Blood pressure is one of the important indicators characterizing the state of he alth. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure not only in old age, but throughout life. It, in particular, displays the state of the circulatory, cardiac, vascular system. As you remember, the indicator consists of two numbers: the upper (systolic) and, through the line, the lower (diastolic) pressure.
The difference between these two components is called pulse pressure. Why is it important? This indicator gives a description of the work of blood vessels during periods of heart contractions.
What is the normal difference between systolic and diastolic pressure? What do the deviations, both up and down, indicate? What are the indicators of upper and lower pressure? We will give answers to all these and other important questions in the article.
What is this?
Before talking specifically about the difference betweensystolic and diastolic pressure, let's figure out what it is.
These indicators are determined during the standard procedure for measuring blood (that is, arterial) pressure using a tonometer. It is carried out according to the standard Korotkov method. In particular, the upper and lower pressure values are determined:
- Systolic. Also referred to as overpressure. Here the force with which the blood presses on the vascular walls during the contraction of the heart ventricles is measured. This force helps to eject blood into the aorta, the pulmonary artery. The indicator will directly depend on the tone of the walls of those vessels that deliver blood to organs and tissues. As well as the total amount of blood mass that circulates through the body.
- Diastolic. A common name is top pressure. This is the strength of the tension in the walls of blood vessels in the short periods between heartbeats. This indicator is significantly affected by the force of contraction of the heart ventricles, as well as the state of the myocardium (the main muscle of the body - the heart).

What do the numbers say?
In general, such a clinical characteristic through simple measurements helps to judge the following:
- How the blood vessels work between relaxation and contraction of the heart muscle.
- What is the patency of the vessels?
- Indicators of elasticity and tone of the vascular walls.
- Presence or absence of spasmodic zones.
- Presence of any inflammation.
What are the indicators for?
How is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure found? First, these indicators are measured in the generally accepted value - millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Then they compare them with each other and analyze the difference.
The upper pressure indicators are responsible for the functioning of the heart itself. They show the force with which blood is pushed into the bloodstream by the left heart ventricle. The lower indicator is responsible for the tone of the vascular walls.
Regular monitoring of these indicators is important in order to notice any deviations from the norm in a timely manner. For example, too much or too little difference between systolic and diastolic pressure.
Even with a 10 mm Hg increase. Art. increases the risk of the following:
- Impaired circulation in the brain.
- Cardiovascular pathologies.
- Ischemic disease.
- Diseases affecting the vascular system of the lower extremities.
If the deviation from the normal difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is accompanied by other kinds of deviations from the norms of blood pressure, as well as a general deterioration in well-being, headaches, weakness, dizziness, you need to contact a competent doctor as soon as possible! Any delay will be dangerous to your he alth.

What is "working pressure"?
Before talking about the norm of the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure, consider the term, broadlyused by cardiologists. This is "working pressure". What is meant here? BP, at which the individual feels comfortable, emphasizes good he alth. This indicator may be different from the standard 120/80. This is an individual characteristic, which can either exceed the norm or be less than it.
Patients with systematically elevated blood pressure (up to 140/90), provided that they feel normal, are called hypertensive patients. People with constantly low blood pressure (up to 90/60) are also called hypotensive patients, provided that they remain in good he alth.
Pulse difference
So, pulse pressure, pulse difference is the value of the interval between the upper and lower blood pressure. A kind of hint for the doctor on the pathological processes taking place in the patient's body.
I must say that with hypertension, hypertension, pulse pressure may well remain normal. Upper and lower BP increase or decrease in parallel with each other, with a non-pathological gap.
In medical practice, there are several variations of pathological changes in the pulse difference:
- Diastolic pressure reduction only.
- Increase in systolic pressure only.
- Increase in diastolic pressure while systolic remains unchanged.
- Decrease in systolic pressure when diastolic readings do not change.
- A sharp increase in systolic readings, when diastolic pressure rises very slowly.
- Increase in the upper indicators, accompanied by a slow rise in the lower ones.
Each of the above variations speaks of certain malfunctions in the body. Moreover, often completely unrelated to the cardiovascular system. Therefore, to make a diagnosis, the doctor necessarily pays attention to three indicators at once: upper, lower arterial and pulse pressure.

What is the rate of difference?
Recall that the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse pressure. What are the standard normal indicators for her? This is 35-50 units (in mm Hg), depending on the age and individual condition of the patient himself. Accordingly, it is calculated when the lower one is subtracted from the upper indicator. Default: 120 - 80=40.
Too little or too much difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is considered a very informative value. It indicates the presence of a disease, pathology, often very serious.
As for the increased upper or lower blood pressure, these indicators are "knocked down" with the help of special medicines. Of course, they should be prescribed by a doctor, and not by the patient himself. A small or large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure cannot be "knocked down" with the help of drops or tablets. This is a more serious problem, the solution of which depends on many factors.
Small difference
It is commonly believed that there is little difference betweensystolic and diastolic pressure is an indicator of less than 30 units. But cardiologists believe that this is a more individual indicator.
Correct calculations are based on the individual value of systolic blood pressure. In the case when the pulse distance is less than 25% of the upper pressure, it makes sense to call it a low indicator.
Let's look at an example. Upper blood pressure - 120 mm Hg. Art. For him, the lower limit will be 30 units (30=25% of 120). Therefore, the optimal indicator: 120/90. Calculation: 120 - 30=90.

Associated symptoms
A small difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure should be of concern if accompanied by the following warning signs:
- Weakness.
- Irritable.
- Apathy.
- Dizziness.
- Faints.
- Drowsy.
- Disordered concentration.
- Headaches.
What are the reasons for the small difference?
The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure of 20 units, of course, should cause concern in the patient. If this indicator is below the standard 30, this may indicate the development of the following pathological processes:
- Heart failure. In fact, the heart in this case is working for wear and tear - it cannot cope with a high load.
- Failure of other internal organs.
- Stroke of the left heart ventricle.
- Aorticstenosis.
- Cardiosclerosis.
- Tachycardia.
- Myocarditis.
- A heart attack that developed on the background of excessive physical overexertion.

What does a small difference do?
If the individual indicator is slightly below the norm, then a similar ratio of lower and upper blood pressure can lead to the following:
- Hypoxia.
- Atrophic changes affecting the brain.
- Respiratory paralysis.
- Disturbance of visual functions.
- Cardiac arrest.
Such a state is very dangerous, as it tends to get worse, and not stop at certain figures of the difference. If the patient ignores him, in the future it becomes more and more difficult to return his condition to normal, to prescribe a guaranteed effective drug treatment.
Many hypotensive and hypertensive patients make a dangerous mistake, paying attention only to upper blood pressure. As for the lower pressure, it should also be noted. And be sure to calculate the difference between these indicators - in case of pathological deviations, it is necessary to share your observations with your doctor as soon as possible.
Big difference
Is a difference between systolic and diastolic pressure of 60 units dangerous? Yes, this is a worrying sign. This condition can be fraught with the most sad consequences for he alth. In particular, it speaks of the threat of a myocardial infarction or stroke.
If pulse pressureincreased, this indicates that the heart muscle is losing its activity. In such cases, patients are diagnosed with bradycardia.
If the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is 70 mm Hg. st., what does that mean? In individual cases, this indicator indicates prehypertension. That is, the borderline state between the norm and pathology. It makes sense to mark it if the gap between the upper and lower blood pressure is more than 50 units. Also, a large gap between these indicators may indicate the natural aging of the body.

Associated symptoms
With a large difference between the marks of the upper and lower blood pressure, it is first of all difficult for a person to concentrate on some thought or work. The condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Chronic syncope.
- Tremor of limbs.
- Permanent irritability.
- Dizziness.
- Apathy.
- Drowsy.
What are the reasons for the large gap?
What can the difference between the marks of the upper and lower pressure above the norm indicate? It makes sense to talk about the following pathologies:
- Disruption of the digestive tract.
- Affection of the gallbladder or any of its ducts.
- Tuberculosis.
If you notice too big numbers on the blood pressure monitor, don't panic! In some cases, this may be due to incorrect operation of the device, measurement errors. Necessarilymeasure the pressure a few more times. If the readings remain high, seek medical attention!

What deviations are acceptable?
Let's turn to general medical statistics. It stands out here that the ideal difference between the marks of the upper and lower blood pressure is a gap of 40 mm Hg. Art. But, as practice shows, such an indicator is difficult to meet even in young and he althy people.
The acceptable difference between the systolic and diastolic indicators is a gap of 35-50 units. The older the patient, the greater the interval between blood pressure values for him is non-pathological. By more significant deviations from the standard, there is reason to judge the presence of any pathological processes.
It is important to pay attention not only to the difference, but also to related factors:
- If the interval between blood pressure values remains within the normal range, but these indicators themselves are steadily increasing, this indicates that the heart muscle is working for wear and tear. Seek immediate medical attention!
- If all indicators are underestimated in relation to the norm, the situation is obvious: both the vessels and the myocardium work in a slow mode, which is caused by the influence of certain pathological processes on them.
Now you know what pulse pressure is, what are its normal and acceptable indicators. With an increase or decrease in this characteristic, you should definitely share your observations with your doctor. After all, ignoring the problemcan lead to the most dangerous consequences for the body.