KSB 55: divorce or truth (reviews)

KSB 55: divorce or truth (reviews)
KSB 55: divorce or truth (reviews)

A huge number of men and women strive to improve their bodies so that there is not a single gram of fat in it, and the muscles, as they say, play. To achieve this goal, many exhaust themselves in fitness rooms for hours. Training really makes you stronger and more resilient, but the cherished bumps on the arms, shoulders, legs and other parts of the body are in no hurry to increase. Specialists in the field of sports nutrition to speed up the process came up with dietary supplements that help to "swell" the muscles. One of the latest know-hows in this area is KSB 55. Reviews from doctors and consumers like an avalanche hit the Internet, informing everyone about the magical power of the remedy. But there are people who doubt whether all these laudatory "odes" are custom-made? Who is right? The vaunted KSB 55 is a scam? Or is it really a great thing? To figure it out, we decided to seek help from sports nutrition specialists. In their opinion, KSB 55 has a lot of useful things. What exactly? Read on.

ksb 55 divorce or truth
ksb 55 divorce or truth

Proteins are the building blocks of our muscles

Let's start with the trivial: why do people grow muscles? We hope that both beginners and those who “already know everything about it” will learn something from our materialnew. So, almost everyone knows the fact: human muscles increase proteins, in other words, proteins. To the question: "KSB 55 - divorce or truth?" the tongue is begging to answer: “Yes, it’s true, because this remedy contains as much as 70 g of protein for every 100 g of powder.” There are a lot of types of proteins, but only those that contain the necessary amino acids can be building materials. There are only 20 types of them, among which 9 are irreplaceable (they enter the body only from the outside) and 11 are replaceable (produced by the body itself). Essentials are essential for muscle growth. For example, 100 g of gelatin contains almost 90 g of protein, but it contains negligible amounts of essential amino acids, and there is no tryptophan at all. Therefore, despite the highest protein content, gelatin is useless for bodybuilding. The most essential amino acid for muscles is leucine. By the way, coaches often recommend leucine-containing dietary supplements for athletes to build muscle as soon as possible. Perhaps that “special” amino acid that is mentioned on the package of KSB 55 is leucine? I wonder why manufacturers hide such important information?

ksb 55 reviews contraindications
ksb 55 reviews contraindications

KSB 55 - what is it?

Let's try to decipher the name of dietary supplement. The number 55, unfortunately, remains behind a veil of secrecy, because it is not associated with either the protein content in the product, or the age of consumers, or the price … nothing at all. But KSB stands for simply - it is a whey protein concentrate. Indeed, whey protein is a fantastically useful thing. It contains a complete set of essential amino acids, and in addition, it is an excellentantioxidant, that is, it also removes any kind of badness from the body, plus it increases immunity, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Unfortunately, whey protein is as quickly eliminated from the body as it is absorbed. Therefore, to obtain the effect, it must be consumed before the training itself and immediately after it. French scientists conducted experiments giving control groups of bodybuilders various proteins. The group that consumed whey protein showed the best result. Therefore, it is safe to say that KSB 55 is based on a wonderful product.

Full composition of the drug

Proven fact: one protein is not enough for our muscles. Give them more fats and carbohydrates. Yes, yes, the very substances that are "guilty" in our body fat. The fact is that carbohydrates are converted into fats if you eat too much of them (for example, overeat cakes every day), and normally they play the role of energy fuel, due to which the muscles withstand all the loads that are piled on them in fitness rooms. There will not be enough carbohydrates, the muscles will begin to use proteins and forget about building their fibers. Answering the question: "KSB 55 - what is it?", It is impossible to bypass the composition. At first glance, it is perfectly balanced, because for every 70 g of protein there are 5 g of fat and 22 g of carbohydrates. Manufacturers decided to leave information about what vitamins and microelements it contains with seven seals, as well as the names of “special” amino acids. But perhaps this is a deliberate move by packaging designers to intrigue people. In principle, the composition is not bad, and you can from thissupplements expect great results.

ksb 55 what is it
ksb 55 what is it

Where "the dog is buried"

Imagine the situation: someone picks up a can of KSB 55. He doesn’t know whether or not all the manufacturer’s assurances are divorced, he just reads the composition, studies the information about the positive effects of the product indicated on the package, and decides that this supplement is magical and also cheap. The word "concentrate" is especially impressive. Many believe that once concentrated, it means a lot. A lot of times is good. And here it is not. Do you know how KSB is made? By passing ordinary whey through special ceramic membranes with microscopic holes. They have not yet learned how to make them of the same diameter, so the membranes retain not only protein, but also fairly large particles of fat and lactose. This is the treasured concentrate. The lactose contained in it is "guilty" of the diarrhea noted by some users of this remedy. She also has other side surprises that negatively affect the price. Therefore, to the question: "KSB 55 - what is it?" can be answered like this: one of the cheapest supplements on the world market for bodybuilding products. When the concentrate is subjected to more thorough purification, whey isolate (WIS) and hydrolyzate (HSB) are obtained, in which proteins contain up to 95%, and there are no fats and lactose at all. ISB and GSB are much more valuable, and therefore more expensive than the concentrate, but if it is partially present in the composition of a quality dietary supplement, its price immediately drops.

Instant effect

The more you "dig" about the additive, the more you find "burieddogs." The forums often come across enthusiastic reviews about the consequences of taking KSB 55. Divorce can be suspected in such words: "The result is noticeable almost immediately." The fact is that immediately after a workout or in the process of training, the muscles do not grow, no matter how much they are loaded. The increase visible to the eye is associated with an elementary rush of blood. Our muscles grow at rest, for example, in a dream. This does not mean that the more we sleep, the more prominent the bumps on the body. Everything must be balanced, and rest too. But the fact that neither KSB 55 nor any other supplement is capable of melting fat and swelling muscles “in front of our eyes” is a fact.

ksb 55 reviews of doctors
ksb 55 reviews of doctors

How long does it take to build muscle

In addition to the obviously fake, albeit beautifully written reviews about the almost instantaneous effect of KSB 55 (a scam or the truth of all these comments - we are now figuring out), there are more adequate posts (and with photos of achievements!), Which report that the results were not instantaneous, but also quickly.

You can find reports of young guys that they have been actively involved in sports for many years, but they could not increase the mass of fibers until they started taking KSB 55. A week later, their muscle gain was 3 kg, and a month later - 10 kg. Of course it's impressive. The only problem is that the mass, in principle, cannot increase so quickly. At least that's the opinion of Eddie Robinson, Alan Aragon, chief bodybuilding consultant for the popular Men's He alth magazine, and many others. Aragon gives such calculations, repeatedly confirmed by practice.

Heightmuscle mass

training experience (years) increase per month (% of body weight) growth per year (kg)
0-1 to 1, 5 until 13
2-3 to 1 to 6
4 or more to 0.5 to 1, 5

How do young people who have been involved in sports for many years managed to gain as much as 10 kg in a month? Unclear.

Servings per result

So what is KSB 55 - a divorce or a really worthwhile thing? An important factor here is the question of the dosage of the drug. The packages offered by the "real manufacturer" of these products must contain instructions for use.

ksb 55 divorce or truth reviews
ksb 55 divorce or truth reviews

It says in Russian that the powder should be diluted in a glass of water (one of the few substances that practically do not contain their own proteins) in the amount of 1 teaspoon, and take such a cocktail 2 times a day. Based on the fact that protein in 100 g of powder is 70 grams, and in a teaspoon (with a slide) - about 6-7 g, by simple calculations we get that 4.2-4.9 g of protein is eaten at one time. Probably, there is no athlete who would not know that in order to achieve a result, protein must enter the body at least 2 g per 1 kg of weight. Ideally, 20-40 g per dose, provided that there are 5-6 such doses per day. So to the question of what KSB 55 is - a divorce or not, the answer suggests itself.

Delicious analogues of KSB 55

Probably everyone knows that protein,necessary for muscle growth, is present in almost every food product. Even in an ordinary banana it is 2.5 grams, not to mention cottage cheese, meat, milk, eggs and nuts, in which the desired protein is more than 20 grams per 100 g of product. Even a glass of skimmed milk has 8.5 g of it. By eating protein before and after training, you can significantly improve the appearance of your own body without supplements, which is what many athletes do.

ksb 55 reviews divorce
ksb 55 reviews divorce

Deserved bodybuilders advise beginners to eat a piece of boiled beef before and after training, include nuts, especially peanuts and cashews, eggs, fish, and cottage cheese rich in casein protein in the daily diet. To help products supply proteins to our body, and not completely replace them - this is the main task of the KSB 55. Doctors' reviews just point to this. The drug itself is not bad, but in order for the effect promised by the manufacturer to come, you need to combine its intake with the right sports nutrition.

Protein for weight loss

Not only guys, but also girls leave about the wonderful KSB supplement 55 reviews. Contraindications in this case apply only to pregnant women and those who are allergic to lactose. Girls most often take this supplement not to gain muscle mass, but to lose weight. Yes, yes, the magic powder not only increases the volume of the biceps, but also dissolves fat! You can find comments from girls who, having started taking KSB 55 after childbirth, not only lost about 13 kg of weight, but also got a wasp waist. And this, they say, is the holy truth! Repeatedly indicate weight loss withusing KSB 55 reviews of doctors. How to take the supplement to achieve this goal, unfortunately, is written very little. Well, let's fill in the missing link in the instructions. It is important to understand that KSB 55 is still a food that has a calorie content. If the powder is simply used as an addition to your usual diet, and even in higher doses (to burn your fat faster), then the waistline may soon disappear altogether.

ksb 55 reviews of doctors how to take
ksb 55 reviews of doctors how to take

For it to turn into a wasp, you need, firstly, to actively go in for sports (a boring common truth), and secondly, follow the following recommendations:

  • replace one or two regular meals with a serving of a water protein shake;
  • instead of dinner, consume only one serving of the supplement;
  • take supplements before meals to reduce appetite;
  • eat supplements instead of snacks to kill hunger.

The method, as we see, is very similar to conventional diets, only instead of products it uses "magic" KSB.

Issue price

The cost of the goods - that's what will definitely answer us the question: "KSB 55 - is it a scam or is it true?" Consumer reviews vied with each other about the cheapness of the product and its availability to all segments of the population. And so it is! Packing KSB 55 in Russia with an untimely discount costs only 1190 rubles. But let's look at the situation from the other side. In the package of KSB 55 there are only 100 grams of "golden" remedy, designed for 10 servings. That is, one serving without delivery costs 119 rubles. Just for comparison and nothingfor some reason, not for advertising, let's take the dietary supplement Whey Gold Standard, which has approximately the same advantages as KSB 55, and costs as much as 4,300 rubles per can, but it contains as much as 2.27 kg! A single dose of this supplement is 33 grams, that is, the jar contains nearly 69 doses. How much does one cost? We divide 4300 by 69 and get 62.3 rubles. Only. This is despite the fact that 33 grams of the product includes 24 grams of protein, all essential acids, almost all essential acids and a bunch of trace elements. If you “go over” other dietary supplements based on whey protein concentrate, the result will be approximately the same. The answer about the "cheapness" of KSB 55 suggests itself.

ksb 55 what is this composition
ksb 55 what is this composition


All of the above raises well-founded doubts: are the reviews praising KSB 55 sincere? There are really no contraindications to the drug. Only allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children should refrain from it, but such precautions apply to almost any dietary supplement. This means that the KSB 55 supplement is harmless and even useful, like all products containing whey protein. If you do not overdo it with its use, you can significantly improve the condition of many body systems, stabilize metabolism, and strengthen immunity. As for the cheapness of this tool, this issue is very controversial. Regarding its benefits and effectiveness in relation to increasing muscle volume, a negative answer suggests itself. But these are the opinions of sports nutrition experts. And where to throw away your money is a personal matter for everyone.
