Snapshot OPTG: what is it?

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Snapshot OPTG: what is it?
Snapshot OPTG: what is it?

Video: Snapshot OPTG: what is it?

Video: Snapshot OPTG: what is it?
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In the daily practice of a dentist, a picture of the patient's mouth is often necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Depending on the requirements of the doctor, it can be overview or panoramic. The latter option is otherwise called "orthopantomogram". What are its contraindications? How is this procedure carried out? The answers to these and other questions can be found in today's article.

OPTG snapshot - what is it?

OPTG, or orthopantomogram, is a panoramic image of the dentition, performed on an unusual device - an orthopantomograph. This diagnostic method is widely used in modern dentistry.

snapshot optg
snapshot optg

With its help, the specialist evaluates the condition of the teeth, their placement. Through such a picture, he can examine pathologies in the maxillary sinuses or soft tissues around. A well-executed procedure allows you to make the correct diagnosis. And without it, it is impossible to start therapy in a timely manner, thereby preventing the appearance of complications of the disease. After all, many diseases occur without pronounced symptoms.

Indications for the procedure

The OPTG image gives a detailed and visual representation ofcondition of various parts of the jaw system. With its help, an experienced specialist can see even hidden inflammations that cannot be recognized by a conventional radiograph.

This technique also allows you to determine:

  • dental pocket depth;
  • cystic masses and granulomas;
  • density, volume of periodontal tissues;
  • presence of cavities;
  • condition of the filling material;
  • inflammatory processes in a chronic form;
  • maxillary sinus condition.

An OPTG snapshot of the teeth is mandatory before implantation. A detailed image allows you to make the most effective treatment plan. Orthopantomogram also helps to control the process of implantation of "artificial teeth".

snapshot of optg what is it
snapshot of optg what is it

There are other indications for the appointment of this procedure. Among them are:

  • preparation for prosthetics or surgery;
  • periodontitis;
  • jaw system injuries;
  • eliminate tooth mobility;
  • abscess in the oral cavity;
  • preparation for removal of wisdom teeth or other problem units.

Orthopantomogram is prescribed not only for adults, but also for young patients. With the help of a high-quality picture, the orthodontist learns how the dentoalveolar system is changing, whether the roots are formed. After all, it is in adolescence that one has to deal with many dental problems. This is both an incorrect bite formation and an incorrect position.individual teeth, and dysfunction of the speech apparatus. Before starting the treatment of the listed pathologies, the doctor prescribes an OPTG image for all patients without exception. A photo of the dentoalveolar system allows for competent planning of future therapy. With its help, you can prevent the development of complications in the future.

Possible contraindications

In what cases is it better not to take an OPTG picture? This type of diagnosis is recommended to be abandoned during pregnancy. If there is still a need for a panoramic image, the dentist must evaluate the potential risks to the fetus inside the womb.

Specialists warn that no more than 100 orthopantomogram procedures are allowed per year. Usually, her help is resorted to twice: first during the diagnosis period, and then after the course of therapy to assess the dynamics of recovery.

Procedure technique

Diagnosis is carried out only in a specially equipped room. Before the procedure, the patient must remove all jewelry and metal objects, as they interfere with the normal passage of x-rays. A lead apron is put on the patient's chest to protect against radiation, and the neck area is covered with a collar.

How is the procedure carried out? The patient becomes facing an unusual apparatus - an orthopantomograph. During the examination, it is necessary to stand straight, pressing the chest to the platform. For convenience, the device has special handrails. Then you should bite the plate with your teeth and at the same time maintain the correct position of the jaw. After the completion of the preparatory stage, the specialistturns on the appliance.

During the procedure, the scanner tube begins to slowly rotate around the head, making a characteristic noise. The image is immediately transferred to a film or digital device. Sometimes the doctor asks the patient to tilt or turn his head so that the OPTG image is of high quality. The described process takes no more than 10 minutes.

snapshot optg photo
snapshot optg photo

Technologies used in the work

In medical practice, 2 types of orthopantomograms are used: film and digital. In the first case, the laboratory assistant needs additional time to develop the obtained images. However, the result is quite difficult to maintain for a long time. In sunlight, it quickly loses its original clarity.

What are the features of a digital OPTG image? During the procedure, the patient receives a minimal dose of radiation. Its results are easily stored on any digital medium. You can enlarge the picture, adjust the sharpness or add contrast.

Today, doctors prefer digital orthopantomogram methods because of their many advantages:

  • immediate results;
  • no time spent developing and printing pictures;
  • radiation dose is reduced by 90%;
  • no need for a second procedure due to a poor quality image;
  • results are stored on the computer and can be accessed at any time.

The results of the survey immediately get in electronic form to the attending physician. He canstart therapy in a timely manner or send images to other specialists for consultation.

dental X-ray
dental X-ray

Service cost

An orthopantomogram is prescribed by a dentist, less often by an otolaryngologist. Unfortunately, not all specialized medical institutions provide such a service. Most often, an OPTG image is taken in large dental centers where the necessary equipment is available.

snapshot optg features
snapshot optg features

Price of panoramic diagnostics can vary from 600 to 1 thousand rubles. This cost usually includes transcription of the results and storage on a digital medium. Such a spread in prices is due to several factors: the prestige of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, etc.