation lens. Such an artificial lens, due to its design, allows you to achieve maximum visual acuity when looking into the distance and at the same time maintain the ability to see near without wearing glasses.
- Lenses made of hydrophobic acrylic. Such artificial lenses have the highest degree of biocompatibility with eye tissues. This means that they easily adapt to any shape and size of the capsular bag (where the lens is placed). The lenses are perfectly centered, which allows the patient not only to regain their previous vision, but evenimprove it.

Lens replacement surgery is one of the fastest. It is carried out in the "one day" mode, does not require hospitalization, even for elderly patients. For each patient, the most optimal method of anesthesia is selected. Therefore, after a surgical manipulation, it is enough for a person to rest for half an hour, after which he can return to his former life without restrictions.
What can not be done after cataract removal? The rehabilitation period does not imply serious restrictions. Patient care is not required. Indeed, most often, normal vision returns to him a few hours after the operation.
During the recovery period, the patient only needs to follow these simple recommendations:
- Avoid bright light - go out only with sunglasses.
- Try not to overheat. That is, do not visit saunas and baths.
- Refuse alcohol.
- Try not to lift weights - items weighing more than 1.5 kg. After the rehabilitation period - a load weighing more than 10 kg.
- Beware of infectious diseases. In particular, from the flu.
Rehabilitation period lasts a month. After its expiration, be sure to contact an ophthalmologist. According to the patient's condition, he already prescribes individual recommendations.
After such an operation, the human eye loses a very important element - the lens. refractive properties of the vitreous body,intraocular fluid of the anterior chamber, the cornea is not enough for clear vision. Therefore, in order to notice a complication in time after cataract removal, glasses, an artificial lens, vision in general must be periodically checked by an ophthalmologist.
We have already noted that the most optimal variation in the treatment of the disease is the implantation of an artificial lens. But not in all cases it is realistic to apply due to possible complications:
- Pathological condition of the tissues of the eye or blood vessels that feed this organ.
- Chronic recurrent eye diseases.
The above may minimize the effect of the operation done.
In the mature and overripe stages of the disease, the enlarged lens begins to occupy a large area of the anterior chamber of the eye. Because of this, the outflow of intraocular fluid is disturbed. Why can one of the serious complications of cataracts - secondary glaucoma. In this case, vision can be lost forever if the operation is not performed in time.
The effects of cataract removal in old age can be associated with it? As for age restrictions, there are none. The operation to remove the lens was also successfully performed on 100-year-old patients.
If a patient is diagnosed with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, this is also not an obstacle to the operation. After all, before surgery, a complete examination of the patient is carried out with the participation of an ophthalmologist, cardiologist, anesthesiologist. Laboratory tests are also being carried out.

If we turn to reviews of cataract removal in old age, we note that the majority of positive feedback is collected by laser surgery to replace the lens. However, patients note its comparative high cost in comparison with other methods. But this is the case when spending is entirely justified.
Relatively normal vision returned to most patients after surgery. Some were forced to wear glasses. But the authors of the reviews no longer noted the former nebula before the eyes with an artificial lens.
As for medications, folk remedies, there are few reviews on their use. In particular, because these methods are prescribed by the doctor as preparation for surgery, as methods to slow down the progression of the disease.
In reviews, you can read more than once that the most effective treatment for cataracts is with its timely detection at the initial stage.
Of course, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it. This statement is also true for cataracts. The main preventive measure here is a periodic eye examination by an ophthalmologist. All people over 40 years of age should also undergo a special examination at least once a year to detect pathological changes in the lens.
Cataract is not a disease that you can cope with on your own or using folk remedies. The need for medical or surgical intervention can only be determined by a qualified specialist. WhatAs for taking medications, they are effective only at the initial stage of the disease. And not in all cases, their appointment can cancel the need for an operation.
Eye drops containing amino acids, vitamins and microelements necessary for the eye, can only slow down the development of cataracts. They improve metabolism (metabolism) in the tissues of the eye, supply it with the necessary nutrition. But it is impossible to cure a cataract in this way. Which drops are suitable for the patient, the ophthalmologist determines. Prescribing the dosage of funds, drawing up a treatment schedule is also the prerogative of a specialist.