"Prednisolone" intramuscularly: instructions for use, dosage

"Prednisolone" intramuscularly: instructions for use, dosage
"Prednisolone" intramuscularly: instructions for use, dosage

Intramuscularly "Prednisolone" is administered to treat many diseases. This drug belongs to the category of glucocorticosteroid hormones. You can use it only after consulting your doctor, as injections have numerous contraindications and dangerous side effects. Most often, the drug is prescribed to those patients for whom the use of classic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is unacceptable.

Composition and dosage form of the drug

In traditional medicine, to eliminate pain, doctors inject their patients with "Prednisolone" intramuscularly. The medicine is sold in small ampoules. The solution is clear, with a slight tint of green or yellow. The composition includes the following components:

  • The main active ingredient is Prednisolone, 30 mg.
  • Clean water.
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Metabisulphite and sodium hydroxide.
  • Edetat disodium.

One package contains a cardboard stand with three medicine ampoules. The active substance is a synthetic analogue of the hormone, which is naturally produced by the adrenal glands. The introduction of "Prednisolone" intramuscularly has a powerful immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect on the patient's body.

With regular use, the drug reduces the concentration of substances in the body that increase the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and soft tissue cells. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the development of puffiness, eliminate pain, reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, increase the concentration of glucose in the blood, and also accelerate the removal of sodium s alts from the body. "Prednisolone" perfectly restores water and electrolyte balance.

Image"Prednisolone" in a standard package
Image"Prednisolone" in a standard package

The principle of impact on the body

The introduction of "Prednisolone" intramuscularly allows you to achieve the optimal anti-shock, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and analgesic effect. Once in the patient's body, the drug forms a specific glucocorticoid receptor. The active substance quickly penetrates into the cell nucleus, where it interacts with genes. Because of this, a serious change is formed in the production of RNA and proteins. In medicine, Prednisolone is highly valued for its excellent anti-inflammatory effect, which is achieved due to the following factors:

  • The main substance prevents the exchange of genes from the COX-2 category. Due to this, the production of prostaglandins decreases.
  • Active ingredients several times increase the natural production of lipocortin, which prevents the formation of phospholipase. Because of this, damaged tissues cannot produce arachidonic acid.
  • The drug stops the metabolic processes between molecules in the blood vessels, so that monocytes and neutrophils do not penetrate into the inflammatory focus.
Packaging "Prednisolone"
Packaging "Prednisolone"

Indications for use

You can use the drug only after the patient has carefully studied the instructions for "Prednisolone". Intramuscular injections are administered only if the following diseases have been diagnosed:

  1. Autoimmune skin lesions (psoriasis, pemphigus, eczema, Duhring's disease, exfoliative dermatitis, Lyell's syndrome).
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Aspiration and eosinophilic pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis.
  4. Granulomatous thyroiditis.
  5. Multiple sclerosis.
  6. Chronic and acute forms of pathologies that are accompanied by an inflammatory process in the joints and nearby soft tissues.
  7. Lung cancer.
  8. Edema of the brain.
  9. Allergic diseases.
  10. Rheumatic fever, chorea, rheumatic heart disease.
  11. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  12. Hypercalcemia developing against the background of the presence of oncological neoplasms.
  13. Nephrotic syndrome.
  14. Diffuse lesions of connective tissues.
  15. Pathologies that are associated with hematopoiesis (anemia, leukemia).
  16. Hypoglycemic conditions.
  17. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia or dysfunction of their cortex.
  18. Primary and secondary hypocorticism.
  19. Autoimmune diseases.
  20. Pathologies of the organs of vision (uveitis, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic ulcerative keratitis, choroiditis, sympathetic ophthalmia, iridocyclitis).
  21. Interstitial diseases of the lung tissue (acute alveolitis, fibrosis, sarcoidosis).

Many patients prefer to use "Prednisolone" in ampoules. Intramuscular injections are administered only after prior consultation with the attending physician. The drug must be prescribed for anaphylactic shock or an attack of food allergies. A few days later, the patient is transferred to tablet therapy.

Solution for intramuscular injection
Solution for intramuscular injection


Before you figure out how to inject "Prednisolone" intramuscularly, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of conditions and pathologies in which it is forbidden to use this medication. Even in the most emergency situations, it is strictly forbidden to administer the solution if there is hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug. The main contraindications include:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are fraught with internal bleeding.
  2. AIDS, HIV.
  3. Severe infectious diseases: tuberculosis, herpes zoster or simple herpes, measles, chickenpox.
  4. Parasitic, viral, bacterial or fungal infection of the body.
  5. Hepatic or renalfailure.
  6. Serious abnormalities in the endocrine system.
  7. Increased blood albumin levels.
  8. Pathologies in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  9. Serious psychological illnesses: schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychosis.

All risk groups are described in detail by manufacturers in the instructions for use of Prednisolone. Intramuscular injections are administered to adults only after a full examination.

The introduction of injections of "Prednisolone"
The introduction of injections of "Prednisolone"

Instructions for use

Intramuscularly "Prednisolone" is administered with extreme caution. The dosage is always selected individually, since it all depends on the severity of the patient's condition, the localization of the affected organ. In acute diseases, therapists prescribe a kind of pulse therapy using high doses for a short period of time. Experts note the fact that the amount of the drug is adjusted depending on the patient's response to treatment.

To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, it is necessary to choose the right dosage of Prednisolone. Intramuscularly, the drug is administered according to the following scheme:

  • With the development of acute adrenal insufficiency, a single dosage can vary from 110 to 200 mg. A maximum of 400 mg can be administered per day.
  • For severe allergies, the drug is administered at 200 mg per day for 18 days.
  • For asthma, 500 to 1200 mg can be used. Gradually, the daily dosage should be reduced to 300 mg.
  • In acute inflammation of the liverthe drug is prescribed in a dosage of 75 to 100 mg. Treatment lasts 10 days.

After the appointment of a therapist, you can administer "Prednisolone" intramuscularly to children. The dosage depends on the age of the small patient: from 2 to 12 months, 1-2 mg / kg of body weight is used. The solution is injected into the gluteal muscle. From 1 to 14 years, use 2 mg / kg. The drug is injected deep into the muscle for three minutes. If necessary, the medication can be used again after 35 minutes.

The use of "Prednisolone" for the treatment of children
The use of "Prednisolone" for the treatment of children

Adverse reactions

To avoid the development of negative reactions of the body to the medication, it is necessary to study the instructions for the use of "Prednisolone". Intramuscularly, the solution is administered with extreme caution, it is forbidden to exceed the permissible dosage. The main side effects include:

  1. Circulatory system: increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, bradycardia, thrombosis. Myocardial death may occur in patients with chronic heart disease.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, vomiting, internal bleeding, nausea, decreased appetite, liver or stomach tissue damage.
  3. Sense organs: thinning of the cornea, damage to the lens, increased pressure inside the eyeball.
  4. Skin: acne formation, thinning and dryness of the epithelium, increased pigmentation.
  5. Allergy: anaphylactic shock, itching, burning, swelling.
  6. Metabolism: delaying the natural excretion of water and sodium s alts from the body, gradualweight gain, loss of valuable potassium s alts.

Experienced doctors note that in medical practice Prednisolone is often administered intramuscularly for allergies. The dosage depends on the condition of the patient. But if the procedure was performed incorrectly, then this is fraught with burning, itching, tingling and redness at the injection site.

Adverse reactions from "Prednisolone"
Adverse reactions from "Prednisolone"

The consequences of an overdose

If the patient figured out how to administer "Prednisolone" intramuscularly, then no complications will arise. Exceeding the permissible dosage is fraught with various deteriorations in the condition. In such a situation, the patient needs urgent medical attention. An overdose can be recognized by an increase in peripheral edema, an increase in blood pressure. It is necessary to call an ambulance team so that the specialists wash the stomach and prescribe high-quality drug therapy. At home, you can help the patient only by drinking plenty of water.

Use of medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding

"Prednisolone" can be prescribed to such patients only for serious he alth reasons. During lactation, it must be taken into account that the active substance freely penetrates into mother's milk, which is why it is better to refuse breastfeeding and transfer the child to artificial mixtures during treatment.

The use of "Prednisolone" by pregnant women
The use of "Prednisolone" by pregnant women


If the patient will use injections for a long time"Prednisolone", then this is fraught with addiction to the body. The drug can adversely affect the work of the patient's adrenal glands. With a sharp cessation of therapy, the patient may experience acute malaise, high body temperature, and increased fatigue. All these symptoms go away on their own without additional medication. But if the patient has been using an increased dosage of Prednisolone for a long time, then a sharp rejection of the drug is fraught with a hypoadrenal crisis. In this condition, cramps of the limbs, collapse and vomiting occur. If a person is not helped in a timely manner, then cardiac arrest, provoked by cardiovascular insufficiency, is quite possible.

Special Instructions

With prolonged use of the drug "Prednisolone", it is necessary to periodically undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist, take blood for tests, monitor the condition of the kidneys and liver, and also check the level of blood pressure. The drug should be combined with drugs that reduce the concentration of gastric juice, as well as adhere to a protein diet.

"Prednisolone" should be used with caution by those who have had a myocardial infarction or microstroke. If infectious diseases have been diagnosed, then they additionally take medications that suppress the action of dangerous microorganisms.


Available analogues

If the patient has contraindications to the use of Prednisolone injections, then its substitutes can be used. Similar drugs with a similar principle of action include:

  1. "Triamcinolone".
  2. Betamethasone.
  3. Flosteron.
  4. Kenalog.
  5. "Hydrocortisone".
  6. "Dexamed".
  7. Lemod.
  8. Metipred.
Image"Hydrocortisone" - analogue of "Prednisolone"
Image"Hydrocortisone" - analogue of "Prednisolone"

Conditions for sale and storage

The drug can only be bought with a prescription from your doctor. You can store the medicine for a maximum of three years in a dark room at a temperature not exceeding +27 ° C. The average price of "Prednisolone" in injections varies from 15 to 20 rubles per 1 ampoule. Before use, you need to undergo a full examination and consult with a qualified doctor.
