Ovulation was, but no periods: causes, pathologies, when to go to the doctor

Ovulation was, but no periods: causes, pathologies, when to go to the doctor
Ovulation was, but no periods: causes, pathologies, when to go to the doctor

In the article, we will figure out what it means if there was ovulation, but there was no menstruation. Women's he alth is a very fragile thing. Modern life, with its physical and emotional overload, as well as an insufficiently balanced diet, can provoke hormonal imbalance and other ailments in the body, resulting in menstrual irregularities. We will discuss the reasons for this deviation and comorbidities below.


So, the woman ovulated but didn't have her period. What could be the reason for such a phenomenon? The main reasons when ovulation was fixed, and a new monthly cycle does not begin, are the following factors:

  • Pregnancy.
  • The effect of stress.
  • The appearance of a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Let's talk more about this.

what day after menstruation does ovulation occur
what day after menstruation does ovulation occur


What can it mean if there was ovulation, but no periods? This is perhaps the most common reason for delayed periods. Such a development of events is all the more likely and serves as a reason to do an appropriate test if the woman had sex the day before and she does not use highly effective methods of contraception. The fertile window is called directly the period of ovulation and six days before it, usually this occurs in the middle of the cycle. Thus, if a lady’s period is nine days behind the approximate day of their start, then you should definitely check for such a reason as pregnancy.

The test can be done as early as two weeks after the approximate date of ovulation, but we must remember that the earlier a woman does such an analysis, the less accurate the results will be. If they are negative, and menstruation still does not begin, then the verification procedure should be repeated, after which it is imperative to seek the advice of a doctor. The sooner you can figure out your situation, the sooner you can make a plan for further action.


If you ovulated but didn't get your period, it could be due to stress. Emotional reboots have an extremely negative impact on the he alth of the female body. And first of all, such an overvoltage is reflected in the regularity of the menstrual cycle. For example, if, after ovulation, on the eve of menstruation, circumstances develop in such a way that a woman has to be nervous and depressed a lot, then there is a huge probability that the cycle will undergo a certain time shift, or maybeand not start at all.

Stress, for example, associated with daily work, especially if it is extremely negative, can contribute to the formation of premenstrual syndrome, and in addition, painful critical days. Many ladies sometimes complain about irregular periods and ovulation due to the flight, which is associated with adaptation to a new climate, which is also a stressful situation. In this case, the cause is usually a loop process failure due to a time zone change.

irregular periods ovulation
irregular periods ovulation

Thus, the reason for the absence of the next cycle can be stress in absolutely all its manifestations, whether it is a change in the usual environment, reboot at work, climate change or the general activity of a woman, as well as her nutrition. It is worth recalling that normally the cycle should last from twenty-one to thirty-five days, and any fluctuations within these limits are not considered deviations, but only reflect the sensitivity of the body. On what day after menstruation does ovulation occur? This happens differently for every woman, but mostly on day 12-14.

Hormonal imbalance

If such problems are noted in the body, then the absence of menstruation, even in the presence of ovulation, is quite likely, because in this case the female system is already functioning incorrectly due to a corresponding failure. It is worth noting that such an imbalance can be caused not only by sex hormones, but also by problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and the pituitary gland.


Up to seventy percentcases of menstrual disorders that are hormonal in nature occur due to hyperprolactinemia. This is a condition in which there is an increase in the content of prolactin in the blood. Where does it come from? As a rule, its release occurs in stressful situations, even the most mundane and everyday. Thus, the problem is connected with the same stress, because the more it is in everyday life, the higher the likelihood of a hormonal failure for a woman and, as a result, menstrual irregularities in the form of its temporary absence.

But prolactin is produced not only on the basis of stress, but also on the background of breastfeeding. A feature of the monthly cycle with regular feeding after childbirth is that the cycle may not occur until the very end of breastfeeding. The arrival of the resumption of menstruation is delayed due to the fact that during breastfeeding the pituitary gland produces prolactin, which suppresses ovarian function, for example, the release of an egg, which prevents the formation of a new pregnancy during feeding. Thus, it is prolactin that acts as the main reason for the absence of the menstrual cycle after the birth of the baby. It is important to understand that the absence of menstruation in the absence of ovulation is the norm.

lack of menstruation in the absence of ovulation
lack of menstruation in the absence of ovulation

Rejection of contraceptives as another reason for the absence of menstruation

Among other things, after stopping the use of contraception, the cycle may be irregular for another six months. In the event that such a problem does not end after six months,you need to be alert and see a doctor.

Possible pathologies

Can I ovulate right away? In the case of a short cycle, it can happen 10 days after the start of menstruation.

In addition to hormonal problems, which are a very popular cause of failure in the cycle of menstruation, thyroid diseases can also provoke this deviation. An analysis of the hormones of this organ will help you find out details about the state of the body.

Violation in the cycle is often a signal that a woman has certain sexual infections, such as chlamydia. Against this background, it is also necessary to consult a doctor, and immediately after treatment, the cycle should return to normal.

The so-called polycystic ovary syndrome is another disease against which menstruation may not begin. He also has other symptoms: the appearance of acne, excessive body weight, the appearance of hair growth in non-standard places (on the face, chest, in the groin area, and so on). A similar diagnosis still suggests a hormonal failure, due to which periods may not begin or become irregular.

Can I ovulate twice without a period? This pathology is quite common. Most often, it is provoked by hormonal disorders. The prolonged absence of menstruation is called amenorrhea. In most cases, ovulation does not occur during amenorrhea. But under the influence of certain factors, the ovaries can suddenly start their work. As a result, a viable egg matures.

ovulationafter childbirth without menstruation
ovulationafter childbirth without menstruation

Excessive exercise

When the gym becomes a home for girls, you often have to overwork, and if, in addition, a strict and debilitating diet is followed to maintain beauty and figure, then such an attitude towards your own body can cause amenorrhea (that is, the absence of menstruation). Thus, any sport, just like nutrition, should be balanced and go for the benefit, and not at all for harm and loss of strength.

When it's all about that, it's usually just a matter of gaining a couple of kilos by cutting back on your workout schedule to get your cycle back on track.

Today, among modern girls, there is a tendency to get rid of uncomfortable and unpleasant "red days of the calendar" through physical activity. But is it worth it to say once again that such an approach is extremely dangerous and destructive for the female body. In the event that a whole year to put up with such a phenomenon as amenorrhea, then this is fraught with serious loss of bone mass and, as a result, osteoporosis.

On what day after menstruation ovulation occurs, the doctor can tell.

When to go to the doctor?

First of all, before raising a panic, we must remember that some variations in the duration of the menstrual cycle are the norm, especially when it comes to adolescence, and menstruation began recently. You should not worry even when a lady is approaching menopause or is breastfeeding, that is, she is in the period in which the hormonal background in the bodychanges.

ovulation without period while breastfeeding
ovulation without period while breastfeeding

For adult women who have a cycle, it is considered normal, as noted earlier, a cycle lasting no less than twenty-one and no more than thirty-five her. Thus, if after ovulation, menstruation does not occur within the thirty-fifth day, then you should not worry. In all other cases, a consultation with a gynecologist will be necessary. He will tell you how to determine ovulation without menstruation.

The main diagnostic methods include:

  • basal temperature measurement;
  • ultrasound monitoring;
  • use of ovulation tests;
  • calendar method.

Thus, it should be remembered that the duration of the female cycle can be affected not only by pregnancy, but also by a certain disease, along with stress, certain medications, malnutrition or excessive physical activity.

After childbirth

Very often ovulation after childbirth passes without menstruation. As practice shows, during this period the menstrual cycle can become somewhat unpredictable and at the same time has a number of features. There is no specific period during which menstruation should begin after the baby is born. The time of its onset for each patient is purely individual.

Many women report that after giving birth for several months they had an irregular cycle, and the red days themselves were very difficult. This is directly related to the fact that the bodyit takes some time to return to normal operation.

can you ovulate right away?
can you ovulate right away?

In he althy ladies, spotting should last no more than three to seven days. Very short (two days) or, conversely, too long, which end in blood smearing, may indicate the presence of problems in the reproductive sphere, for example, tumors (myoma), endometriosis (growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus).

The volume of menstrual blood also matters, which normally ranges from 50 to 150 milliliters. Too much discharge or too little also indicates pathology. The duration of the cycle in women after childbirth may vary. If before the birth of the baby the cycle was, for example, from twenty to thirty days, then after resolving from the burden, this indicator can be averaged and be twenty-five days. But there are times when, on the contrary, it lengthens, and menstruation is absent for a long time. In this case, do not worry. The main thing, as noted earlier, is that the cycle does not exceed thirty-five days.

Some women experience menstrual cramps that they did not experience before childbirth. This is usually caused by the body's unpreparedness for recovery, as well as psychological instability, inflammation in the pelvis, or significant uterine contractions. In the event that, against the background of menstruation, you have to constantly drink painkillers, you should definitely go to the gynecologist.

Thus, for anyanxiety that worries a woman after childbirth about menstruation, it is necessary to consult a doctor, but, as a rule, borderline conditions, especially in the form of the absence of menstruation, pass on their own for only a few months.

Ovulate without period while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding a baby can also have a big impact on the nature of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. During this period, the body begins to work in previously unknown conditions. The pituitary gland dramatically increases the production of prolactin, which is responsible for the process of lactation and the release of breast milk.

It is precisely because of the high amount of prolactin after childbirth that women may not have periods for a long time. Nature takes care of the baby and his mother so much, throwing all her strength and reserves into feeding the baby, suppressing ovarian function and blocking the occurrence of ovulation. This makes it impossible for another pregnancy to occur in an organism that has so far been exhausted after childbirth.

can you ovulate without a period
can you ovulate without a period


Thus, the reasons why menstruation does not occur while women are ovulating are very different. In the event that there are suspicions of any deviations, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

We figured out if you can ovulate without a period.
