For anxiety disorders, doctors prescribe anxiolytic drugs. These medicines help eliminate fear, anxiety, and nervousness. Common anti-anxiety agents include Phenibut and Phenazepam. The compatibility of these drugs is good, so sometimes both types of anxiolytics are prescribed simultaneously. What are the similarities and differences between these drugs? And how can they be used together? We will answer these questions in the article.
Similarities and differences
Both drugs are good at stopping anxiety and have a calming effect on the psyche. Therefore, patients often confuse the sedatives Phenibut and Phenazepam. The difference between the two drugs is that they belong to different pharmacological groups.
"Phenibut" is a nootropic drug with an additional anti-anxiety effect. It improves blood circulation and metabolism in the brain, and also speeds up the transmission of signals in nerve cells. This tool not only reduces anxiety, but also has a stimulating effect. The drug increases efficiency and mental abilities, improves memory and concentration. At the same time, it normalizes the emotional state, relieves irritability and promotes good sleep. Phenibut is a good remedy for supporting the nervous system and adapting the body to stress and stress.

"Phenazepam" refers to benzodiazepine tranquilizers. This group of drugs has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system. The drug has an anti-anxiety, relaxing and mild hypnotic effect. It is in its "pure" form a sedative that has no nootropic properties. It acts on the central nervous system depressingly. "Phenazepam" is one of the most powerful tranquilizers, which is close to antipsychotics in terms of its effect.
Given the good compatibility of Phenibut and Phenazepam, doctors often prescribe combination therapy with two drugs. This contributes to faster relief of anxiety. Both drugs complement and enhance the effect of each other. In some cases, these two medicines share common indications:
- anxiety disorders;
- sleep disorders;
- emotional instability;
- compulsivefeeling of fear;
- panic attacks with VVD;
- preparing the patient for surgery (premedication).

However, it cannot be said that both of these drugs are completely interchangeable. Each drug has its own individual indications. "Phenazepam" has an anticonvulsant effect, so it is used to treat the following diseases:
- epilepsy;
- hyperkinesis (involuntary movements);
- ticks.
In the above cases, it is impossible to replace the tranquilizer with Phenibut. After all, nootropics do not stop cramps and do not relax muscles.
In turn, "Fenibut" is effective in violations of the vestibular apparatus and "seasickness". It is also used to alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of a hangover. In such cases, it is precisely nootropics that improve metabolism and signal transmission in the central nervous system that are needed. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers cannot replace these drugs.
"Phenibut" is a rather gentle and mild remedy. The nootropic has few contraindications. It is forbidden to take it in the following cases:
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- if allergic to medication ingredients;
- children under the age of 2.

The use of the drug "Phenazepam" has more restrictions. This remedy depresses and inhibits the nervous system, and also relaxes the skeletal system.muscles. It should not be taken in the following diseases and conditions of the body:
- myasthenia gravis;
- angle-closure glaucoma;
- shock and coma;
- intoxication with alcohol, sleeping pills and psychotropic substances;
- severe bronchitis;
- depression;
- intolerance to drug components;
- pregnancy and lactation.
Besides, benzodiazepine tranquilizers are not used in pediatric practice. They are prescribed only for adult patients over 18 years of age.
Can I take Phenibut with Phenazepam? This combination of drugs is allowed, but only on the advice of a doctor. This is necessary in cases where one of the drugs does not have sufficient anti-anxiety effect.
As for the compatibility of Phenibut and Phenazepam, we can say that these drugs enhance the effect of each other. Such complex treatment contributes to a more rapid improvement in the state of the psyche. However, when prescribing combination therapy, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications to the use of a nootropic and a tranquilizer. Both drugs slow down the reaction rate, so during treatment you should not drive a car and engage in complex types of work.
Despite the good compatibility of Phenibut and Phenazepam, doctors do not recommend long-term combined use of these drugs. Both drugs should not be taken for a long time.
Prolonged use of "Phenibut" canlead to exhaustion of the central nervous system. Tolerance develops to this medicine, and the previous doses soon cease to help. As for "Phenazepam", this drug, if used for a long time, can cause serious addiction.

Usually "Phenazepam" is prescribed at 0.5-10 mg three times a day. Reception of a tranquilizer should not last more than 14 days. Otherwise, the patient may become addicted.
"Phenibut" is prescribed three times a day for 250-500 mg. The drug is taken in courses of 2-6 weeks. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a break.
If the doctor prescribes Phenibut and Phenazepam together, then the dosages of both drugs are reduced. These drugs potentiate each other's action, so fewer pills are required to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Storage and price
"Phenibut" is allowed to be stored at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees. It remains valid for 3 years. Such storage conditions are provided for in the instructions for use. The price of Phenibut is from 150 to 600 rubles (for 20 tablets). The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer.
Phenazepam tablets are stored at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees. They are usable for 3 years. The price of the drug in pharmacy chains is from 100 to 230 rubles (for 50 tablets).

"Phenazepam" is strictly a prescription drug. Atwhen purchasing a tranquilizer in a pharmacy, the pharmacist puts a note on the prescription on the prescription form.
"Fenibut" until recently was freely dispensed from pharmacies. But now it has become prescription. This is due to the fact that this nootropic is a stimulant of the nervous system and can have many side effects.
Which is better
Which of these two drugs is more effective in relieving anxiety? "Phenazepam" has a stronger anxiolytic effect. This tranquilizer is prescribed for severe anxiety disorders and severe insomnia. However, the drug is not without its drawbacks. It can cause drug dependence. In addition, benzodiazepine tranquilizers are not used to treat children.
"Phenibut" has a softer and more gentle effect. It does not depress the central nervous system. This drug is used for mild anxiety, sleep disorders and mild forms of depression. Unlike tranquilizers, Phenibut does not cause dependence and addiction. However, for severe anxiety disorders, nootropic monotherapy may not be enough. In such cases, Phenazepam is included in the treatment regimen.