Oxial eye drops are designed to effectively moisturize and quickly eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane. They contain hyaluronic acid and electrolytes to help eliminate dryness. Droplets are viscous, their concentration is similar to natural tears.
Oxial eye drops: description and composition

This drug is available in special dropper bottles. The volume is 10 ml.
The composition includes the following main substances:
- Hyaluronic acid contained in the extracellular fluid and involved in the regeneration of body tissues. Helps moisturize the eye shell, does not cause allergies.
- Boric acid, which has a disinfectant effect, antiseptic. It helps prevent all kinds of bacteria from entering the microcracks of the eye.
- S alts of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium take part in biochemical processes, maintain the osmotic pressure in the eye at the proper level.
- Polymer protector that forms a special film on the eye surface. As a result, Oksialit is in good contact with the outer shells and its effectiveness increases many times. The film protects the eye from the negative effects of the external environment.
- Oxide 0.06% - a preservative that provides long-term storage of drops. Once on the shell of the eye, it breaks down into harmless components.
This unique formula helps relieve dry and irritated eyes and prevents damage to the cornea. The drug is non-toxic. Cases of mucosal irritation are extremely rare.
Oxial eye drops: indications for use

Moisturizing the surface of the eye, disinfecting and eliminating dryness is the main action of this drug. Oxial eye drops are used in the following cases:
- When discomfort occurs due to the use of contact lenses.
- After laser vision correction.
- For dry eye syndrome.
- For contact conjunctivitis due to irritation from dust, wind, chlorinated water, dry air, cosmetics, etc.
- To eliminate discomfort after prolonged eye strain (driving a car, working at a computer for a long time).
- After taking drugs that cause dehydration of the mucosa as a side effect.
- Age over 40.
- Working in hazardous areas.
How to use

This medicinerecommended to use as needed. It is enough to instill "Oxial" (eye drops) up to two times a day. The instruction provides for the possibility of using up to 4 times a day. When instilling, you should try to ensure that the tip of the vial does not come into contact with anything. This will help prevent infection.
Eye drops "Oxial" should be instilled with the utmost care. Use with contact lenses does not require removal.
If there is no improvement within two days of using the drops, see a qualified ophthalmologist.
The developers indicated the following features when using the drug:
- Be sure to wash your hands before using drops.
- Instill carefully into the conjunctival sac without touching the eye with the bottle.
- It is enough to instill up to two drops at a time.

Currently, there are no drugs containing the same substances in the composition as "Oxial". Eye drops still have analogues. The following agents have a similar mechanism of action:
- "Comfort" - used for dry eye syndrome and against an allergic reaction to contact lenses, as well as other irritations.
- "Licotine" - used for irritation and dry eyes, stabilizes the tear film.
- "Systane" - moisturizing drops against dryness of the cornea, form a polymer on the surface of the eyecorneal protection film.
- "Innoxa" - contains natural ingredients (chamomile, cornflower, etc.), suitable for people who wear contact lenses.
- "Oftagel" - a drug against dry eyes, itching and burning, forms a protective film on the eye.
- "Defislez" - the most inexpensive analogue, has a softening and lubricating effect.
- "Vial" - has a decongestant and vasoconstrictor effect, is effective for allergic conjunctivitis and corneal damage.
- "Natural tear" - is a synthetic analogue of human tears, the drug is designed to compensate for the lack of natural tear fluid.
- "Oftolik" - used to eliminate discomfort and dryness in the eyes, which arose as a result of the negative influence of the environment, can be used with a decrease in the production of lacrimal secretions.
- "Hilo-Komod" - drops that are most similar in composition and action to "Oxial". They also contain hyaluronic acid. They form a uniform film on the eye, moisturizing the cornea and protecting it from the negative effects of the external environment.
"Oxial" is one of the most expensive drugs to eliminate dry eyes.
The analogs listed above are designed to moisturize the cornea, relieve tension and fatigue from it. However, none of them has such a fast and long-lasting effect as "Oxial".

When applying any drops from this list, the following rules should be observed:
- Medicine must be prescribed by the attending physician, self-medication can worsen the situation and only exacerbate the existing problem.
- If several eye drops are prescribed, take a break of 15 minutes between them.
- When a doctor prescribes certain drops, you do not need to look for a replacement for them, even with a similar composition. Only a specialist should select an analogue.
- It is imperative to comply with the storage conditions of drugs and do not use them after the expiration date.

Oxial (eye drops) is generally safe to use. Reviews about the drug convince of its balance and harmlessness. Therefore, there is a minimum number of contraindications to its use.
Only in some cases, individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug is possible. Then allergy manifestations may appear.
Side effects
In most cases, Oxial eye drops are well tolerated by people. Instructions for use provides for the possibility of hypersensitivity to one of the components.
Rhinoconjunctivitis may occur. Its manifestations are: severe lacrimation, difficulty in nasal breathing due to nasal congestion, itching, fear of light, redness of the conjunctiva.
Interaction with other medical devices
According to the instructions of the developers, "Oxial" is not recommended to be used together with other eye drops. The developers have not conducted studies of such a plan, so it’s impossible to say exactly what the body’s reaction to other drugs will be.
Terms and conditions of storage
Oxial eye drops are recommended to be stored in a place protected from sunlight at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius. The product must not be frozen. From the moment the bottle is opened, the drug should be used within 60 days. Then it loses its medicinal properties. When packaged, it can be stored for two years.

Oxial eye drops are a remedy that eliminates dry eyes and relieves irritation. There are many other tools designed for the same purpose. However, Oksial, in comparison with them, has the following advantages:
- Moisturizing the eye occurs in a physiological way due to the special composition of the drug. This is primarily due to the content of hyaluronic acid in it.
- Drops help eliminate dryness and inflammation quickly enough. Already on the second day, a positive effect is noticeable.
- Additionally disinfects the eye.
- Drops are long lasting.
- Can be used as a remedy for dry eyes due to tired eyes.
- Convenient packaging.
- Can be used if the person is wearing contactlenses without having to remove them.
- The drug is non-toxic, it is extremely rare to experience allergies or other side effects.
- Can be used to correct dryness after laser treatment.
- Sufficiently long shelf life in open form - 60 days, analogues most often have a shelf life of 30 days.
Thus, Oxial eye drops are a proven remedy for dry eyes. The tool moisturizes the cornea and creates a protective film that prevents various environmental influences. Drops help to disinfect the eye and eliminate the discomfort caused by strong tension. Due to their unique composition, they practically do not cause allergies and the side effect when used is minimal. Drops should be prescribed strictly by the attending physician. If there is no visible improvement within two days, you should stop using the drug and go to the hospital. For children, "Oxial" is not suitable, but in some cases it is prescribed in a lower dose. In this case, the appointment should be made exclusively by a qualified ophthalmologist.