Among all dietary supplements, Creatine Optimum Nutrition is considered the most popular. The tool is designed to increase the power performance of athletes. In modern sports, especially in bodybuilding, this is the most effective drug, using which athletes begin to progress in building mass.

Dietary supplement can not harm the he alth of a bodybuilder, as it is a natural product. Produced in the form of a white powder that contributes to a noticeable increase in muscle volume.
Creatine is a component that a person needs as well as proteins, triglycerides, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The substance is localized in muscle tissues and supports the process of metabolic decay, the decomposition of nutrients into simpler components. Creatine Optimum Nutrition is available in capsules and powder form.

Such a natural component a person must constantly receive from food. Creatine, although in low concentrations, is produced by the human body. In addition, the body receives it from foods such as meat and fish, but it is not enough for athletes, although for a person who is not seriously into sports, this amount of creatine is quite enough.
Regular and intense workouts require more creatine, and this is possible only with its use from the outside. As for Creatine Optimum Nutrition, this is the most popular drug for obtaining this substance today.

Medication effects
The drug has the following effect:
- Increasing the level of strength indicators of athletes.
- Restoring muscle growth.
- Activation of the secretion of polypeptide hormones.
- Improving the quality of regenerative processes.
- Improve performance.

How to take Creatine Optimum Nutrition?
One teaspoon contains 5 grams of pure creatine. As a result of the studies, it was found that the body cannot absorb more than 5 grams of this substance in one use. In this regard, it simply does not make sense to increase the concentration of creatine.
Use the drug should be one serving daily. On training days, it is used after 30 minutesafter exercise, and on non-sport days, take the dietary supplement in the morning.
For this you need to dissolve the powder in water or juice. After taking it, it is recommended to consume regular carbohydrates (sweet), which help to produce insulin, which contributes to the instant transport of creatine to muscle fibers. In this situation, the hormone produced by the pancreas acts as a transport.
The manufacturer recommends not to use creatine constantly, but only in cycles. When taking Creatine Optimum Nutrition for one to two months, it is recommended to take a break of the same duration.
Many bodybuilders combine creatine intake with other nutritional supplements, which only enhances the effect of its use. As a rule, such an approach to sports nutrition costs a lot of money. Not every athlete can afford it.

"Creatine Optimum Nutrition" is one of the most popular dietary supplements on the market of drugs and special products designed for people who are actively involved in sports. Absolutely all reviews of the dietary supplement are extremely positive.
Negative feedback is expressed, as a rule, only by the manufacturer's competitors, as well as other customers who do not like the high cost of a dietary supplement. Despite the price, most professional bodybuilders find it worth it.
Notes related to he alth issues were noted. This is not surprising, as Creatine Optimum Nutrition is absolutely harmless to the human body, if used correctly, based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
The powder form of the dietary supplement is very convenient to use, in addition, after opening the package, you should make sure of its quality. According to athletes, the food supplement is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause problems with its digestion, just as there are no problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially when taking creatine with other dietary supplements, when you can get the maximum result from training, most athletes do not skimp on positive reviews.