In cardiological practice, medicines made from the alkaloids of the plant Strophanthus Kombe are often used. These drugs are indispensable in the treatment of heart failure. They help restore blood circulation and normalize myocardial function. What are the beneficial properties of this plant? How do its alkaloids act on the body? We will answer these questions in the article.
Description of the plant
Strophanthus Kombe is a tall vine. The length of the stem can reach 4 m. The plant belongs to the Kutrov family. The leaves of the vine are elliptical in shape. The flowers consist of five long, narrow cream-colored petals.

This plant bears large fruits that can reach a size of up to 1 m. They consist of two slices. In pharmacology, liana seeds are used. From one end they have a rounded shape, and from the other - pointed, turning into an awn with a fly. One liana fruit contains a huge amount of greenish seeds.grey. Their length is from 1 to 2 cm.
In its pure form, creeper seeds are poisonous. In the manufacture of medicines, useful substances are isolated from them, which are used in very small doses. These alkaloids are powerful heart stimulants.

Liana Strofant Kombe grows only in East Africa. Its habitat is the edges of tropical forests. This plant loves a humid and warm climate.
This vine cannot be cultivated in the climatic conditions of Russia. The plant does not take root even in the southern regions of our country and can only live in the tropics. In this regard, pharmacological scientists have repeatedly tried to find an analogue among domestic herbs.
Alkaloids of May lily of the valley and adonis also stimulate the heart. However, the chemical composition of Strophanthus Kombe and medicinal herbs of central Russia is significantly different. Medicines based on lily of the valley and adonis have a completely different effect on the myocardium. Therefore, at present, a full-fledged analogue among the domestic flora has not been found, and liana seeds have to be imported from Africa.
Let's consider the healing properties of liana alkaloids. The seeds of the plant contain a large amount of glycosides. What it is? These are natural steroid substances that consist of two components: non-sugar and carbohydrate.
The non-sugar part of glycosides includes aglycones. These substances have the main therapeutic effect on the heart muscle. The composition of the carbohydrate component includes:
- alpha-glucose;
- beta-glucose;
- cimarosa.
These components enhance the action of aglycones on the myocardium.
The main alkaloid of plant seeds is glycoside K-strophanthoside. This substance is used in pharmacology. It is subjected to hydrolysis and K-strophanthin is obtained, which is the active component of drugs used in cardiology practice.
Also, the composition of the seeds of the plant includes other useful substances:
- saponin;
- choline;
- fatty oil;
- resin;
- trigonelline.
Seeds of creeper Strophanthus Kombe are stored in pharmacy warehouses in tightly sealed containers. Their medicinal properties are regularly tested. On the basis of strophanthin K, preparations are made - cardiac glycosides. They belong to list A. This pharmacological list includes narcotic and poisonous substances. Preparations based on strophanthin K do not have psychotropic properties, but they are quite toxic. Therefore, doctors prescribe such drugs only in extreme cases.
Action on the body
Strophanthin K has the following effect on the body:
- increases the concentration of sodium in the heart muscle;
- improves calcium absorption by myocardial cells;
- increases the filling of the heart chambers with blood;
- slows down heartbeats;
- promotes the outflow of blood from the ventricles;
- increases myocardial tone.
The effect of the use of strophanthin is fast, but short-lived. This substance begins to act approximately 5 to 10 minutes afterentry into the body. Its effect on the work of the heart reaches a maximum after 30 - 60 minutes. Strophanthin does not accumulate in the body and is excreted in about a day.
This substance has very little effect when taken orally. It is poorly absorbed by the digestive tract. Therefore, preparations based on strophanthin K are used only for injections.

Medical use
Pharmacological preparations "Strophanthin K" and "Strophanthidine acetate" are obtained from the seeds of the creeper Strophanthin Kombe. The use of these medicines is indicated for the following diseases:
- heart failure;
- flicker and atrial flutter;
- arrhythmias;
- supraventricular tachycardia.

Drugs are used intravenously, while the introduction of the solution should be very slow. Otherwise, the patient may experience a state of shock. Intramuscular administration of the drug is also allowed. In this case, it is necessary to use an anesthetic - procaine, since an injection into the muscle is quite painful.
Medicines based on strophanthin K cannot be used for inflammatory heart diseases (pericarditis, myocarditis), as well as for cardiosclerosis. These drugs are prescribed with caution in the elderly, patients with thyrotoxicosis, obesity and cardiac complications of lung disease.
We have already mentioned that the seeds of the creeper Strophanthus Kombe are toxic. That's whycardiac glycosides should be used with great caution. They are released from pharmacies strictly by prescription. During the course of treatment, the patient must be under close medical supervision.
It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The introduction of an excess amount of glycosides is deadly. This can lead to cardiac arrest and instant death.
Even a small overdose of preparations based on strophanthin K causes severe and unpleasant symptoms:
- severe arrhythmia;
- nausea and vomiting;
- throbbing headaches;
- confusion;
- dizziness;
- visual impairment;
- sharp weakness.

When intoxicated with strophanthin, the patient needs immediate medical attention. As antidotes, the drug "Unithiol" and medicines with potassium are used.
Cardiac glycosides should never be self-administered. Injections can only be done in the treatment room of a clinic or hospital. In this case, the medical worker will be able to provide the necessary assistance to the patient if side effects occur.