Human tonsils are the first "barrier" that protects the body from harmful microorganisms penetrating from food and air. They have a large number of convoluted tubules - lacunae, in which microbes and food debris accumulate. In a he althy body, gaps can clear themselves.

What are caseous plugs?
When an inflammatory process occurs in the tonsils, purulent accumulations appear, as with tonsillitis. If the disease is started or treated incorrectly, chronic tonsillitis develops. With this disease, caseous plugs occur, accompanied by bad breath.
WHO reports that chronic tonsillitis is the second most common disease after caries. Any inflammation in the oral cavity can provoke the appearance of traffic jams, including teeth affected by caries (a constant source of infection in the mouth). Plugs can be the consequences of impaired nasal breathing (deviation of the septum, polyps in the nose, hyperplasia of the shellsnose).
Reasons for education
Doctors identify such situations and human conditions that contribute to the appearance of a similar pathology in the throat:
- Frequent colds.
- Smoking.
- Influence of environmental factors.
- Stress state.
- Disturbances in the immune system.
- Wrong diet.
- Allergies.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Microorganisms in traffic jams feel great, actively multiply there, supporting the inflammatory process in the tonsils.
Mechanism of occurrence
Why and how are caseous plugs formed? The reasons are not fully understood. It is only known that this is due to the anatomical structure of the tonsils and their participation in the immune response. The lacunae branch into crypts, the walls of which are lined with three to four layers of epithelium. But there are areas on the crypts in which there is no epithelium. If microorganisms get here, then there is direct contact with the tonsil tissue, physiological inflammation sets in, the body begins to produce antibodies. When viruses enter, a huge number of leukocytes rush to fight them, swelling of the mucous membranes of the tonsils occurs, which makes it difficult for the natural outflow of dead leukocytes and viruses. They remain in the bowels of the tonsils, forming purulent-caseous accumulations.
How does the disease manifest itself?
Caseous plugs in the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis may not appear in any way, but they can create the following inconvenience:
- Because ofthe decay of the contents of the plugs gives rise to bad breath.
- Throat tickles.
- Feeling of a foreign body in the place where the cork is located.
Inflammatory processes in the tonsils do not disappear at all, but only subside a little. Pathogenic bacteria are constantly in gaps and crypts, and the body's attempts to get rid of them also do not stop. During this period, purulent formations appear. Over time, substances rich in calcium and magnesium accumulate in them, contributing to the hardening of traffic jams. But the disease at this stage is almost asymptomatic, caseous plugs on the tonsils appear almost imperceptibly for the patient. If you look at the tonsils, you can see white, yellowish, sometimes with a gray tint, lumps that resemble cottage cheese in their structure.
In people with a he althy immune system, caseous plugs occur temporarily. With the onset of recovery, they disappear. If a person's immunity is weakened, then the plugs can remain on the tonsils for a long time.
Most often this disease affects children. It is not difficult to find caseous plugs in a child of 5-15 years old.

The disease is less common in people aged 18 to 35. Further, in the human body, a restructuring of the lymphoid tissue occurs. Thanks to her, the occurrence of purulent processes in the tonsils becomes a much rarer occurrence.
General symptoms of chronic tonsillitis
The appearance of caseous plugs in the throat is the most importanthallmark of chronic tonsillitis. This disease is chronic, with the following additional features:
- Frequently occurring sore throats (both catarrhal and complicated by lacunar changes), respiratory infections accompanied by swelling and inflammation of the tonsils (more than 3 times a year).
- Hyperemia, swelling of the palatine arches - as a complication of inflammation of the tonsils. Adhesions may form between these two organs.
- Subfebrile temperature observed for several weeks, possible enlargement of lymph nodes.
- The patient complains of malaise, weakness, poor performance.
What happens when the disease flares up?
If chronic tonsillitis aggravates, a person's temperature rises, intoxication phenomena are observed, an increase in submandibular, tonsillar lymph nodes is possible.

The patient complains about:
- Heavy breath odor that no amount of toothpaste can cover.
- Irritation in the throat.
- Cough (usually dry).
- Pain when swallowing.
Edematous tonsils are observed, covered with white spots, which the patient himself can see. Various forms of angina develop. In this case, medical assistance is indispensable.
If a person with caseous plugs in lacunae does not receive appropriate treatment, dangerous complications may develop. If disease-causing organisms (eg, group A hemolytic streptococcus)get into the bloodstream or lymph flow, this can lead to trouble with the heart, joints, kidneys.
Therefore, it is very important to contact an ENT doctor for qualified help in case of an exacerbation of this disease. If this is not possible, you can contact the local therapist, who is also competent in these matters.
How to get rid of caseous traffic jams?
Clogs on the tonsils are a sign of a long-term inflammatory process. Removal of plugs should be accompanied by complex therapy aimed at relieving this inflammation. In no case should you put pressure on the tonsils (with a finger, a spoon), try to pick out the plugs, since the possibility of damage to the tonsils is not ruled out. This can lead to more severe inflammation in them, to more severe consequences of the disease. The most optimal action in this case would be to visit an otolaryngologist.
Conservative treatment
You should not immediately try to resort to radical methods of treatment, since the tonsils are a very important organ that provides protection against infections. By removing them, we provide a great "service" to pathogenic microbes, of which there are hundreds of thousands in the mouth of each person.

There are other methods worth trying:
- Rinse. During this process, caseous plugs in gaps are washed out. Treatment is carried out with antiseptic solutions "Iodinol", "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin", "Furacilin". Also for rinsinguse natural remedies. Excellent antiseptic properties have infusions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot;
- Don't forget about restoring the body's immune response. A competent specialist, based on the results of the immunogram, can advise a suitable immunostimulant ("Likopid", "Immudon", "Polyoxidonium").
When exacerbated
If there is an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, plugs become caseous-purulent. In this case, otolaryngologists resort to antibiotic therapy. Basically, drugs of the penicillin series ("Amoxiclav"), macrolides ("Azithromycin"), cephalosporins ("Ceftriaxone") are used. To get rid of caseous plugs in lacunae in children, doctors prescribe drugs and dosage, taking into account the age and weight of a small patient.
At the moment of exacerbation, the following composition of the rinse liquid will give the best result:
- 1 teaspoon s alt.
- 1 teaspoon baking soda.
- 5 drops of iodine.
- 1 glass of warm water.
If there is no allergic reaction to iodine, and the child can tolerate the unpleasant taste of s alt and soda, then this rinse will give the best result.
A good effect is obtained by lubricating the tonsils with Lugol's solution on glycerin.
Do not forget about the benefits and effectiveness of physiotherapy (quartz treatment, exposure to tonsils with ultrasound, phonophoresis are very popular in pediatric practice).

Great favorin the treatment of respiratory infections, inhalations are brought (thermal, with various vegetable essential oils, using a nebulizer).
Do not forget to drink plenty of water when treating acute tonsillitis, as it helps to eliminate toxins from pathogenic microbes that poison the human body. It is important to observe bed rest, take vitamin complexes.
Long-term observations have shown a genetic predisposition to this disease. If parents had chronic tonsillitis in childhood, there is a high chance of the disease appearing in children. It is necessary to be ready for this and take the necessary measures in time to avoid surgical intervention.
Radical methods
It is not recommended to completely remove the tonsils. This is done only when caseous plugs in the lacunae of the tonsils, the treatment of which by conservative methods turned out to be ineffective, contribute to the occurrence of serious complications in the work of the internal organs of a person and frequent recurrences of tonsillitis.

Treatment in this case is carried out surgically. The most popular is laser lacunotomy, when the most affected part of the tonsil is removed with a laser, and the edges of the organ are sealed.
Prevention measures
The main methods of preventing this disease are hardening, outdoor sports, good nutrition. Winter sports (figure skating, hockey, snowboarding, skiing and others) have a beneficial effect on the body. At the same time, it happenshardening of the respiratory tract, as a person inhales cold air. Since stress and overwork negatively affect human he alth, you need to reconsider your work schedule, as well as your lifestyle. It may be enough for someone to get rid of problems with tonsils, it will be enough to move from a gassed city to the countryside and take up a job that brings moral satisfaction.
As a preventive measure, it is also necessary:
- At least once every 3-6 months see a doctor.
- Treat teeth affected by caries in time. Streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogenic bacteria are able to get into the crypts of the tonsils from the affected gums and teeth, multiply there, contributing to the occurrence of caseous plugs, the treatment of which will require some time and effort.
- Observe oral hygiene. This will not only protect the teeth and gums from damage by pathogens, but also prevent them from spreading to the tonsils.
- Time to treat colds. Undertreated acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections lead to the formation of caseous plugs.
- Try not to get too cold.
- Less contact with sick respiratory infections. Sometimes it is difficult to fulfill this condition, as children go to kindergarten, school, adults go to work, college, use public transport, buy food in stores, medicines in pharmacies. We all know situations when someone starts coughing in a crowded minibus, thereby spreading viruses.

It would be perfect ifsick people will not temporarily visit public places, thereby being able to protect others from infection. However, these are just dreams. Many parents take their kids with a runny nose and cough to kindergarten just because the child does not have a temperature, which means that the pediatrician does not write out a sick leave. For the same reason, many people are forced to go to work, as the therapist does not give them exemption from work unless there are serious symptoms of the disease.
For these reasons, prevention methods come first to help prevent the appearance of caseous plugs in the tonsils. Treatment may not be necessary if you keep your body in good shape, eat rationally, and lead a he althy lifestyle.