Veil in the eyes: causes and treatment. Causes of visual impairment

Veil in the eyes: causes and treatment. Causes of visual impairment
Veil in the eyes: causes and treatment. Causes of visual impairment

It happens that the picture before your eyes suddenly blurs. Colors become less bright, objects lose their sharpness, the surrounding world is immersed in "fog". The veil in the eyes is a fairly common phenomenon, but, alas, not harmless. Thus, the body signals about serious ailments that can lead to loss of vision. Especially dangerous are the states when the veil does not look like a thin film, but like cloudy, dark or red glass. Such a symptom warns of a violation of the transparency of the eye media or problems of recognition of the received image by the occipital cortex of the brain.

veil in the eyes
veil in the eyes

Where to contact

If you have a veil in your eyes, blurry vision, then first of all you need to contact an ophthalmologist. It is this specialist who should conduct the initial diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease. If the ophthalmologist does not find violations, then a consultation with a neurologist will be required. The main thing is not to delay the appeal, as you can lose time.

veil in the eyes of reason
veil in the eyes of reason

White shroud. Cataract

White veil in the eyes is most often a symptom of eye diseases. In many cases it can be unilateralprocess affecting only one eye. Often, patients with such complaints are diagnosed with a cataract, that is, a violation of the transparency of the lens.

The lens is a "biological lens" created by nature to refract light. It is located on the ligaments inside the eye and does not have its own blood supply. The lens is nourished by intraocular fluid. At some point, as a result of natural aging or metabolic disorders, the transparency of the lens deteriorates. At this moment, a veil appears in the eyes, blurry vision, objects begin to double, obsessive flies appear before the eyes, the picture turns yellowish, it becomes more difficult to read, write and work with small objects.

blurred vision
blurred vision

Pain with cataracts a person does not feel, it creates a deceptive feeling that nothing supernatural is happening. However, the quality of life is gradually deteriorating, twilight vision is weakening, lacrimation begins in bright light, it is more difficult to read, more powerful lamps are required, a halo is visible around light sources, and patients with farsightedness gradually stop using glasses.


Permanent veil in the eyes can be a symptom of glaucoma. This disease is associated with a steady increase in intraocular pressure, as a result of which intraocular hypertension begins, since the unhindered outflow of intraocular fluid is disturbed. The process is very dangerous, it can lead not only to deterioration of vision, but also to completeits irreversible loss. Suffice it to say that of the total number of blind people, 15% lost their sight as a result of glaucoma.

Glaucoma is divided into two forms:

  1. Open angle. This means that the outflow of fluid in the anterior eye chamber, located in front of the lens, has been disturbed. Such a pathology is considered less dangerous, since it develops gradually, leaving time to take action. With the open form of glaucoma, the angle of view gradually decreases (with a separate speed for each eye), a veil appears in the eyes and iridescent circles in front of them. Headaches become more frequent, twilight vision worsens.
  2. Closed angle. This means that the blockage of the outflow occurred in the area of the junction of the iris and cornea. In this place, the main exchange of fluids of the anterior and posterior eye chambers occurs. At the first stage, the disease does not cause discomfort. The reasons for the deterioration of the patient's vision are not clear. Then an acute attack occurs, during which the outflow of fluid is completely blocked. There is a sharp pain in the head and eye, which is often confused with a migraine. Vision rapidly falls, a veil appears, dizziness and vomiting begin. The eye, in which an attack of angle-closure glaucoma has occurred, turns red and becomes dense. Nature has given very little time to eliminate the blockage of the outflow. Sometimes it's only 3-4 hours. Then vision is lost forever.
causes of visual impairment
causes of visual impairment

Optical neuritis

As already mentioned, if there is a veil in the eyes, the reasons do not always lie in the field of ophthalmology. If inAs a result of the inflammatory process, the optic nerve reduces sensitivity, then the image from the retina does not reach the brain. This problem is called "optic neuritis" and is treated by a neurologist. In addition to inflammation, the cause of neuritis can be a demyelinating disease (destruction of the myelin sheath of neurons by the immune system).

Veil in the eyes, the causes of which are optic neuritis, may be accompanied by partial or complete blindness. The severity of the disease depends on the degree of damage to the diameter of the nerve.

veil in the eyes what to do
veil in the eyes what to do

A few more reasons for the white veil

In addition to the above diseases, the appearance of a white veil before the eyes can be caused by:

  • occlusion of the central retinal artery;
  • cornea disease;
  • senile farsightedness;
  • brain tumor;
  • uncontrolled intake of glucocorticoids, antidepressants, contraceptives;
  • dry eye syndrome.
veil in the eyes in the morning
veil in the eyes in the morning

Dark shroud. Migraine

The veil before the eyes may not be whitish, but dark. This symptom is characteristic of several diseases, one of which is migraine. In this case, the causes of visual impairment are neurological in nature and are accompanied by excruciating unilateral headache. Most often, patients have a genetic predisposition to migraine. Attacks of pain cause not only blurred vision, but also dizziness, nausea, speech disorders, sometimes evenhallucinations.

veil in the eyes of reason
veil in the eyes of reason

Retinal detachment

This is a problem associated with detachment of the inner lining of the eye containing photoreceptor cells. The retina at the place of detachment does not receive nutrition from the choroid, and dries out. The process is gradual, it begins with light flashes, zigzag lightning and black flies. Further, a partial or complete dark veil appears in the eyes. What to do in this case? Urgently run to the doctor! Minor delaminations can be "soldered" without serious consequences. But if the process is running, then the shrunken retina cannot be fixed. Vision will be lost.

blurred vision
blurred vision

Red veil in the eyes

And one more dangerous symptom - a veil of red. This means that blood has poured into the vitreous body or the space surrounding it, that is, hemophthalmos has occurred. The veil in the eyes in this case may indicate a complication of diabetes mellitus, the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, or retinal dystrophy. Hemophthalmos can also occur due to retinal detachment and eye injuries of varying degrees of complexity.

A veil of red is accompanied by blurred vision, the appearance of shadows, flies or stripes. If the hemorrhage occurred as a result of glaucoma or trauma, then pain will become an additional symptom.

veil in the eyes
veil in the eyes

Why is it important to correctly describe accompanying symptoms

To make a correct diagnosis, it is not enough for a doctor to hear from a patient: “I have a veil in the morning ineyes. To understand in which direction to move, the description of the accompanying symptoms will help. So, for example, if the appearance of a veil is accompanied by weakness, then it can be low blood pressure, anemia, VSD, hypertensive crisis. If chaotically moving flies appear along with the veil, then cataracts, hemophthalmos, retinal detachment, brain tumor (in the back of the head), migraine and others are added to the list of possible diseases. If dizziness is added to the listed symptoms, then it can be a stroke, internal bleeding, cerebral atherosclerosis, poisoning, and so on.

Since there are many variants of diseases, it is necessary to describe your condition to the doctor as accurately as possible.

permanent veil in the eyes
permanent veil in the eyes

Diagnostic examination

Since, first of all, patients turn to an ophthalmologist, they will be examined using a slit lamp, eye tonometry (measurement of intraocular pressure), instrumental examination of the fundus, ultrasound. If the ophthalmologist does not detect pathology, then the patient is redirected to a neurologist.

The neurologist determines reflexes and sensitivity, prescribes vascular dopplerography (head, neck), MRI (head, neck).

veil in the eyes treatment
veil in the eyes treatment

Veil in the eyes: treatment

There are many factors that lead to vision problems. And every disease, a symptom of which could be a veil in the eyes, requires appropriate treatment. So, for example, in case of retinal detachment, drug therapy is prescribed to improve vascular patency and metabolism. Additionally, laser coagulation (soldering) of the retina is performed.

With cataracts, in its initial stage, vitamins and nutrients are prescribed for instillation into the eyes. In the later stages, an operation is performed to replace the lens.

Glaucoma is treated with drugs that reduce the pressure inside the eye. If necessary, the outflow is restored by surgery.

The main thing that the patient must understand is that the doctor needs time to take measures to preserve his vision. The veil in the eyes should not be ignored, especially if it is often repeated or held steady.
