Bare tooth nerve: what to do at home

Bare tooth nerve: what to do at home
Bare tooth nerve: what to do at home

A bare nerve can deliver a lot of painful sensations to a person. Inside the tooth is pulp tissue. It is permeated with many blood vessels and nerves. If for any reason the integrity of the crown is broken and the pulp is exposed, then the person experiences severe pain.

It intensifies in the evening and after contact with chemical, thermal stimuli. It subsides after a while. Each person can face such a situation when the exposed nerve of the tooth hurts. What to do in this case? This will be discussed.

Reasons for exposure of the dental nerve

Let's consider the factors due to which humanity is forced to experience severe toothache. Pulp exposure occurs in the following cases.

  • If caries has not been treated for a long time, then the bacteria, penetrating deeper and deeper, affect the nerve. These units have a large or deep cavity.
  • Development of periodontitis (inflammation of the root and adjacent tissues).
  • Mechanical tooth injury (chip, crack, root fracture).
  • Bruxism (pathologicalabrasion units).
  • Thinning of the enamel layer.

All these reasons provoke a feeling of a bare nerve. In this state, a person needs immediate help, which, in principle, is signaled by the body itself with severe throbbing pain.

exposed tooth nerve
exposed tooth nerve

First Aid

If a person does not have the opportunity to immediately seek help from a dentist, then you should know how to calm the exposed nerve of the tooth. What to do in these situations, and what can harm? Consider doctor's advice.

Intense pain cannot be tolerated. Therefore, doctors recommend taking painkillers. It can be a tablet of "Ibuprofen", "Analgin", "Ketorolac". If there is a cavity in the problematic unit, then a small piece of any of these drugs can be placed directly into it.

At the same time, each person should know that the exposed dental nerve cannot be heated. Such actions will not only not relieve pain, but can also provoke various complications.

Next, we will look at popular traditional medicine recipes. They will help alleviate the condition of a person until the moment when he will have the opportunity to visit a dentist and receive qualified assistance.

the exposed nerve of the tooth hurts what to do
the exposed nerve of the tooth hurts what to do

Soda-saline solution

This remedy is considered the simplest, since the ingredients for its preparation are available in every home. For a glass of warm boiled water, take 1 tsp. soda and s alt. Then rinse thoroughly with the solution.sick tooth. Treatments can be performed every 1-2 hours.

S alt helps to reduce the sensitivity of dentin, relieve swelling, and disinfect the carious cavity. Baking soda is also considered a good disinfectant. Therefore, this solution is widely used in dental practice in the complex treatment of many diseases.

sensation of a raw nerve
sensation of a raw nerve

Infusion of chamomile flowers

When a bare nerve is concerned, you can alleviate the condition with the help of remedies prepared from medicinal plants. Pharmacy chamomile is famous for its anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antibacterial properties. The medicine based on it also has a slight analgesic effect. In addition, chamomile infusion is absolutely harmless, it can be used even in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation.

To prepare the medicine, pour 2 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. l. dry raw materials. The container is covered with a lid and infused for 3 hours. After that, rinse as often as possible.

toothache exposed nerve
toothache exposed nerve

Decoction of sage

This plant is used in many medicines and cosmetics. It is widely used in dental practice. The rich composition of sage provides antibacterial action, relieves inflammation and relieves pain.

For preparation of means in 0, 5 l. pour water 4 tbsp. l. chopped grass. Boil it all for 2 minutes over low heat. After cooling, the broth is filtered and used for rinsing, baths. This treatment for toothachehas practically no contraindications. Unless there are extremely rare people who have an individual intolerance to this plant.


From the list of folk recipes that help relieve toothache, lard is very popular. Moreover, the procedure for alleviating the condition is quite simple.

It is necessary to take a small piece of this product and clean it of s alt. Fat is applied to the problem area, placing it between the cheek and the causative tooth. After 15 minutes, the pain will begin to subside. You can repeat this procedure an unlimited number of times a day.


This vegetable has a powerful bactericidal effect. Therefore, it is often used to disinfect the oral cavity, relieve inflammation and pain.

The recipe suggests making a gruel from one clove of garlic. Add a pinch of s alt to it and mix thoroughly. A small portion of the prepared remedy is placed in the carious cavity or in the place where the nerve is exposed. The medicine can be left overnight. Those people who have tried this recipe on themselves note that the pain subsides within 10-15 minutes after applying garlic to the problem area.

You can make a decoction of this vegetable. Add a few crushed garlic cloves to a glass of water. Bring to a boil and set aside to cool. Rinse the mouth with this remedy 3-4 times a day.

toothache exposed nerve
toothache exposed nerve


There is another way to relieve the condition when the tooth hurts. The exposed nervecalm down with the help of a newspaper. Rather, we need the ashes after its combustion. The paper should be set on fire on a plate treated with alcohol. Then, with a cotton swab, the resulting powder is carefully collected and placed in the tooth cavity. The procedure is performed at night. If it is repeated daily for 3-5 days, the nerve will lose sensitivity. The method, of course, is doubtful.

Essential oils

In the treatment of dental diseases, oils of medicinal plants are often used. A product made from cloves and fir will help neutralize pain. Tea tree oil is also a powerful natural antiseptic.

To disinfect the cavity in the tooth and relieve pain, you need to twist a small cotton flagellum. It is soaked in essential oil and placed in the hole. If the exposed nerve is disturbed by the breaking off of a piece of the unit, then a small tampon is applied to this place. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day.

exposed dental nerve
exposed dental nerve

How do they solve the problem professionally?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that all recommendations are given only in case a person cannot quickly get to the hospital. Toothache often overtakes at the most inopportune moments: on a business trip, on vacation, on a day off.

The exposed nerve of the tooth, of course, is better not to try to treat it yourself. After all, it will not be possible to solve the problem completely anyway at home. Therefore, you need to entrust your he alth to professionals.

At the initial examination, the dentist-therapist evaluates the condition of the tooth, after which he chooses the treatment tactics. With pulpitis, periodontitisor how many units perform nerve removal.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, it does not cause much discomfort to the patient.

The doctor opens the pulp chamber, carefully cleans the nerve fibers from the root canals. The cavities are then washed with disinfectant solutions. It is very important to destroy all pathogenic microorganisms to prevent re-infection.

Then the root canals are filled with a special paste. After that, the patient is sent for x-ray examination. The picture allows you to evaluate the quality of filling the channels. If the dentist has no complaints about the work performed, then he proceeds to restore the crown part.

When the reasons for the occurrence of discomfort do not allow for preservation treatment, then a decision is made to remove the tooth. The procedure is also performed under local anesthesia. So in a few hours you can forget about what a toothache is. The exposed nerve is sometimes disturbed as a result of a root fracture. Such units cannot be saved.

exposed tooth nerve what to do
exposed tooth nerve what to do

Preventive measures

To maintain the he alth of the oral cavity and the beauty of a smile, the recommendations of dentists will help. By following these simple rules, you can reduce the likelihood that sooner or later you will begin to worry about a bare nerve.

  • Hygiene procedures should be carried out correctly and regularly. Teeth are brushed at least 2 times a day. The procedure should take approximately 3 minutes.
  • Clean teeth from plaque and prevent harddeposits will help fluxes. These are special threads that should be used daily to clean all hard-to-reach places from food debris.
  • Proper nutrition and consumption of a large amount of raw vegetables and fruits strengthens the dental system, promotes natural cleansing and strengthens local and general immunity.

In order to reduce the likelihood of tooth injury, do not chew nuts, other too hard foods and objects.

It remains to be said that a regular preventive examination by a specialist allows you to detect a problem at its very beginning. Timely treatment of caries will eliminate the likelihood of complications. Indeed, many diseases that require the removal of a nerve develop due to the fact that a person has not visited a dentist for a long time.
