Caucasian hellebore is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the buttercup family. Its leaves are basal, large in size, located on long petioles, as a rule, they are preserved all year round. The hellebore, whose flower also has a persistent perianth, tolerates winter cold well.
The plant has long been used in traditional medicine recipes. Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes, as well as the roots of the Caucasian hellebore. They contain many useful elements. These include desglycogel and cardiac glycosides, steroidal saponins and fatty oils, corelborin P and K, and a number of other medicinal substances.

Caucasian hellebore, the use of which is recommended by both traditional healers and phytotherapists, can help with many diseases. It contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, due to which it is widely used as a means for losing weight. At the same time, hellebore, reviews of the use of which indicate the manifestation of noticeable results two to three months after the start of use,helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin. This avoids sagging and creases when removing excess weight.

Caucasian hellebore, reviews of the use of which testify to a number of its useful properties, helps to normalize the level of sugar in the body and blood pressure. The active substances that make up the plant can eliminate various kinds of puffiness.
Hellebore, reviews of which recommend it as a urological remedy, has a vivid therapeutic effect in getting rid of pyelonephritis, even with its purulent nature. The medicinal herb has a positive effect on the female body in menopause. It is used as an excellent means of cleansing the genitourinary system. It is used by folk healers to get rid of chronic gynecological pathologies, as well as for symptoms of prostatitis. Caucasian hellebore, reviews of the use of which positively characterize it as a sedative, can eliminate a depressive state.

The main cause of many pathological changes in human he alth is slagged intestines. The Caucasian hellebore begins its effect on the body with the removal of toxins from the digestive tract. After two months of regular intake, the medicinal plant begins to purify the blood. And after a couple of weeks, a person breaks up with excess weight, a constant feeling of fatigue and shortness of breath. After that, graduallyother diseases that the patient complained about also disappear.
The use of hellebore with dye moraine relieves urolithiasis, and with Japanese sophora it affects the resorption of cysts and nodes in the thyroid gland. Cases of complete elimination of these diseases have been recorded.
The cleansing effect of the medicinal plant helps to get rid of neurodermatitis, allergic manifestations, psoriasis and eczema.