"Coletex gel" is a fairly effective tool that is used during combination and radiation therapy. The universal composition provides not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect on the specific reactions of the body. The drug allows you to restore damaged mucous membranes and skin, which often occur as a result of radiation therapy. "Coletex gel DNA" with Derinat significantly accelerates the healing process of wounds that remain open for a long time.

Composition and release form
"Coletex gel" has proven itself as a high-quality medicine that is actively used in modern medicine. The active ingredient of the drug is lidocaine hydrochloride, which has a powerful analgesic effect. As excipients are used:
- Purified water.
- Chlorhexidine hydrochloride.
- Glycerol.
- Hydroxyethylcellulose.
The drug is sold in tubes of 15, 20 and 30 g.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug
Before applying the drug to problem areas, the patient must study the instructions for use. "Coletex gel" with regular use leads to inhibition of nerve conduction, as a result of which nerve endings and fibers are blocked. Experts have proven that lidocaine is significantly more effective than procaine.
The drug has an antiarrhythmic property, which is due to a significant increase in the degree of membrane permeability, general cell stabilization and specific blocking of sodium channels. But even with prolonged use, the gel does not significantly affect the conduction of the myocardium. Exceeding the permissible dosage is fraught with the development of a negative inotropic effect.

Indications for use
To restore the body after radiation therapy, specialists prescribe high-quality Coletex gel. Reviews about this medication in most cases are positive. The main indications for use include:
- Suturing in the presence of abscesses of the skin.
- Pain relief before the upcoming rectoscopy.
- Appointment of septectomy, electrocoagulation. The drug is effective in resection of polyps in the nasal cavity.
- Quality anesthesia of the oral mucosa during dental treatment. The drug is often used for various dental procedures: suturing, opening of diagnosed cysts, removal of milk teeth, excision of neoplasms.
- Puncture of the sinuses.
- Teething.
- Introduction of the probe through the mouth or nose.
- Effective pain relief for short surgical interventions performed on the eyes.

Main contraindications
High-quality Coletex gel DNA-L is actively used in various areas of modern medicine. The instruction for the use of this drug contains a number of contraindications that must be taken into account in order to avoid the manifestation of unwanted side effects:
- Increased sensitivity to drug components.
- Strong drop in blood pressure.
- Sinoatrial blockade.
- The diagnosed Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome. This pathology is characterized by the development of cerebral ischemia and a decrease in total cardiac output.
- Bradycardia.
- Acute and chronic forms of heart failure.
- A state of shock that is cardiogenic in nature.
- Violation of intraventricular conduction.
Universal Coletex Gel can be used with extreme caution in those patients who have been diagnosed with the following disorders and diseases:
- Sinus type bradycardia.
- Hypotension.
- Severe form of renal andliver failure.
- Convulsions of the epileptiform type.
- Inadequate renal circulation.
- Hypersensitivity to amide drugs.

Dosage and method of administration
In traditional medicine, the drug "Coletex gel DNA-L" is used for pain relief. Instructions for use contain information that the product can be applied to mucous surfaces and skin. A small amount of gel is evenly distributed on the wound or trophic ulcer. The drug can also be injected into the cavity of the vagina, rectum. If necessary, the use of dressings with gel is allowed. The optimal amount of the drug is determined by the specialist, since it all depends on the complexity of the disease. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a day.

Adverse reactions
For high-quality pain relief and accelerated wound healing, experts recommend using Coletex gel 5-ftur. In the instructions for use, manufacturers indicated that in rare cases, patients may experience various adverse reactions:
- There is a feeling of tightness at the gel application site.
- Urticaria.
- Severe burning and itching of the treated area, which disappear on their own within a few minutes after applying the drug.
- Dizziness.
- Tremor.
- Headache.
- Vomiting.
- Euphoria.
- Angioedema.
- Increased sleepiness.
- Nausea.
- Weakness.
- Disorientation in space.
- Cramps in the limbs.
- Increased sensitivity to bright light.
- General weakness.
Interaction with other drugs
"Coletex gel" is often used for combined therapy of various pathologies, but in this case, some nuances must be taken into account:
- When using Cimetidine and beta-blockers, the risk of a toxic effect increases.
- Increases the effect of used muscle relaxants.
- As a result of the use of "Lidocaine" and MAO inhibitors, blood pressure decreases.
- Significantly increases the impact of curariform drugs.
- "Coletex gel" reduces the effectiveness of antimyasthenic drugs.
- If the patient uses "Procainamide", then hallucinations and excitation of the central nervous system are not excluded.
- Significantly increases the analgesic effect of "Lidocaine" during the use of "Epinephrine", "Phenylephrine", "Metoxamine".
To minimize the risk of developing unwanted effects, it is imperative to consult a doctor who will select the most appropriate course of treatment.

Special Instructions
The patient should ensure that the drug does not enter the eyes or respiratory tract. With extreme caution, the drug can be usedthose who drive vehicles or other mechanisms that require a good reaction and accuracy of movements. Treatment of debilitated and elderly patients, as well as people with mental retardation, should take place under the strict supervision of a physician. "Coletex gel" is strictly forbidden to use during childbearing and breastfeeding. The drug is prescribed with extreme caution for children under 18.
Available analogues

A similar principle of action on the human body is possessed by those medications that contain the active substance lidocaine. Most often used to replace the main drug:
- Katejel. The drug perfectly relieves pain, and also fights various pathogenic microorganisms due to its powerful antiseptic effect.
- Kamistad. This is a high-quality dental gel, which contains an extract of pharmaceutical chamomile. The drug is aimed at eliminating inflammation and pain. The drug has a powerful antiseptic principle of action.
- "Kalgel". The drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Moderate use avoids the development of complications that can be caused by pathogenic microflora.
Use any of these medicines only after prior consultation with your doctor. Otherwise, you can aggravate your he alth condition, which will require inpatient treatment.