Proteins are essential for the human body. They are building materials. But an excess of "bricks" will certainly lead to intoxication. In order to provide timely assistance to a person, you need to know what symptoms people have with protein poisoning.
What is this disease
Very dangerous, equivalent to food poisoning. The reason for the appearance is malnutrition (an insufficient amount of trace elements, carbohydrates and fats in the diet).
The mechanism of disease development is simple. Protein in the human body is converted into glucose. If the liver is not able to process the "building" material, there is an accumulation of ammonia and amino acids. These products are released by the liver into the bloodstream, which can lead to serious consequences. Symptoms of protein poisoning appear in people: diarrhea, nausea, hunger, fatigue. The body should receive more carbohydrates and fats. Only then the unpleasant signs of pathology will disappear. The number of calories does not affect the appearance of these symptoms. A person can receive energy from other sources.
From-for the danger of the onset of the disease, doctors advise abandoning protein diets. If there is no other way out, except for high-protein nutrition, then the patient should be under the supervision of a specialist.

As many as you need
To date, the upper limit of organic compound consumption has not yet been established. It is believed that the symptoms of protein poisoning appear if forty-five percent of calories come from this substance.
First, let's figure out why we need it. Proteins are a kind of building material. They are needed for cell growth and repair.
Adults who lead a measured lifestyle are recommended on day zero as many as seventy-five hundredths of a gram of compound per kilogram of weight. If you multiply, then the approximate figures are as follows - fifty-five grams for men and forty-five for women.
Protein food in the stomach is broken down into amino acids. The small intestine absorbs it. The liver then keeps only those it needs. The rest are excreted in the urine.
Causes of protein poisoning
Now let's talk about what are the causes of protein poisoning in humans.
- Diet (strict protein). Carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet. Nutrition - a combination of complex fats and proteins. Protein takes longer to process. This process takes more effort and energy. Fat deposits are depleted. Excess protein in the body leads not only to poisoning, but also provokes kidney disease.
- Proteincocktails. Most often used by athletes. With the right dosage, this food will not harm the body. If it is in excess, people may develop symptoms of protein poisoning.
Mushrooms are another cause of pathology. This product is ninety percent protein. It should be eaten in small portions.

Seafood, if abused, they can also cause intoxication. Especially shrimp, oysters, squid, mussels. They are considered a protein-rich delicacy and an allergen
Acute or chronic can be diagnosed with protein poisoning in humans. The symptoms are somewhat different. Acute - develops a few hours after ingestion of protein foods. Chronic - a consequence of prolonged abuse of protein nutrition.
Signs of acute protein poisoning:
- heaviness in the stomach;
- abdominal pain;
- diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
- headache and dizziness;
- weakness and chills;
- temperature increase;
- bloating.
In older people, the above symptoms are added: difficulty breathing, confusion, weakness. All of the above signs do not always indicate that protein poisoning has occurred. Treatment should be started if the condition worsens. You can't do without a doctor. With timely contact with a specialist, the problem can be solved quickly.

Chronic protein intoxication
There is also chronic protein poisoning. Symptoms in humans in this case are the following:
- Calcium absorption is wrong. Little remains in the bones. Normal mineral balance in the blood is not maintained. This, in turn, leads to brittle bones.
- Excessive excretion of calcium, which could not be absorbed, leads to urolithiasis, dark urine.
- The development of pathological processes in the body leads to the formation of heart failure, severe headaches, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness.
People suffering from chronic pathology: often break bones, even if the impact is minor; do not tolerate physical activity; they often have shortness of breath, even if there is no strong physical exertion; they are emotionally unstable.
Useful is sometimes dangerous
It's about seafood. They are essential for the human body. But you can not use them too much. Most often, pathology is caused by oysters and mussels, shrimp and squid, crabs, lobsters and octopus.
With seafood protein poisoning, the symptoms are similar to those of any food intoxication. They appear gradually, depending on the severity of the disease. Accompanied by:
- constant nausea;
- vomiting and vomiting;
- severe abdominal pain and gas;
- indigestion;
- headaches and dizziness;
- lethargy, weakness and apathy;
- puffiness andincreased salivation;
- lack of appetite.
If poisoning occurs with oysters, then convulsions may occur.
Do not abuse seafood delicacies, remember about moderation. We already know the symptoms of protein poisoning in humans with seafood and other proteins. Let's move on to treatment.

The first step to treating poisoning is to call an ambulance. Waiting for the help of specialists, you can’t just sit idly by. What should be done to alleviate the condition of protein poisoning in humans before the arrival of doctors?
- If there is no vomiting, it must be called. The patient drinks one and a half liters of water. Presses on the root of the tongue, causing a gag reflex. The procedure is repeated several times.
- A person is given laxative pills. For a quick cleansing of the intestines and stomach.
- In order to avoid dehydration, "Regidron" is recommended. It can be replaced with ordinary water. Drink in small portions.
If there is vomiting and diarrhea, then drugs should not be used. The body will get rid of harmful impurities on its own. A person should be provided with peace, an influx of fresh air.
For severe abdominal pain, do not take analgesics and antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. In a serious condition, the patient should be sent to a medical facility. Sick children, pregnant women and the elderly will definitely have to visit the medical institution.

After the diagnosis is selectedsuitable treatment. Preparations are used to restore the function of organs and systems, antibacterial agents, vitamins.
What they say about the problem
Experts say that nutrition should be correct and balanced. No bias towards carbohydrates or proteins. That is why the Kremlin diet, the Dukan diet can harm the human body. Of course, this is the case if you "sit" on this diet for a long time.
There is another opinion - proteins cannot be combined with complex carbohydrates and acids (apples, vinegar).
Doctors say - in case of poisoning, no antiemetics and antidiarrheal drugs. Vomiting and diarrhea protect the body and remove toxins from the body.
And one more advice from doctors - when symptoms of protein poisoning appear in a person, try to cleanse the intestines of bad foods. If pain and temperature appear, immediately go to the hospital.
A few more words about the protein Kremlin diet. A long period of such nutrition leads the beautiful half of humanity to problems. Need to lose weight, but right.

A lot of seafood - protein poisoning is guaranteed. Many have suffered from this more than once. Especially on vacation. The state is indescribable. Everything hurts, constant urge to vomit. Only bowel cleansing helped.
Complications and prevention
These happen, if you do not pay attention to the bad condition. It can get worse and worse every day. It will not lead to anything good.
- Problems withbowel work. Not all food is digested, gas formation and bloating. All this can lead to gastritis.
- Hepatic renal failure. This condition can cause cell death.
- Stroke, heart attack. Violation of the hematopoietic system.
- Frequent illnesses - reduced immunity.
So what to do so that the disease can not knock you off your feet? Preventive measures?
- Make the menu, adhering to the correct proportions: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
- Eat not only protein, but also carbohydrates.
- Give up tight diets. At the moment we are talking about protein diets.
- Don't drink meat with juice. Digestion is difficult.
- Be careful with mushrooms, don't eat seafood every day.

As you can see, even the safest foods can harm the human body if overused. Control what and how you eat. This will help you avoid problems.