The best ointment for corns on the legs

The best ointment for corns on the legs
The best ointment for corns on the legs

Many are faced with such a problem as corns on their feet. Most often, women who follow fashion suffer from this. After all, they are forced to wear shoes with a narrow nose and high heels. Look, of course, corns are harmless. However, their occurrence and further development can lead to a more serious complication. It is for this reason that many experts recommend that in the event of seals on the skin, immediately begin treatment. What helps with calluses on the feet? Ointment, gel or paste?

ointment for calluses on feet
ointment for calluses on feet

Advantages and disadvantages of ointment

What is better to use for corns on the feet? Ointment in this case is considered the best remedy. After all, such a drug has many advantages, including:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. Quick result.
  3. Efficiency.

Despite the obvious advantages, the ointment from calluses on the legs has certain disadvantages:

  1. Some application difficulties. It is impossible for the ointment to fall on he althy tissues.
  2. Remedynot effective for advanced or deep calluses.
  3. High risk of an allergic reaction.
ointment for calluses on feet
ointment for calluses on feet

How to apply ointment

The most unpleasant thing is the treatment of calluses on the legs. Ointments do a great job with such problems. The main thing is to follow the instructions and correctly apply the product to the damaged area. Different ointments should be used with extreme caution. It is impossible for the drug to get on he althy areas of the skin. To prevent this from happening, you can use a patch. A hole should be cut in the middle of the material, the size of which corresponds to the size of the corn.

The patch should be fixed so that the seal is open and the surrounding he althy tissue is closed. After that, you can use the remedy for corns on the legs. The ointment should be slightly absorbed after application. Then it is recommended to seal the corn with a clean plaster.

treatment of corns on the legs ointment
treatment of corns on the legs ointment

Features of the composition

What is the remedy for calluses on the feet? The ointment, as a rule, contains salicylic acid and other components that are designed to soften rough skin areas. Most often, plant-based oils are added as an additional ingredient to such products.

To make the active substances of the drug act more effectively, it is recommended to steam the legs before the procedure. A soda-s alt solution is ideal for this.

Salicylic ointment

This is the most inexpensive druga tool that allows you to quickly and without much difficulty get rid of wet calluses on your feet. The active ingredient in this drug is salicylic acid. It can not only dry the corn, but also relieve inflammation, destroy microbes, and also restore tissues.

The main advantage of this ointment is its low cost. A tube of the drug can be purchased for only 20 rubles.

ointment for dry calluses on the legs
ointment for dry calluses on the legs

Drug "Super Antimozolin"

This medicine contains carbamide and lactic acid. These substances can soften rough skin on the feet and get rid of corns. This ointment for dry calluses on the legs is sold at any pharmacy. The cost of this drug is from 70 to 80 rubles.

The ointment should be applied in a thick layer on the skin of the foot, and then covered with wax paper or film. The material can be fixed with a plaster. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure daily. The course lasts until the tissue is completely restored and all dry calluses are eliminated. Also, the ointment can be used as a prophylactic.

ointment for calluses on toes
ointment for calluses on toes

Ointment "Bensalitin"

If necessary, you can use an ointment for corns on the toes, corns and wet corns. The drug has a keratolic and antiseptic effect. This is achieved through the action of salicylic and benzoic acids. These components are the active substances of the drug. It should be noted that the drug effectively healsall kinds of calluses.

Apply Bensalitin ointment to dry skin. Feet are recommended to steam before the procedure, and then wipe thoroughly. After applying the drug, the corn must be sealed with a plaster. For a quick result, it is recommended to carry out the procedure every two hours. The course lasts until the complete disappearance of the seal. It should be noted that the cost of the drug is 50 rubles.

Pasta "5 days"

Helps ointment from dry calluses on the toes and feet. The drug quickly and effectively fights various seals, including corns. The composition of the drug includes lanolin and petroleum jelly. These substances intensively soften tissues and rough skin. After some time, the exfoliated pieces can be painlessly removed.

Corn ointment "5 days" can be used as a prophylactic. The cost of the drug is from 40 to 50 rubles.

ointment for dry calluses on toes
ointment for dry calluses on toes

Cream "Sophia"

The composition of this drug includes leech extract, as well as urea. These substances easily remove dead skin particles and soften hardened areas. The main drawback of Sophia cream is its specific smell.

To get a positive result, it is necessary to steam the feet before applying the drug and treat them with pumice. After the procedure, apply the cream to the affected areas and put on socks. It is best to do this before bed. In the morning, it is necessary to steam the skin again and scrape off dead tissue.cosmetic grater or pumice stone.

Cream for dry calluses "Healer"

This product contains urea. Thanks to this, the cream softens the skin well and removes corns. Also, the composition of the product includes extracts of oak bark, celandine and tea tree. The cream has a wound healing and disinfecting effect.

You can buy the product in almost any pharmacy. According to consumers, the skin condition improves significantly after the first application. It takes much more time to treat neglected corns. As for the cost, the cream "Lekar" can be purchased for 400 rubles. It is worth noting that this drug is very popular, due to its effectiveness and ease of use.

treatment of corns on the legs ointment
treatment of corns on the legs ointment


As consumer reviews show, ointments for corns, when used correctly, allow you to quickly and without much difficulty deal with corns and all kinds of skin seals. Such funds are effective and allow you to get a good result in just a few days. However, if within two weeks it was not possible to get rid of corns with the help of special ointments, then you should seek help from specialists.
