"Betasalik" belongs to the group of topical glucocorticosteroid drugs.
This medication is usually bought by people who already know their diagnosis for sure.

Issue form
The medicine is produced in the form of a homogeneous ointment (fifteen grams in tubes). The preparation contains the following active trace elements:
- salicylic acid;
- betamethasone dipropionate.
Auxiliary components are:
- white soft paraffin;
- medical vaseline oil.

According to the instructions for use, Betasalik ointment is used in the presence of the following diseases:
- Chronic disease, dermatosis, which mainly affects the skin.
- A chronic skin lesion of an allergic type that occurs with exacerbations.
- Acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the skin surface, which is characterized by a variety of rashes, burning, irritation and a tendency to relapse).
- Chronic flowing dermatosis, characteristic andthe only element of which is the papule.
- A disease of the skin, manifested by its focal redness and peeling.
- Dyshidrosis (a skin disease that is localized mainly on the hands and feet).
- Ichthyosis (a genetically determined skin disease characterized by its excessive keratinization with deformation).
- Seborrhea of the scalp.
- Inflammatory damage to the surface of the skin, occurring with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

According to the instructions, Betasalik KMP ointment is not recommended for use in the event of the following diseases:
- An infectious process that occurs in two main forms: pulmonary and extrapulmonary.
- Chronic systemic venereal infectious disease affecting the skin, mucous cavities, organs, bones.
According to the instructions, Betasalik ointment should not be used in the presence of acne, increased sensitivity to substances in the composition of the drug.

Instructions for use
The ointment is only allowed to be used topically. "Betasalik" is applied to the affected area of the skin in a thin even layer, gently rubbing into the skin, the frequency of application is twice a day. In some diseases, as in the case of maintenance therapy, it is enough to apply the drug once a day.
Therapy is canceled after complete elimination of symptomsdiseases, namely:
- removing inflammation;
- stop itching;
- cleansing the skin.
It is important to consider that the duration of the course should not be longer than ten days. It is allowed to apply the ointment to children over the age of two years, the duration of treatment is five days.
Adverse reactions
The application of "Betasalik" can provoke the following negative manifestations:
- Infectious lesions of the middle and deep sections of the hair follicle, leading to its purulent inflammation.
- Increased local or general appearance of dark and thick hair on any surface of the body.
- Acne
- Hypopigmentation (loss of natural skin color, light patches, or unusually light body color).
- Inflammatory lesion of the skin that occurs at the site of its direct contact with the allergen.
Side effects when using the drug with occlusive dressings provokes the following reactions:
- Maceration (physiological or pathological process of wet loosening, impregnation and swelling of the epidermis).
- Skin irritation that occurs as a result of increased perspiration while reducing sweat evaporation.
- Irreversible damage to the skin, which is characterized by a decrease in its volume, as well as a qualitative deformation of its tissue, especially elastic fibers.
- Stretch marks, a peculiar lesion of the skin inin the form of narrow wavy stripes of different widths, which has a color from white to purple.
- Accession of a secondary infection.
- Vasodilation.
With an "interesting situation" for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, the appointment of "Betasalik" is allowed only if the positive result from the treatment is significantly higher than the risk to the he alth of the fetus.
If the drug still needs to be used, then the dosage and duration of therapy must be significantly reduced from the standard recommendations.
There is no reliable information about the use of the drug during breastfeeding, so when applying "Betasalik" you need to stop lactation. The drug is not used in ophthalmology.
It is recommended to avoid getting the drug on the mucous membranes of the visual organ. It is not recommended to apply the ointment to the damaged area of the skin due to the presence of salicylic acid in it.
With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed to children, since their manifestation of adverse reactions may be more pronounced than in adult patients.
Children treated with long-term topical corticosteroids may experience low weight, hypercortisolism, growth retardation, and increased blood pressure.

Analogues of "Betasalik" in terms of the main component are:
- "Belosalik".
- "Dermokas".
- Diprosalik.
- Triacutane.
- Triderm.
Besides this, "Betasalik" has drugs withsimilar spectrum of action:
- Akriderm.
- "Soderm".
- "Deoxycorticosterone trimethylacetate".
- "Dexocort".
- Locacorten vioform.
Ointment "Belosalik"
Analog, according to the instructions for use, is a medicine for external use, which has an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

"Belosalik" is produced in the form of an ointment for external application in aluminum tubes of twenty, thirty and forty grams.
The drug is a homogeneous mass of milky translucent shade, without impurities.
According to the instructions for use of Belosalik ointment, it is known that the main active ingredient of the drug is betamethasone dipropionate and salicylic acid.
The cost of the drug is 350–700 rubles.
The drug is available in two dosage forms:
- ointment;
- cream.
They have a homogeneous viscous mass, milky shade. The preparation contains several active trace elements:
- clotrimazole;
- betamethasone;
- gentamicin.
"Triderm" refers to a therapeutic group of anti-inflammatory drugs with antibacterial and antifungal action for topical use.
"Triderm" is suitable for the treatment of various pathologies of the skin, which are caused mainly by those sensitive to the active substancebacteria.
An ointment or cream has a complex therapeutic effect, realized due to several main active microelements included in the structure of the drug.
The cost of the drug varies from 650 to 780 rubles.
Medication for external use with anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effect. Diprosalik is produced in the form of an ointment for external application. The drug is white in color, with a soft homogeneous structure. One gram of ointment contains the following active substances:
- betamethasone dipropionate;
- salicylic acid.
The ointment is applied in a thin even layer on the skin, completely covering the affected areas. The procedure must be carried out twice a day - in the morning and evening. The cost of the drug is 600 rubles.
Combined drug for external application, which has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. "Akriderm" is sold in pharmacies in the form of a cream and ointment for topical use, in aluminum tubes of fifteen and thirty grams.

Active trace element has an antibacterial and vasoconstrictive effect. The drug reduces vascular tissue permeability and eliminates the occurrence of inflammatory edema.
The safety of using "Akriderm" by pregnant women has not been identified, so it is necessary to use the medication during this periodonly according to indications and in small dosages. The cost of the medication varies from 100 to 650 rubles.
Storage conditions
According to the instructions, Betasalik ointment is recommended to be stored in a dry place protected from sunlight. The temperature range should be from eight to fifteen degrees. Shelf life is twenty-four months.
In rare situations, the drug is used to eliminate rashes, and the situation becomes similar. Initially, the spots become almost invisible, but then they return again.
With a repeated course, according to the instructions for the Betasalik ointment (and the reviews confirm this), in most cases a longer treatment was required, and the safety of the result decreased.
Patients narrate in their responses that when using the ointment, the first signs of the disease are eliminated quickly.
The drug is often used to eliminate skin diseases. As noted both in the instructions for use and in the reviews of the Betasalik ointment, it is preferable to use the drug for mild skin lesions that manifest as itching, irritation.