Many couples face the problem of infertility. And it can be both female and male. After a series of unsuccessful attempts to solve this problem, some come to the need for such a high-tech method of overcoming infertility as in vitro fertilization.
The concept of "in vitro fertilization"
IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a fairly new high-tech method of overcoming complex forms of both female and male infertility, which consists in in vitro fertilization of the egg (in vitro) and subsequent cultivation (growing) and transplantation (transfer) of the embryo in uterine cavity.

The first successful IVF attempt was made in 1978 in England. Now this method is widespread, despite its complexity and high cost, so the question of how much IVF costs is of concern to many childless couples, especially since the effectiveness of this method is about 30-35%, so more than one procedure may be needed to achieve the desiredresult.
Indications for IVF
In vitro fertilization is one of the treatments for the most complex and incurable forms of infertility. It is used when other methods of overcoming such a pathology are ineffective.
As an absolute indication for IVF, tubal infertility is considered when the patency in the fallopian tubes is impaired and there is no way to restore it. That is, when there is an adhesive process associated with inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, or one or both fallopian tubes are missing, it makes sense to think about where to do IVF.

Another indication is immunological infertility associated with the production of antibodies in a woman that destroys the spermatozoa of a particular sexual partner, so if you want to have a joint child, you have to resort to the IVF procedure.
The reason to find out how much IVF costs can also be male infertility when there is not enough sperm or a small number of suitable sperm in it. In any case, in vitro fertilization is the final stage of all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that have not brought the proper result.
Severe hereditary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or hemophilia, are non-fertility reasons for turning to IVF. In this case, donor genetic material can be used to protect offspring from these pathologies.
Despite the opinion that IVF is possibleuse in any case where there is a he althy uterus, there are a number of contraindications for this procedure. These include the presence of serious somatic and mental diseases that are a contraindication for planning the birth of a child, congenital malformations or acquired deformities of the uterine cavity that prevent the onset and bearing of pregnancy. It is unacceptable to perform IVF for ovarian tumors or benign neoplasms of the uterus that require surgical treatment, as well as for malignant tumors of any localization, even if they have been removed. They will also postpone in vitro fertilization in the development of any acute inflammatory diseases. Therefore, it is too early to find out how much IVF costs, if there is any trouble in the body, in addition to diagnosed infertility.
Preparation for IVF
The process of in vitro fertilization is complex and lengthy and requires the efforts of many specialists and the patient himself. This method includes many stages that differ depending on the specific pathology, so its implementation, starting from the examination of patients and ending with the onset or non-occurrence of pregnancy, takes from one and a half to two months. Therefore, in addition to finding out information about how much it costs to do IVF, you will need to be patient and have faith in achieving a positive result.

Before IVF, the patient expects a number of tests and diagnostic procedures, such as ultrasound, examinationblood for hormone levels, the presence of AIDS, hepatitis and syphilis, men give a spermogram. Such an examination awaits couples who have already been diagnosed with infertility and have been trying treatment or artificial insemination. An examination for genetic diseases may also be ordered. If the family applied for the first time, then it may be necessary to pre-perform any medical procedures or operations, for example, adjusting the hormonal background, dissecting adhesions, treating genitourinary infections, etc., which will significantly lengthen the preparation for IVF.
Stages of in vitro fertilization
After the examination, the IVF process begins directly, consisting of several stages, the first of which will be the ovulation stimulation procedure. This is achieved by the appointment of hormonal drugs that cause the maturation of several follicles at once, which significantly increases the chances of removing and fertilizing a suitable egg. And the presence of several he althy embryos increases the likelihood of pregnancy, since if even several embryos are implanted, pregnancy may not occur. Hormonal preparations are administered for two weeks, carefully monitoring the patient's condition, since depending on the drugs used, some complications may occur, from the development of allergic reactions to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which is manifested by bloating and abdominal pain.
After diagnosing the readiness of the body, women proceed to the next stage - puncturefollicles for egg collection. This process, being nevertheless a small operation, is carried out in an outpatient setting within one day. This manipulation takes place using anesthesia (most often short-term intravenous anesthesia is used) under ultrasound hardware control.

The fusion of the egg and sperm and the cultivation of the embryo are carried out by embryologists in a special laboratory that requires high-tech equipment. After cultivating the embryos for 2-4 days, they are transferred to the uterus, which is the simplest and safest procedure in the entire IVF complex. After it, you need to observe a sparing regimen, try to avoid physical and emotional stress, it is even possible to issue a sick leave. Unused embryos are frozen using a special technology, and can later be transferred to the uterus if the first attempt was unsuccessful. Before the process of transferring embryos into the uterus, they are checked for various gross malformations and chromosomal diseases and the most suitable ones are selected for implantation.
After the embryo transfer, the patient receives drugs that will help maintain the pregnancy and prevent the rejection of the embryos. Such therapy is carried out until the confirmation of the onset of pregnancy or until the start of the next menstruation, if the attempt was unsuccessful.
Cost of in vitro fertilization
Now in Russia there are more than a hundred clinics and reproduction centers that can carry out such a procedure. In almost every regional center, you can find an institution that treats infertility through IVF. Therefore, after finding out how much IVF costs in Moscow, you can look for a more economical option in the provinces. The cost of in vitro fertilization is made up of many factors and depends on the procedures performed and the price of the drugs used. On average, the IVF procedure will require 120-190 thousand rubles. If it is supposed to use donor genetic material, then the price will increase.

Conducting free IVF
Since 2006, a program for free in vitro fertilization has been launched, as it was included in the list of high-tech medical care funded from the federal budget. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has the appropriate medical indications can apply for such help. True, at the regional level, local authorities may impose restrictions on age or forms of infertility, in which it will be possible to use the free IVF procedure. For example, on the territory of Moscow and the region, the age of 38 is set, until which you can apply for the IVF budget program, and you will be able to use it no more than twice. Also, free IVF using donor materials is not provided, in this case co-financing is possible: the state will pay for the operation itself, and the donor material is purchased by the patient.
To get a quota for free IVF, the applicant will have to go through a difficult path. These are different surveysdetermination of the causes of infertility and execution of a large package of documents, which is submitted to a special commission for the distribution of budget places in clinics that are part of the free IVF system.

IVF quota
Today, couples who dream of having a baby, but cannot do it for medical reasons, have the opportunity to carry out the procedure of expensive artificial insemination at the expense of the federal budget under the CHI policy. Each year, a certain number of quotas are allocated, which are distributed among all regions. The number of these quotas does not cover the need of patients for high-tech infertility treatment, so IVF quota remains the cherished dream of many couples.
Some regions of the Russian Federation additionally introduce free places for in vitro fertilization, financed from the local budget. Therefore, the criteria for determining whether patients enter this program can vary greatly both among regions and differ from the general federal requirements.
IVF in Moscow
In Moscow today, more than 50 clinics offer IVF. Therefore, it is quite difficult to choose the right one. At the same time, you can focus on the cost of the procedure or follow the recommendations of the attending physician or friends and acquaintances, since neither the high qualification of the staff nor the availability of high-quality equipment guarantee the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, although they increase the chances of this.
Difficultto specifically answer the question of how much IVF costs in Moscow, since the price is made up of many factors depending on the form of infertility. For example, fertilization using donor sperm or eggs will require large investments. It will also increase the cost of using a high-tech procedure like INSI, which consists of artificial insemination with a single sperm cell, which may be necessary when sperm quality is very poor.
The cost of medicines is not included in the price list of programs, they will have to be separately spent on average 40-60 thousand rubles. In general, IVF will require 150-190 thousand rubles for one cycle of procedures. Discounts are usually available for repeat treatments.

IVF in St. Petersburg
A lot of medical institutions offer their services for commercial in vitro fertilization. The cost of IVF in St. Petersburg can vary greatly. Each clinic offers its own program packages, allowing you to choose a set of studies and procedures for each individual couple.
For example, the Euromed In Vitro clinic offers IVF for 52 thousand rubles (this is the price without the cost of tests, specialist consultations and the purchase of necessary medicines). As a result, an amount of 110-120 thousand rubles will run up for in vitro fertilization. Clinics may also offer a system of discounts or installments, but the procedure still remains inaccessible to many women who are unable to conceive normally.way.
Thus, we can say that the IVF procedure is a fairly effective method in overcoming severe forms of infertility, which, despite the high cost, gives hope to many families to have offspring.