When and where is the diphtheria vaccine given?

When and where is the diphtheria vaccine given?
When and where is the diphtheria vaccine given?

Where is the diphtheria vaccine given? Let's look at this issue in more detail. This vaccination serves as protection against a dangerous infection. Children are given it at an early age. A toxin of a microorganism provokes a dangerous disease. Diphtheria proceeds quite hard, against its background, dense films form on the mucous membranes of the throat, nasopharynx and intestines, under which ulcers can be found, as well as tissue necrosis. If the serum is not injected in time, a fatal outcome may occur.

Where is the diphtheria vaccine given?
Where is the diphtheria vaccine given?

High mortality

The death rate for this disease is seventy cases out of a hundred. For this reason, children are vaccinated starting from the age of three months. This is done in the form of a complex vaccine, which at the same time is a reliable protection against whooping cough and tetanus. Today, the diphtheria vaccine is rarely used in isolated form. In this article, we will learn about when to give a diphtheria vaccination to a child, andalso find out what are the complications from its implementation. After all, many parents are interested in where they are vaccinated against diphtheria.

Vaccination against diphtheria

As already noted, children are often vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus at the same time. This vaccine is a combination of certain toxoids. It is called ADS. In medicine, there is also another vaccine with a pertussis component, it is called the DTP vaccine. The latter vaccination option is not tolerated by all children. In addition, not all of us know where children are vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus.

Reasons for joint vaccination

Why do they give an injection for two diseases at once? There are legitimate reasons for this:

  • Both components require the same active substance, namely aluminum hydroxide.
  • The vaccination schedule, along with the schedules and timing of vaccination against these diseases, are the same, which makes it possible to give both of these injections at the same time.
  • The current level of development in the field of medicine and industry makes it possible to put two components in one drug. Thanks to this, the total number of injections for children is halved.
  • diphtheria and tetanus
    diphtheria and tetanus

Be that as it may, in any case, it is convenient for both doctors and parents when one vaccination immediately provides protection against two dangerous infections. Accordingly, the reaction of a small organism to a vaccination will have to be experienced only once instead of two.

Let's consider below where the diphtheria vaccine is givenand tetanus.

Vaccination and its features

Doctors are required to inform parents in advance when they should be vaccinated against diphtheria, as well as the rules for preparing for it. It is carried out according to the generally accepted vaccination schedule:

  • at three months of age;
  • at four and a half months;
  • at the age of six months;
  • in a year and a half;
  • vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus at age 7.

The required immunity of the body to the disease, as a rule, is formed only after the introduction of three vaccines. They should be placed at a certain interval of thirty to forty days. But in order to maintain the immune system, children are given two additional supplementary vaccinations against diphtheria, allowing them to maintain immunity to this infection for ten years. Therefore, revaccination after this measure will be required only at the age of sixteen.

Where do they go?

Another question that parents worry about before undergoing this procedure is the interest in where children are vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. For these purposes, a muscle is needed, so experts recommend injecting a child under the shoulder blade. Where do they get the diphtheria vaccine at 14? This is a common question, but with age, the injection site does not change. It can also be done in the thigh, where the skin is thinner, meaning the vaccine can reach its final target more quickly.

diphtheria vaccination where
diphtheria vaccination where

Where do adults get the diphtheria vaccine? All vaccines containingcontains diphtheria toxoid (ADS, DTP, ADS-M, AD-M, AD), are injected intramuscularly into the buttock (in the upper outer quadrant) or the anterolateral part of the thigh. Deep subcutaneous injection into the subscapular region is also given to adults.

Now it's clear where the diphtheria vaccine is given.

Should I consent?

Despite the general usefulness, as well as the maximum effectiveness of this vaccination and the availability of information about it, many parents still doubt whether it is worth giving their consent to such a procedure. However, the number of refusals from this vaccination is not decreasing every year, but only increasing.

For and Against

Parents of children before the vaccination procedure are often interested in whether it is generally mandatory or if it can be waived. On the one hand, no one will force anyone to do it, so you can write a refusal, after which the injection will not be given to the baby. But at the same time, doctors are obliged to explain in detail to parents all the possible consequences of this decision. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind exactly what the benefits of the diphtheria vaccine are. And the pros in this case are as follows:

  • The risk of contracting a dangerous infection is minimized.
  • Even if a child suddenly falls ill with diphtheria, but at the same time is vaccinated against it, the course of the disease will be quick, and the form will be mild enough that recovery will not take long.
  • When the child grows up, he may simply not be hired due to the lack of information about this vaccination inhis medical record.
  • diphtheria tetanus vaccination at age 7
    diphtheria tetanus vaccination at age 7

It should be noted that the list of professions that require vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus (where they make adults, we clarified) is quite impressive:

  • agricultural work;
  • construction industry;
  • Irrigation and procurement works;
  • geological, fishing, exploration and forwarding industries;
  • veterinary and animal care;
  • sewage services;
  • medical and educational positions.

Therefore, if parents want to see their child as a doctor or teacher in the future, it would be better to immediately agree to the vaccination, otherwise many doors will simply close in front of him.

What scares parents?

And yet why is the diphtheria vaccine so scary for parents? What forces them to refuse such a saving and at first glance, it would seem, a useful injection? Most likely, they are alarmed by the list of complications that can arise after its implementation. True, they develop only in situations where any contraindications are not observed. They are usually detected in children before they are given the vaccine.


One of the main advantages of this vaccination is the presence of a minimum number of contraindications. Vaccination is not carried out at all if the baby has intolerance to the components of the injected substance. ATIn other situations, doctors can only postpone the vaccination. These situations are usually:

  • acute course of any disease;
  • presence of high temperature;
  • when taking strong drugs;
  • patient has eczema;
  • with diathesis in a child.

If individual intolerance or the above factors are not detected in time, then, of course, one can fear the appearance of any side effects after diphtheria vaccination. In all other situations, the reaction of the child's body to such vaccination does not go beyond the norm.

diphtheria vaccination where they do at 14 years old
diphtheria vaccination where they do at 14 years old

What might be the reaction of the child to the vaccine?

Parents need to know how their child should react to the diphtheria vaccine. This is important in order not to worry in vain. Despite the fact that the symptoms of a vaccination reaction can be unpleasant, they pass quickly and without a trace and do not affect the general he alth of the child. These symptoms most often include the following signs:

  • Local reaction of the body, which manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin.
  • Feeling sluggish along with general malaise and sleepiness.
  • The diphtheria vaccine can hurt, but in no case should you be afraid of this. Pain can be explained by the fact that inflammation is formed in the injection area, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Therefore, this reaction is quite natural and disappears within a week after vaccination.
  • Slight swelling around the injection site can also persist for up to one week until the injected drug is completely absorbed into the blood.
  • The appearance of a bump is a consequence of the fact that the vaccine did not get into the muscle, but under the skin into the fiber. This, too, should not be feared, since there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. True, one should prepare for the fact that this neoplasm will resolve for a very long time, perhaps for one month.
  • Your child may develop a fever within a couple of days after vaccination. It should be brought down with antipyretic drugs. As a rule, it does not last too long, nor is it too high.
  • diphtheria vaccination for adults
    diphtheria vaccination for adults

Main nuances

In order for the reactions after the vaccination to be normal, you need to know a few basic nuances for caring for the puncture site. For example, many parents are interested in how long they should not wash their child after vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria. But it should be noted that there are absolutely no contraindications to water procedures after this vaccination.

The only recommendation is that it is not advisable to bathe the baby in too hot water with foam. It is impossible for the baby to bathe in a bath with s alt, otherwise it may cause skin irritation in the injection area. In addition, you should not use a washcloth for a week. Otherwise, there are no other restrictions. Therefore, parents should not be afraid to give their consent tovaccination against diphtheria. In addition, certain complications occur after it is extremely rare.

Possible Complications

Any consequences of the diphtheria vaccination can hardly be called complications, because, first of all, they are extremely rare, and also do not bring significant harm to the he alth of the child. However, possible complications include the following symptoms:

  • appearance of diarrhea;
  • developing profuse sweating;
  • appearance of itching along with dermatitis;
  • appearance of cough and runny nose;
  • appearance of otitis and pharyngitis, as well as bronchitis.

Why do parents still refuse vaccination?

All of the listed diseases can be cured in a short time. In the role of side effects after this vaccination, these symptoms are extremely rare. Experts do not understand the motives of parents who refuse to perform this vaccination. For all the time, neither anaphylactic shock nor deaths after injection of ADS have yet been observed. At the same time, the effectiveness, along with the benefits of this vaccination, has been repeatedly confirmed in practice.

In any case, before making such a responsible decision, parents are definitely advised to talk with a pediatrician to find out all about the advantages and disadvantages of the diphtheria vaccine. Only after such a consultation will it be possible to draw the right conclusions, on which not only he alth, but also the subsequent professional life of the baby will depend. Where the diphtheria vaccine is given, you can check with your doctor.

diphtheria and tetanusvaccination for adults
diphtheria and tetanusvaccination for adults

Where is the immunization done?

Vaccination against diphtheria is currently available in any of the public clinics. In addition, it is performed in special vaccination centers, as well as in various departments of hospitals.

In the event that a child is expected to develop an allergic reaction, it would be best to deliver the vaccine in a hospital setting. In all other situations, vaccination can also be performed on an outpatient basis, for example, in a clinic or vaccination center. Where adults are vaccinated against diphtheria, we explained above.

Medicines for vaccination are provided in public institutions, which are purchased from the budget and are free for patients. As for vaccination centers, they can deliver such a vaccine using an imported injection, which will be significantly more expensive.

If you wish, you can purchase the required drug at a pharmacy, and then go to the vaccination room of your clinic for a medical specialist to perform an intramuscular injection. In the event that a person buys a vaccine at a pharmacy on his own, he needs to take care in advance of the proper conditions for its transportation, as well as the storage of the drug.

We looked at where the diphtheria vaccine is given.
