Everyone knows that doctors do not recommend mixing alcohol with drugs, since such a combination greatly burdens the liver. Does this statement apply to Nolicin and alcohol? More on that below.
Medication description
Is Nolicin compatible with alcohol or not? This drug belongs to the group of fluoroquinones, that is, it is antibacterial. It is positioned by the manufacturer as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has a bactericidal effect. The drug destabilizes the pathogenic DNA chain, which leads to the death of bacteria and microbes. The duration of the antimicrobial action lasts for twelve hours. Nolicin is produced in the form of round orange tablets, they are biconvex in shape.

Is it possible withalcohol "Nolitsin"? Many argue that such a combination is highly undesirable. This is also due to the composition. So, the active substance here is norfloxacin, among the auxiliary ones are povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl starch, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, water. The shell consists of hypromelose, titanium dioxide, talc, dye.
If Nolicin is prescribed, it is better not to drink alcohol for a while. In what cases is this drug recommended? It is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases that were caused by pathogenic microorganisms. This is:
- urinary system infections;
- genitals;
- gastrointestinal tract.
"Nolicin" is prescribed for diarrhea, gonococcal infection, to prevent sepsis in patients with neutropenia.

Instructions for use
Can I drink alcohol with "Nolicin" or not? Doctors do not recommend this combination. During treatment, it is better to refrain from taking alcoholic beverages. How to take this drug? It all depends on the disease.
- Acute uncomplicated cystitis: 400 mg twice daily for five days.
- Acute urinary tract infections: 400 mg twice a day for a week.
- Chronic urinary tract infections: 400 mg twice a day for a month.
- Genital infections: therapy for a week, 600 mg twice a dayday.
- Gonococcal: 800mg per dose.
- Gastrointestinal infections: 400 mg twice daily for five days.
- Sepsis: 400 mg three times a day for eight weeks.
- Prevention of bacterial diarrhea: 400 mg once daily.
Alcohol and "Nolitsin" are forbidden to be mixed in patients with renal insufficiency. Take the medicine on an empty stomach, one hour before eating or after eating two hours later. Wash down the remedy with plenty of liquid.

Contraindications and side effects
Compatibility of "Nolitsin" and alcohol is minimal. If you drink these pills with strong drinks, they simply may not work, and also exacerbate possible side effects. Among the contraindications for admission:
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding period;
- Children under eighteen;
- individual intolerance to the components, including the active substance.
"Nolicin" can cause certain side reactions. So, patients taking this drug often experience:
- nausea, diarrhea;
- weight loss;
- headaches;
- feeling tired, apathetic;
- anxiety;
- feeling fear;
- depressive state;
- tinnitus;
- hallucinations;
- irritability;
- rash, hives;
- itch;
- in rare cases - anaphylactic shock.
In case of an overdose, the patient may experience discomfort in the stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, convulsions. Treatment for the patient is symptomatic, more often it is gastric lavage.

Is there any compatibility with alcohol?
"Nolicin" and alcohol is a dubious combination, but the instructions for use do not say anything about whether they can be combined. "Nolicin" belongs to the group of modern antibiotics, so compatibility with alcohol can cause extremely undesirable consequences. This drug is very effective, it has a pronounced bactericidal effect against pathogenic microorganisms. It is used to treat the organs of the genitourinary system, with gastroenteritis, gonorrhea, as a preventive measure.
With caution, it is prescribed to patients with impaired renal and liver function, epilepsy, atherosclerosis. When taking the medicine, a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract is often observed. It can cause dysuric phenomena, glomerulonephritis. Despite the lack of information in the instructions regarding the combination of Nolicin and alcohol, it is indicated that the drug reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions, as well as concentration.
Do not drink this drug to persons who are engaged in potentially hazardous activities. This negative effect is enhanced if you also use any alcohol after taking the medicine. Such a combination reduces coordination of movements, disrupts mental activity, and increases intoxication. ExceptMoreover, if an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones is taken together with alcohol, then the therapeutic effect is greatly reduced.

Negative impact
Compatibility of "Nolicin" and alcohol (reviews confirm this) is almost zero.
- This combination reduces the reaction rate, provokes a feeling of fatigue, reduces performance.
- Has a negative effect on the central nervous system, serious conditions may develop, including coma.
- The antibiotic is excreted from the body through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, alcohol increases the load on them, which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the organs (if you abuse strong drinks for a long time).
- Ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and "Nolicin" often causes dysbacteriosis, which is why this combination is extremely dangerous.
If antibiotic therapy continues for a long period, then the human body is weakened, candidiasis occurs, immunity decreases. That is why during the treatment of any disease, you should stop drinking alcohol for the entire period of therapy, as well as for several weeks after it.

How much does Nolicin cost in pharmacies? According to many patients who had to be treated with this drug, it costs from 190 to 400 rubles. It all depends on the number of tablets in the package.
Alcohol and "Nolitsin" - an undesirable combination. This is true not only for doctors, but also for patients. As for therapeutic efficacy, it is 90% clinically proven. The advantages of the drug include the effectiveness of the drug, an affordable price, and the rare occurrence of adverse reactions. Tablets help with exacerbation of cystitis and prostatitis, relieve pain, the drug is of high quality, kills pathogenic bacteria, eliminates inflammation, helps almost immediately, fights renal colic. In general, it is an affordable and effective antimicrobial agent. The complex treats infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Among the shortcomings, users note:
- presence of a large list of contraindications;
- side effects;
- not for pregnant women and children under 18;
- must strictly follow the instructions and special instructions;
- causes kidney stones;
- promotes headache;
- after taking it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora;
- cannot be used often;
- inconvenient way to use;
- pills large;
- cause bitterness in the mouth;
- not recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Of course, patients are not advised to mix the medicine with alcohol, since such a combination exacerbates unwanted reactions. The consequences of such a double dose can be severe. Doctors also remind that it is absolutely impossible to mix an antibiotic and alcohol. "Nolicin" is a fairly strong drug that loads the liver and kidneys, and incombined with alcohol has a toxic effect on the body.
Alcohol inhibits psychomotor reactions, blocks the therapeutic effect of the drug, provokes the development of allergies. The patient is provided with headache, dizziness, disruption of the nervous system. It is not recommended to drink alcohol before taking the medicine, after it, and you should also refrain from drinking for two weeks after.
However, each person decides for himself whether he is worth the risk or not. If you have he alth problems, it is better to postpone the intake of strong drinks for a while. Antibiotic treatment requires abstinence from alcohol, this is necessary for the effectiveness of therapy, improving well-being, and eliminating unpleasant symptoms.
According to those who have tried this antibiotic and alcohol, the state of he alth after such a combination leaves much to be desired.