Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer coded: risks and medical advice

Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer coded: risks and medical advice
Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer coded: risks and medical advice

Today, the anti-alcohol coding method is one of the most effective ways to get a person to give up a bad habit and return to a normal lifestyle. The validity of the drugs used can be up to 5 years, depending on the chosen means and method. If we talk about psychological methods of influence, they are not always so effective. Most often, specialized preparations are used, which are activated if a person allows himself at least a little strong drink.

Refuses to drink
Refuses to drink

In this regard, many former alcoholics are beginning to look for an alternative to a bad habit. Someone smokes, others begin to eat more, and still others switch to non-alcoholic beer. In this regard, there is a lot of controversy. For example, can a coded person drink non-alcoholic beer? What are the consequences for a former alcoholic if he binge on such drinks?

Standard encodings fromalcohol addiction

When it comes to drugs, they are usually called binders. In this case, a composition, the so-called block, is injected subcutaneously. The duration of the drug can be from 4 months to five years. As a rule, Torpedo, Aquilong or Esperal are used as an active agent.

Usually, the injection is placed at once in several points of the human body: in the shoulder blade and vein. There is also a procedure for microsurgical administration of the drug. It is sewn into the buttock.

Mugs of beer
Mugs of beer

In addition, there is a laser encoding method. It is considered the least hazardous to he alth. However, laser coding will only be effective if the patient is in the early stages of alcoholism. In this case, there is an impact on the area of the brain, which is responsible for addiction to the harmful drink. But in the advanced stage, such a method of treatment will be absolutely useless.

What happens if you drink coded "Torpedo" or "Esperal"

First of all, it is worth considering that the agent begins to gradually enter the bloodstream. The duration of the withdrawal of the drug depends on how long a person wants to remain a teetotaller. At the same time, the doctor is obliged to warn the patient about what will happen if the person coded by Esperal drinks. If he uses at least the minimum dose of alcohol-containing products, then he may face complications in the form of:

  • Severe headache.
  • High heart rate.
  • Vascular dystonia.
  • Fever.
  • Skin itch.
  • The occurrence of panic attacks.
  • Impaired consciousness.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the heart.

There is even a risk of falling into a coma. Accordingly, if the patient neglects the recommendations of a specialist, then this is fraught with a fatal outcome.

At the reception
At the reception

But what if the injection lasts for several years, but you don’t want to sit in the company with juice in your hands? Can a coded person drink non-alcoholic beer, or is there a risk of complications? To answer these questions, it is worth considering the most common myths about this drink.

There is not a drop of alcohol in non-alcoholic beer

Many believe that there is no ppm in this drink. Actually it is not. Any non-alcoholic beer contains a small dose of alcohol. Therefore, you should not assume that you can calmly jam this drink, and then get behind the wheel.

Since such beer still has some alcohol content, this means that after drinking a large amount of foamy drink, a person can even get drunk. From this point of view, non-alcoholic beer is not worth drinking for the coded.

Foamy drink is harmless

This is another myth that many people still believe. In fact, such beer is made from the same raw materials as its alcoholic counterpart. What's more, exactly the same production technology is used to create a "harmless" product.

Based on this, all harmful components are contained in it. Therefore, if, for example, a pregnant woman drinks suchdrink, that is, there is a high probability that the baby will appear with congenital anomalies. The fact is that such beer also contains a large amount of estrogen, which adversely affects the he alth of both men and women.

You can't get used to non-alcoholic beer

Alas, it is not so. Regardless of the type and content of alcohol in a foamy drink, a person gets used to it in the same way. In addition, by using non-alcoholic products, there is a much greater risk of starting to drink stronger beer. Therefore, one can even say that beer with 0% ppm not only does not help get rid of addiction, but can develop it even more.


If a person believes that a coded person can have beer, then in this case the main idea of the "file" is completely violated. Instead of kicking the habit, the former alcoholic continues to drink even more of the bubbly drink.

Non-alcoholic beer for everyone

Another false assumption that is persistently imposed by the producers of this drink. However, given that it is made using the same technology and includes the same components (even alcohol), it cannot be called harmless.

Based on this, even such beer is strictly forbidden to be consumed by pregnant women, children and people who have he alth problems. In fact, non-alcoholic beer cannot be called that. By and large, it is a foamy drink with a low alcohol content.

Beer doesn't taste different

Adherents of this myth are sure ofthat non-alcoholic beer has exactly the same aroma and taste as a drink with a high alcohol content. On the one hand, these two products have the same composition, so they should be similar in their taste. However, due to the lower degree, the bright taste is also lost.

By and large, non-alcoholic beer is more like a stale frothy drink.

Why isn't all alcohol removed from beer

To answer this question, it is enough to understand the peculiarities of making a foamy drink. First of all, it contains ingredients that are subject to the fermentation process - yeast. Accordingly, by and large, standard beer is first made, and only after alcohol is extracted from it (since it appears in the course of yeast fermentation anyway, and it is impossible to make beer without them).

Alcohol free
Alcohol free

After that, the liquid undergoes thermal vacuum treatment, during which the beer loses not only alcohol (most of it), but also its few useful properties and taste. If alcohol is completely excluded, then this drink will not be called beer at all.

At the end of the day, alcohol-free foamy drink still contains ethyl alcohol. If you look closely at the information on the label, it will indicate from 0.5 to 1.0%.

If we talk about whether it is possible to drink non-alcoholic beer to a person coded by an injection, then this is a very controversial topic. Therefore, it is worth contacting specialists who are engaged in coding.

To drink or not to drink

Many askdoctors, is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer coded. There are several opinions on this matter. On the one hand, doctors agree that a small amount of such a foamy drink cannot lead to serious consequences. Of course, if a former alcoholic starts to jam beer day and night, then serious problems await him. But 1-2 bottles can't hurt. In addition, people who are forced to give up strong drinks feel uncomfortable in the company of friends who relax with a bottle of beer. Accordingly, having a bottle in hand helps a former alcoholic not to refuse the company of his comrades.

drinking beer
drinking beer

On the other hand, considering the question of whether it is possible to drink non-alcoholic beer coded, many doctors categorically prohibit the use of even the smallest amount of alcohol. Moreover, they even recommend giving up some confectionery, kvass and kefir, as they may contain alcohol.

This approach is explained by the fact that the main goal of the treatment of alcoholism is to force a person to find new life guidelines and psychologically wean from addiction. If a former alcoholic continues to lead the same lifestyle as before, spending it with drinking friends and drinking, though non-alcoholic, but still, beer, then he will never be able to change his behavior pattern. There is a big risk that after the end of the "binder" he will start drinking again.

There is another nuance. If we consider the topic of whether it is possible to drink non-alcoholic beerencoded, then you need to understand that in this case a person is constantly on the verge of a breakdown. In order to somehow level the situation, he begins to use the least harmful drinks. The very knowledge that he is drinking beer is enough to stabilize the situation and not give in to his desires.

With a doctor
With a doctor

You also need to take into account the stage of alcoholism. If a person has developed a stable addiction, then with a sharp rejection of alcohol-containing products, he can provoke severe stress for the body.

Besides this, it is important to consider the way of coding. Some drugs are so strong that they can cause a strong reaction. In this case, severe intoxication and poisoning occurs. Therefore, speaking about what will happen if you drink to a coded person, first of all, you need to pay attention to the way the drug works and its type.

In closing

Beer contains phytoestrogens, which are harmful even to a perfectly he althy person. If you use even a non-alcoholic foamy drink for a long time, then there is a risk of developing secondary female sexual characteristics. even in men Therefore, it is impossible to call beer useful either for someone who has filed himself, or for a completely he althy person. Former alcoholics should abstain from all alcohol consumption.