Vitreous destruction is a very dangerous problem that, if left untreated, leads to deterioration and even complete loss of vision.
To begin with, it is worth noting that the vitreous body is a gel-like substance that fills the inner cavity of the eyeball. It not only gives shape to the eye, but is also responsible for the refraction of light and its transmission to the retina, and also provides turgor and tissue elasticity. That is why any change in it directly affects the state of the visual analyzer.
What is vitreous destruction?

Destruction is any change in the structure, composition and shape of the vitreous body. As a rule, such a phenomenon has an age-related character - by the age of 50-60, slow destructive processes begin. But sometimes the disease appears at an earlier and even childhood age - here the help of a specialist is already needed. So what changes could happen?
- The most common form of destruction is partial or complete liquefaction of the vitreous body. In such cases, voids begin to form inside, which graduallyfilled with liquids, fibers, protein strands - these elements can float freely in the substance of the vitreous body, causing visual impairment.
- Destruction of the vitreous body may be accompanied by the deposition of crystals of tyrosine, cholesterol or other substances.
- The most severe form of the disease is the wrinkling of the vitreous body. In such cases, the substance begins to gradually shrink, stretching the vitreoretinal ligaments. Quite often, in this state, detachment of the vitreous body from the retina is observed, as well as torn ligaments, hemorrhages and other dangerous phenomena. It is very important to see a doctor in time here, as damage to the retina can lead to irreversible pathologies.
Why does vitreous destruction occur?

In fact, the causes of such a disease are not always clear. It is only known that the destruction can be caused by any factor that can disrupt the physico-chemical properties and equilibrium in the colloidal solution of the vitreous gel. These include inflammatory processes and some infectious diseases of the eyes, as well as disorders in the work of the endocrine glands, liver, kidneys and other organs. Sometimes the condition of the eyeball can be affected by a bad habit, the wrong way of life, constant exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Vitreous body destruction: diagnosis and treatment
First, see an experienced ophthalmologist. As a rule, in order to make a definitive diagnosis, the doctormust examine the fundus, do some laboratory tests and perform an ultrasound. Only then will he determine not only the presence of the disease, but also the stage of its development. To date, there are several methods of treating destruction:

- If there is no serious threat to vision, then the doctor will prescribe vitamins and some stimulant drugs.
- Remember that with a disease like this, you need to maintain an exceptionally he althy lifestyle, give up bad habits and get regular check-ups.
- If the condition of the eyeball is more serious, the doctor may prescribe a vitrectomy - a surgical treatment method, the essence of which is to partially excise the vitreous body and fill the free space with a special solution. If the destruction has affected the state of other elements of the eye, then they also require treatment - for example, sometimes it is necessary to transplant an artificial eye lens.
Today, there is a safer and painless technique - vitreolysis. With the help of a laser beam, the doctor destroys third-party particles and fibers floating inside, without violating the integrity of the vitreous body. Unfortunately, this technique is not very common and is carried out only in some specialized clinics.