Glaucoma is a serious eye disease. It got its name because of the greenish hue, which acquires an enlarged pupil, affected by an acute attack of glaucoma. This is a chronic disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure. However, this is not an exhaustive definition. The term "glaucoma" includes about 60 diseases of the eye, which have the following symptoms:
- Intraocular pressure.
- The defeat of the fibers of the optic nerve.
- Violation of the optic nerve.
Glaucoma can occur at any age, from infancy. However, most often this disease affects the elderly. Today we are interested in drugs that help to effectively fight the disease, in particular Travatan. Analogues of this Belgian drug are very often prescribed by ophthalmologists, since they can bring quick relief. Today we will tell you about the most popular of them.
Pharmacological action
The purpose of our article is a brief overviewmodern drugs for the treatment of glaucoma, among which Travatan occupies the first place. We will list the analogues a little lower, while we devote time to the original drug. So, this is a local drug that is used in ophthalmic practice. According to the reviews of practitioners, "Travatan" is successfully used in the treatment of increased intraocular pressure, as well as a medicine for glaucoma in complex treatment.
Main active ingredient
What ensures the effectiveness of the drug "Travatan" (analogues may differ from it in their active substances)? The basis of the drug is travoprost. Only at first glance it is associated with the plant world, which means it is safe. It is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin. In the body, these are derivatives of fatty acids, a group of lipid substances, the study of the properties of which is currently ongoing.
So, what is the function of "Travatan" (analogues strive to achieve the same effect)? As a result of the application, the outflow of eye fluid increases, which means that intraocular pressure decreases.
Noticeable relief
About two hours after taking the medicine, a person may notice a therapeutic effect. However, it reaches its maximum strength after about 12 hours. The action lasts 24 hours, after which the application should be repeated. It should be noted that the active substance, even when applied topicallyenters the systemic circulation. Therefore, it is extremely important to get acquainted with contraindications, as well as consult with your doctor. Already 30 minutes after use, a peak plasma concentration is observed. And an hour after application, it is no longer found in plasma. The drug is excreted by the kidneys and liver.
Indications for use
When do ophthalmologists prescribe Travatan (eye drops) to patients? Instructions, price, analogues - all this is important information that everyone wants to hear from their doctor. With great success, this drug is used in the treatment of increased intraocular pressure. Those who have already experienced such a disease know that this leads to a gradual impairment of visual function, which means that it needs timely correction.
Glaucoma treatment is even more complicated. This is a systemic disease in which not only the organs of vision are involved, but also the vessels, as well as certain centers of the brain. Therefore, the treatment should be comprehensive, and Travatan is often included in the therapy.
How to use
And we move on. But once again we repeat that the appointment of such drugs should be carried out only by a specialist. With self-medication, there is a high probability of harming your body. How to use Travatan (eye drops) at home? The instruction (price, analogues will be discussed below) suggests instilling the drug directly under the affected eyelid. To reach the maximumeffect, it is best to use the drug in the evening, before going to bed.
It is extremely important to open the bottle immediately before use. Avoid contact with skin as this may contaminate the solution. If for other external means this is not critical, then here any particle can play a role. Another point: the solution should not come into contact with the skin. Direct contact should be completely excluded, but if you accidentally spill the solution, you must quickly rinse the skin with plenty of water.
And now a few words about how long and in what quantities Travatan should be used. Analogues, the price of which is often lower, can only be used if the doctor considers them a full-fledged alternative. Instructions for use assumes that the duration of the course and dose will be specified by the attending physician. All this is purely individual, so it is quite difficult to give a general recommendation for everyone. However, most often adults are prescribed one drop of the drug once a day. Here you need to be very careful, because you cannot exceed the recommended dosage. If the dose was missed, then you must wait for the next dose.
If the patient has already been treated for glaucoma, then treatment with Travatan should be started no earlier than three days after the end of the use of the previous drug. If the doctor decides to prescribe severalophthalmic drugs, then the interval between the use of a particular drug should be at least 5 minutes.
Side effects and contraindications
Below we will talk about how cost-effective it is to use Travatan (eye drops). Analogues, the price of which may differ, cannot always accurately replace a Belgian-made drug. Its cost, by the way, is quite affordable. Packing 2, 5 ml will cost about 590 rubles. But for now, let's talk a little more about what your he althcare provider should consider.
So, the main contraindication is hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. This drug is not used in pediatrics. Age limit - 18 years. The drug is completely contraindicated during pregnancy. During treatment, it is extremely important to use reliable methods of contraception. If during lactation there is a need to take Travatan, then breastfeeding should be temporarily canceled.
But in addition to contraindications, there are also side effects that can develop in a variety of patient groups. There may be redness of the eyes, which usually goes away on its own. On the part of the organs of vision, the development of cataracts and visual impairment, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, itching and burning can be observed. According to some patients, a change in the structure of the eyelashes can be noted. They become denser and longer.
On the part of the digestive tract, there may be a violation of the stool and exacerbationstomach ulcers. From the official instructions - this is where all the unpleasant symptoms end. However, the reviews emphasize that often against the background of the use of the drug there is an increase in cholesterol, emotional lability, headaches and various infections, as well as herpes.
Analogues of the drug
We told the reader about Travatan in general terms. There are cheaper analogues, among them there are those that contain other active substances. It is to this type that Xalatan belongs. It's in about the same price range. It costs about 610 rubles in pharmacies. Packing standard, 2, 5 ml. The active ingredient is latanoprost, which effectively reduces intraocular pressure.
Due to contraindications, not everyone can use Travatan. Instructions for use (price, reviews, analogues are given for general information only) gives general information, but the final decision is made by the doctor. If in your case it is impossible to prescribe the listed drugs, then the doctor may consider such an option as "Betoptik". This is a Belgian-made drug, which is much cheaper than other analogues, about 320 rubles. The active ingredient is betaxolol hydrochloride. It is excellent for glaucoma monotherapy.
If there is a need to choose the most budget option for treatment, then ask your doctor, he will definitely choose an affordable analogue of Travatan from the list of drugs. ATRussia produces drops "Pilocarpine". Their cost is the lowest on the market - about 30 rubles per pack. The active substance is pilocarpine hydrochloride. This is a substance that constricts the pupil and improves the outflow of intraocular fluid, which helps to quickly reduce intraocular pressure. The drug is considered one of the safest, it is prescribed even for pregnant women.
"Arutimol" is another drug, this time made in Germany, which helps to quickly and effectively reduce intraocular pressure. It is also available in the form of drops. The active substance is thymol hydromaleate. The cost is about 50 rubles. However, this drug has serious contraindications. These include any cardiac disorder, upper respiratory disease, severe rhinitis and allergic reactions.
Instead of a conclusion
This concludes our brief excursion into the treatment of glaucoma today. Now you know how you can use Travatan. The instructions and analogues of the drug give a complete picture that only an experienced doctor should make an appointment, because the list of contraindications and side effects is quite large. Glaucoma is a serious disease that most often requires systemic treatment, but the drugs described above will help make therapy more enjoyable and effective.