Psycho-neurological dispensary Belgorod: general information

Psycho-neurological dispensary Belgorod: general information
Psycho-neurological dispensary Belgorod: general information

If you choose a neuropsychiatric dispensary, Belgorod has a regional hospital on its territory. It provides effective comprehensive care for drug addiction, diseases of the nervous system. For citizens of the administrative district, services are provided free of charge.

General information

People suffering from mental disorders need treatment - they need a neuropsychiatric dispensary. Belgorod has gathered qualified specialists in the medical field. Enthusiasts in their field quickly restore he alth to patients using the advanced techniques of Western colleagues.

psychoneurological dispensary Belgorod
psychoneurological dispensary Belgorod

In one institution they treat physical and psychological he alth disorders. By trolley bus No. 1 or No. 6 you can come to the neuropsychiatric dispensary. Belgorod also has shuttle buses 2, 3, 5 or 13 suitable for this. This is quite convenient for most citizens.

In the treatment of severe drug addiction, it is recommended to contact a neuropsychiatric dispensary (Belgorod). A large center and clinic ensures complete anonymity for patients. After all, past addictions are not welcomed by employers. So people can return toa normal life without remorse for wrongdoing.

High-demand services

Children and adults are referred by local clinics to the Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary. Belgorod is the central district for residents of regional settlements. Therefore, this place was not chosen by chance, the staff of the organization includes psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, narcologists.

main psychoneurological dispensary belgorod
main psychoneurological dispensary belgorod

List of services:

  • examinations and consultations of specialists;
  • preventive treatment;
  • forensic psychiatric examinations;
  • inpatient therapy for mental disorders: somatic, schizotypal, panic, behavioral.

Comprehensive care for patients provides for post-therapeutic monitoring of cured patients in order to recognize and stop a developing relapse in time. Most new bursts of addiction to alcohol or drugs are due to the lack of qualified psychological assistance during rehabilitation.
