Vitreous detachment is a fairly common pathology, which is especially common in elderly patients. It should be said right away that in most cases the disease responds well to treatment, although in the absence of therapy, complications may occur, sometimes up to complete loss of vision.
Naturally, people who are faced with a problem are looking for any additional information. What is an ailment? What are the symptoms to look out for? When do you need to urgently contact the center of laser vision correction? The answers to these questions are of interest to many readers.
What is the vitreous?

First of all, it is worth working with basic anatomical data. Between the retina and the lens of the eye is a jelly-like substance, which, in fact, is called the vitreous body. It is this body that provides support and normal alignment of all structures of the eye.
In newborns, this structure is homogeneous. But as the body maturesthe vitreous begins to separate into two fractions, namely liquid (it consists of 95% water) and fibrous (formed by combining protein particles).
What is a disease?
Vitreous detachment is a fairly common disease, which is the result of abnormal changes in the structure of proteins in the fibrous part of the organ. Under the influence of certain factors, the separation of one layer from another begins. Since the vitreous body is located in close proximity to the retina, any violation of its structure is fraught with visual impairment.

It is worth saying right away that in most cases this ailment is diagnosed in people over fifty years old. According to statistics, women are more susceptible to the disease, although men often face a similar problem. As for the signs, most patients complain of "flies in the eyes." The causes and treatment of such disorders will be discussed below.
Main causes of pathology

Most often, the pathological process begins in the back of the eye, so the term “posterior vitreous detachment” often appears in medicine.
Why does this disease start? In fact, the reasons may be different. Vitreous detachment may be due to the following reasons.
- As already mentioned, age is a risk factor, because pathology most often develops in patients over 50 years of age. The fact is that with aging, various degenerative changes begin in the structures of the eye. In addition, the number of collagen fibers that support the dense structure of the vitreous body is also reduced.
- Predisposed to a similar pathology and patients suffering from frequent inflammatory diseases of the choroid and retina. These diseases are accompanied by a change in normal pH. The acidic environment negatively affects the functioning of cellular structures, and also contributes to a decrease in the level of adhesion between the posterior hyaloid membrane of the retina and the inner limiting membrane of the vitreous body.
- The list of risk factors also includes some systemic diseases, in particular, thyroid pathologies, diabetes mellitus and Marfan's syndrome. The fact is that such disorders are accompanied by significant changes in the hormonal background. As a result of these processes, the normal synthesis of hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans is disrupted, which primarily affects the structure of the vitreous body.
- Detachment can be the result of penetrating wounds in the eye area, as well as previous surgical interventions on the eyes.
Classification: main types of pathology

In modern medicine, there are many schemes to classify pathology. Depending on the nature of the detachment, two types of detachment are distinguished:
- Complete detachment is accompanied by separation of the sheath from the optic nerve head, resulting in the formation ofperipapillary space. This form of pathology is more often observed in young patients, since the vitreous body gel at this stage has a more formalized structure. Also, the cause of complete detachment can be a hemorrhage or penetration of exudate into the space between the retina and the vitreous body.
- Partial detachment, as a rule, comes from the base of the vitreous. Also, the sheath may separate from the exit site of the optic disc. If left untreated, partial detachment becomes complete.
Vitreous detachment: symptoms
Of course, an important issue for every reader is the clinical picture. In fact, many patients turn to an ophthalmologist complaining of “flies” in their eyes. Causes and treatment are what patients are interested in.

A similar symptom may be accompanied by a violation of the structure of the vitreous body. Of course, the features of the clinical picture largely depend on the form and degree of detachment. If we are talking about a partial violation of adhesion, then some specific symptoms may be completely absent. As a rule, the pathology affects both eyes at once, and visual acuity can remain normal - which is why patients rarely go to the doctor. Sometimes such a disease becomes an accidental finding.
Complete detachment of the vitreous body of the eye is accompanied by noticeable disorders. Various inclusions may appear in the field of vision of patients - these can be both dark "flies" and large geometricfigures. There is also the appearance of photopsies and "flashes" that occur during the movement of the eyeball.
What is the disease dangerous? Common Complications
Many people, especially when it comes to elderly patients, are faced with such a problem as detachment of the vitreous body of the eye. What is the danger of such a disease.
As evidenced by the reviews of doctors and the results of studies, the pathology responds well to therapy, but only if it was diagnosed in time. In advanced cases, the risk of complications is extremely high.
It is worth noting that partial detachment is the most dangerous. With a similar form of the disease, the fibers of the membranes are attached to the retina in some places, which is accompanied by a strong traction from the entire mass of the vitreous body. This creates additional stress on certain areas of the retina. In about 8-15% of patients, this results in a peripheral retinal tear.
According to statistics, in about 13-19% of patients, pathology is accompanied by hemorrhage into the vitreous body. This complication does not lead to loss of vision, but requires immediate treatment.
In some cases, violations in the structure of the vitreous body are accompanied by separation and detachment of the retina, which, of course, adversely affects vision and sometimes leads to its complete loss.
Diagnostic measures

If you go to the doctor with the above complaints, then the specialist will first conduct standard studies,including ophthalmoscopy, visual acuity testing, ophthalmometry, biomicroscopy.
An ultrasound examination of the eyeball is informative - during the procedure, the doctor can determine the exact location of the detachment, as well as see changes in the structure of the vitreous body itself. More accurate results can be obtained using optical computed tomography. Such a diagnostic event makes it possible to carefully examine the state of the retina, as well as measure the thickness of the membranes of the vitreous body and the retina.
Vitreous Detachment: Treatment
Based on the data obtained during the research, the doctor can accurately diagnose and determine the treatment regimen. In this case, only surgery can correct the situation, so you should contact a good laser vision correction center.

As a rule, patients are prescribed a vitrectomy, a procedure that involves the complete or partial removal of the vitreous body.
In some cases vitreolysis is effective. This is a minimally invasive intervention that involves partial evaporation, dislocation or fragmentation of pathological inclusions of the vitreous body using special laser equipment or by administering drugs.
Effective preventive measures
As already mentioned, vitreous detachment is fraught with a lot of complications. Of course, the pathology is relatively easy to correct, but the prognosis is favorable only inif the patient consulted a doctor in time. In the presence of retinal detachment and other complications, therapy may not bring the expected results.
As for prevention, it is mainly aimed at reducing the risk of certain complications. Concomitant diseases such as diabetes or thyroid lesions should be adequately treated in time. The correct mode of work and rest for the eyes is important (this applies primarily to people who, by virtue of their profession, must constantly strain their eyes, for example, when working at a computer). If your work involves potential eye injury, then do not forget about goggles and other devices.
If you have any alarming symptoms, then do not hesitate - you need to contact an experienced ophthalmologist as soon as possible.