What is Ringer lactate for? This solution is designed to correct electrolyte imbalance. The drug contains a balanced amount of electrolytes. The peculiarity of this solution is that it has a detoxifying effect, as it reduces the concentration of harmful substances in the blood.
Ringer's lactate solution looks like a clear, colorless or yellowish liquid. The tool compensates for the lack of circulating blood volume. After administration to the patient, the action begins within half an hour, then it is excreted from the body with urine. "Ringer lactate" corrects electrolyte imbalance. This solution is similar in its properties to isotonic. Available in polymer containers for infusion solutions of 250, 500, 1000, 2000 ml.

Each container is packaged with instructions in a transparent plastic bag. The drug has a large list of side effects, contraindications, as well as measuresprecautions to be observed when taking with other medicines.
In what cases is "Ringer lactate" prescribed? The first indication is the correction of water and electrolyte imbalance. This condition occurs if a person has lost a lot of fluid during diarrhea, as well as as a result of dehydration due to insufficient intake of water in the body. The solution is also prescribed for intestinal fistulas, in preparation for surgery and recovery after it. Another indication is metabolic acidosis.

Contraindications and side effects
"Ringer's lactate" is used only on prescription. Contraindications include:
- severe hypertension;
- heart failure;
- liver failure;
- pulmonary edema;
- hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, hyperchloremia, hypervolemia;
- sensitivity to drug components.
Side effects include:
- altered blood electrolyte levels;
- metabolic alkalosis;
- allergies (swelling, cough, itchy skin, difficulty breathing).
If such complications occur, the drug should be discontinued, and the patient should be given appropriate assistance. An overdose can disrupt the water-electrolyte balance, provoke cardiopulmonary decompensation. The solution is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Not applicable in pediatrics.

"Ringer lactate" includes several components. The product contains potassium chloride, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium lactate. The excipient is water intended for injection.
The instructions for use of "Ringer lactate" tells how to use this tool. The solution is administered drip, intravenously. The dosage is established by the doctor taking into account the patient's condition. The duration of treatment is individual. The maximum dose depends on the patient's need for electrolytes and fluids. The dosage usually does not exceed 30-40 ml/kg of body weight.
When therapy is carried out with the solution in question, the patient's condition, lactate content in the body, acid-base and water-electrolyte balance must be monitored. With caution, the drug is administered to elderly patients, patients who are diagnosed with arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, hypoxia, and edema is also observed. The solution is administered to patients as carefully as possible if they receive corticotropin and corticosteroids. The drug is not used as a blood thinner.

The analogues of the remedy include "Lactasol", "Ringer", "Addamel N", "Quintasol", "Ringer-hydrocarbonate". If you take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens, androgens, anabolic hormones, corticosteroids at the same time as this solution, you may experience an increase in sodium retention in the body.
Combination with cardiac glycosides leads to an increase in the likelihood of intoxication and side effects.
If we compare the drug in question with the analogue "Lactasol", then it can be noted that it is prescribed for impaired circulation, peritonitis, shock, intestinal obstruction, severe diarrhea, burns. Available as a solution for infusion or injection. This drug is combined, it removes various disorders of water and electrolyte balance, improves blood properties, blood circulation, has a diuretic, plasma-substituting, detoxifying effect.
"Quintasol" is also an analogue. It is recommended for intestinal infections, toxic shock syndrome, acute peritonitis, traumatic shock, duodenal obstruction, acidosis, and a decrease in fluid volume. Available as a solution for infusion. It is a colorless transparent liquid. It is a plasma-substituting agent, restores water and electrolyte balance, normalizes blood circulation. The advantages of the drug include a small list of contraindications and the absence of side effects.

"Ringer's lactate", as noted by many, is an effective remedy that can only be prescribed by a doctor. According to patients, the solution is used for extreme fluid loss, which can occur after severe poisoning as a result of vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, it is actively used in medical practice after surgery forsignificant blood loss, shock, severe injuries.
However, this solution has its drawbacks. In addition to a long list of contraindications, it has a lot of side effects. Plus, Ringer's Lactate can't be bought without a prescription.