Blood with feces in men: causes and diagnosis

Blood with feces in men: causes and diagnosis
Blood with feces in men: causes and diagnosis

Blood with feces in men (the reasons for this are different) may indicate the presence of various pathologies in the body. It can be the result of a minor small fissure caused by constipation, or a sign of bowel cancer.

Why feces appear with blood, causes in men, treatment - all this is described in this article.

Feces with blood causes in men treatment
Feces with blood causes in men treatment

Main causes of blood in feces

Such a symptom should always alert and become a reason to see a doctor.

Why is there blood in the stool in men? The reasons may be as follows:

  • Hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
  • Oncological lesion. In this case, we are talking about the presence of a tumor in the intestines, stomach or rectum.
  • Formation of intestinal diverticulum.
  • Peptic ulcer.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver, in which varicose lesions of the intestinal veins develop.
  • Reasons of a different nature: the presence of Crohn's disease, an infectious disease, an increased level of potassium inbody.

False blood discharges

Blood with feces in men (the causes of the symptom, as a rule, lie in the presence of a gastrointestinal disease) can also be a false manifestation. The stool in this case acquires a reddish tint or includes red clots after eating a number of products: tomatoes, beets, currants, sausages containing blood. Therefore, if an atypical color of the feces appears, you should not panic. It should be remembered what kind of food was consumed these days. If the diet included specific foods, then it can be assumed that blood was not mixed with the stool at all.

If the situation has not changed in a day, then you should pay attention to your he alth, since the admixture of blood in the feces always indicates the presence of some kind of pathology in the gastrointestinal tract.

Before you visit a specialist, it is recommended to diagnose yourself. However, such manipulations should in no case replace a medical examination.

Causes of blood with feces in men
Causes of blood with feces in men

How to diagnose yourself?

What are the causes of such a manifestation as blood with feces in men? Self-diagnosis will help to clarify the situation in many ways. Undoubtedly, a person who does not have a special medical education is not able to determine the provoking factor, but this is not required.

Self-diagnosis is needed, rather, for complacency and in order to provide the specialist with more useful information that will help him putcorrect diagnosis.

So, if you find such a symptom as blood with feces in men (there may be different reasons), you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • blood color;
  • its volume;
  • presence of blood streaks, clots and drops;
  • a place where blood accumulates (whether it is present in the feces itself or on its surface, it is also important whether the blood passes to toilet paper or linen).

It is on the basis of such signs that a preliminary diagnosis can be assumed, which can later be confirmed by a specialist.

Blood with feces in men, the reasons are different
Blood with feces in men, the reasons are different

Why do men have bloody stools? The reasons may be as follows:

  • Bleeding in the form of drops or jets is noted in the presence of hemorrhoids. In this case, the blood turns scarlet, does not contain any impurities or mucus. With an advanced form of hemorrhoids, not only blood is present in the feces, but also pus.
  • The stool contains blood and mucus. This may indicate the presence of polyps, colitis, and even a malignant neoplasm.
  • The blood is colored scarlet and contains streaks mixed with feces. This indicates the presence of a cancerous tumor in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. The same clinical picture characterizes diverticula and colitis.
  • Feces have a liquid consistency (diarrhea), and single inclusions of blood are noticeable in it. This indicates damage to the body by helminths, and if such signs occur at elevated body temperature, this indicates suchdisease like dysentery.
  • The brighter the blood is colored, the closer the pathological process is localized to the anus.
  • Scarlet blood signals the development of inflammation in the large intestine.

Feces color

Feces with blood in men (the causes of the phenomenon are different) can be of different colors. Does the color of the stool matter in the diagnosis? Attention is also paid to this sign. A black stool is evidence that the blood has stagnated in the tract for a long time and is caked. Often, a dark color is noted in the presence of oncological tumors.

A chestnut-colored stool is evidence of a pathological process in the small intestine, located in the middle of the tract.

A visit to a specialist is essential, because the admixture of blood in the stool is a very serious symptom. It is better not to postpone visiting the doctor's office. Indeed, in the case of a serious illness, it is easier to stop it at an early stage than with a running form.

Diagnosis by a proctologist in the presence of blood in the feces

What are the causes of such a phenomenon as blood with feces in men? Diagnostics carried out by proctologists includes a number of procedures, on the basis of which the specialist can make a final diagnosis and choose the appropriate therapeutic course.

The main methods include the following:

  • Collecting an anamnesis. In this case, it will be useful to describe the signs obtained during diagnosis at home. The patient can describe the consistency of atypical discharge during bowel movements. In addition, the doctorinquire about the general well-being and complaints of the patient.
  • Digital examination of the rectum. The procedure is quite unpleasant, but very necessary, as in most cases it helps in establishing the correct diagnosis.
  • Diagnosis is not complete without a general analysis. Usually the level of hemoglobin is determined, stool and urine are examined.
  • Manipulations of an additional nature. If the examination did not give the doctor a complete picture, or the doctor has doubts about something, then he may advise passing additional testing, taking tests or conducting research. Such methods include coprogram, endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, radiography. In this case, the department of the large intestine is subject to research. Manipulation will allow you to make the correct diagnosis, on the basis of which the patient is prescribed appropriate therapy.
blood with feces in men causes diagnosis
blood with feces in men causes diagnosis

In most cases, the pathological processes that provoked bleeding bring discomfort to the patient, but are not fatal. But in some cases the situation can be critical. After all, the reasons for the appearance of blood in the feces in men are not the same. Sometimes such a manifestation is provoked by the presence of a cancerous tumor, metastasis and other dangerous pathologies. They pose a direct threat to the life of the patient. That's why seeing a specialist is essential.

Blood in feces for hemorrhoids

What are the causes of such a symptom as blood with feces in men? Without pain, such a symptom occurs in the presence of microcracks. But with hemorrhoids, it causes discomfort.

Hemorrhoids are a common cause of blood during defecation. This disease is characterized by swelling, inflammation and subsequent prolapse of vein nodes. All this is accompanied by the release of blood. The cause of the pathology lies in varicose veins, in which the venous outflow of blood is impaired.

As a result of this process, the tissues of the rectum are filled with blood. Over time, it coagulates, and this is how hemorrhoids are formed. They are neoplasms filled with blood. That is why when relaxed they decrease in size, and when tense they increase.

With hemorrhoids, blood is located on the surface of the stool and appears in the form of streams. It can be seen on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. If a person suffers from constipation, then hemorrhoids can worsen and provoke bleeding.

Blood with feces in men causes no pain
Blood with feces in men causes no pain

Forms of hemorrhoids

It is customary to distinguish two forms of hemorrhoids:

  • Chronic appearance. It flows in waves. If proper therapy is not carried out, the disease begins to progress and eventually takes an acute course.
  • Acute stage. It manifests itself in sharp pain sensations that seem to burst a person from the inside. In addition, the patient complains about the presence of a foreign body in the anus. When defecation in a sitting position, this sensation becomes more acute. The disease may be accompanied by profuse bleeding. Complications such as paraproctitis, tissue necrosis, which, whenif left untreated, it can even lead to sepsis.

Causes of hemorrhoids

The causes of the disease are varied. The most common are:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • increased physical activity;
  • presence of constipation;
  • abuse of spicy foods or spices;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • inflammatory process in the digestive tract;
  • oncological neoplasms in the pelvic area.

For this reason, hemorrhoids can be classified as an occupational disease. Why does blood with feces in men (the reasons are described in the article) appear with a certain type of employment? The symptom is often seen in loaders, drivers, athletes, accountants and other professions who lead a sedentary lifestyle or lift heavy objects.

The presence of diverticula in the intestines

Blood in the stool in an adult male (for various reasons) can be triggered by diverticulosis. This disease is characterized by protrusion of the walls of tubular and hollow organs. The pathological process can capture any organ.

The gastrointestinal tract is considered the most common location for diverticulum. Often they are localized in the esophagus, duodenum, small or large intestine.

Symptomatology of the disease, as a rule, remains unexpressed. Sometimes the disease is detected absolutely suddenly.

Feces and food accumulate, they ferment, followed by suppuration. If the stagnant mass remains for a long time indiverticula, this causes inflammation and perforation. In addition, the process can serve as an impetus for the development of cancer.

Diverticula in the acute stage are accompanied by constipation in the chronic form. It is this kind of constipation that causes the appearance of blood impurities during the act of defecation. At the same time, patients complain of an increase in body temperature and mild pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Blood in the stool in an adult male causes
Blood in the stool in an adult male causes

Causes of diverticulosis

The causes of the disease can be different. The most common are:

  • weakening of the muscles of the hollow organ;
  • high blood pressure;
  • presence of constipation;
  • hernia development;
  • omission or prolapse of an organ;
  • presence of hemorrhoids or varicose disease of the lower extremities;
  • injuries and inflammatory processes.

Usually, the elimination of the symptoms inherent in the disease is possible only through perforation of the organ.

Blood in stool with peptic ulcer

Why is there blood in the stool in men? Causes and symptoms may vary. One of them is an ulcer. It is characterized by the appearance of defects in the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. The disease usually develops between the ages of 25 and 50

Peptic ulcer is characterized by an acute and sudden onset. The disease characterizes the presence of acute pain in the stomach, nausea, heartburn, belching and constipation. The last symptom can be so intensea manifestation that even stomach pains are less disturbing.

The causes of the development of pathology can be:

  • overstrain of the nervous system and stress;
  • wrong diet;
  • increased consumption of spicy foods and fatty foods;
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • predisposition to the disease at the genetic level.

Bleeding in the stool with an ulcer looks different depending on where the ulcer has formed. The stool is usually black in color. However, it should be remembered that a similar symptom also characterizes a tumor of the intestine. Therefore, complex diagnostics are required to make an accurate diagnosis.

Blood with feces in men causes and signs
Blood with feces in men causes and signs

Oncology in men

Oncological process can develop in any area of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, the disease develops in elderly people, but recently it has also begun to be detected in people after 40 years of age. The symptoms of cancer depend on where the tumor has developed. Often, pathology is formed in the rectum.

There are two groups of symptoms:

  • Non-specific. A person complains of food intolerance, asthenia, fatigue, pallor, decrease and / or complete lack of appetite, sudden weight loss, impaired sense of touch and smell. This symptomatology is inherent in other diseases. Therefore, on its basis, the diagnosis is not immediately made.
  • Specific. They are typical only for oncology. signsappear in the later stages of the disease. They are expressed in pain in the rectal area, bloating and rumbling of the abdomen. These symptoms persist even after eating. In addition, patients complain of a feeling of fullness in the stomach and intestines. At the same time, after the act of defecation, a person complains of a feeling that the intestines remained full. There are such violations as diarrhea or constipation, increased formation of gases. As the tumor grows in size, the stool changes. The stool becomes ribbon-like. The urge to empty the bowels becomes frequent. They often turn out to be false. In the stool there is an atypical admixture of blood, mucus, pus and pieces of the tumor. At a late stage of the development of the disease, obstruction appears.

When the pathological process spreads to the upper rectum, constant constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, pain, incontinence of feces and gases are disturbing.

Bleeding in the presence of cancer is not so intense, but is regular, which provokes anemia and asthenia. In this case, an admixture of blood is noticeable in the feces. The chair becomes black. Similar signs indicate the presence of a cancerous tumor.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Blood stools (causes in men are described in this article) may be a manifestation of cirrhosis of the liver. The disease is characterized by pathological disorders of its cells. This process is caused by the growth of connective tissue. As a result, there is a violation of the functionality of the body.

The reason for the admixture of blood in the stool is not the disease itself, but varicosedilation of the veins that begins to develop with the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

The main signs of the disease include:

  • asthenia;
  • star formation from vessels in the upper body;
  • itch feeling;
  • joint pain;
  • insomnia.

Internal bleeding may appear in the later stages, when cirrhosis violates the integrity of blood vessels and veins. In this case, bleeding opens in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

The main symptom of the disease is black feces.

Causes of disease

The main causes of liver cirrhosis include:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • presence of hepatitis;
  • poisoning the body with industrial chemicals or drugs of certain groups;
  • presence of heart failure causing venous congestion in the liver;
  • changing the structure of the biliary tract;
  • genetic factor that manifests itself in diseases such as glycogenosis, hemochromatosis, etc.

If cirrhosis has become the cause of bleeding, then in addition to treating the consequences of the disease, therapy of the underlying disease is necessary. For this purpose, they turn not only to the proctologist, but also to other specialists.


Blood with feces in men (the reasons are described in the article) is eliminated with the help of various drugs. With the complication of a number of diseases, rectal suppositories and ointments are used. Such therapy is appropriate in the presence of hemorrhoids. Products containing zinc oxide, titanium or bismuth are selected. They possesshemostatic effect. Drugs such as Relief, Proctosan Neo, Relief Advance and Proctosan are used.

The presence of cracks in the anus and bleeding requires an integrated approach. Laxatives are also used: suppositories based on glycerin or sea buckthorn and Guttalax.

With the development of serious pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, treatment of these diseases is required. This will eliminate the disease itself and the bleeding caused by it. Pain and associated symptoms are also relieved.

causes of blood in stool in men
causes of blood in stool in men


The cause of such a symptom as blood with feces in men (the causes and problems associated with it are described in the article) must be established by a specialist. In each individual case, it is recommended to diagnose and treat the root cause of the symptom, and not fight only with it. It is forbidden to carry out therapy on your own. It is mandatory to visit a specialist's office.
