Drug addiction is a kind of plague of the twenty-first century. The scale of the catastrophe is incredibly huge, far beyond the statistics, as people susceptible to this disease carefully hide their addictions. Narcotic drugs cause rapid and lasting addiction and terrible physical suffering when the drug is abandoned.

This most serious illness, colloquially referred to as drug addiction, is treated in narcological dispensaries. In particular, the narcological dispensary of SVAO (North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow) No. 13 uses effective modern methods of drug addiction treatment. Patients undergo massive diffuse therapy (a large amount of saline, gemodez, glucose and other drugs are injected intravenously). Such intensive treatment reduces the level of narcotic drugs in the patient's blood many times over, thereby significantly alleviating the withdrawal syndrome.
Narcological dispensary of the North-East Administrative Okrug provides real help to people suffering from drug addiction, but on the only condition: the patient must come todoctors voluntarily. The addict must want to be cured, then the effect will follow immediately and be lasting. The Narcological Dispensary of the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug is equipped with modern, progressive equipment, highly qualified narcologists and psychologists have mastered and are improving many therapeutic methods for the treatment of drug addiction.

In severe, advanced cases, the method of hemosorption is used. This is the purification of the entire blood volume with the help of a hemosorbent, which almost completely cures patients or significantly reduces physical dependence and the amount of drugs required by the body.
Narcological dispensary of SVAO uses not only diffuse therapy, hemosorption, hemodialysis in treatment, but also psychological methods of treatment. Patients in the dispensary feel constant care, understanding and sympathy from the staff, who are well aware that drug addiction is a serious disease from which no one is immune, and take care of the psyche of their patients.
Narcological dispensaries across the country are selflessly working in the field of combating a serious illness, trying to provide not only medical care, but also moral support to their patients. Each patient finds sincere understanding and genuine sympathy from the staff.

Psych. The dispensary is engaged in the treatment of psychological disorders of the personality, including those arising as a result of drug addiction. Experienced psychiatrists explain in detail to such patients, as a result of whichthere were changes in the psyche, how to deal with it. They inspire them with the need for a course of treatment in a narcological dispensary. Psychiatric dispensaries are also equipped with high-tech analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. Methods of hypnosis, relaxation, acupuncture, diffuse therapy, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy are widely used for the treatment of mental disorders. Treatment of drug addiction and psychological disorders is best done in a comprehensive manner in specialized modern dispensaries. A competent, professional approach to patients and highly effective methods of treatment can help to cope with the most serious illness - drug addiction.