How to remove water from the ear? Helpful Hints

How to remove water from the ear? Helpful Hints
How to remove water from the ear? Helpful Hints

With the onset of the bathing season, the number of visits to the doctor with problems related to the ears does not decrease. Unlike the winter period, when colds and viral diseases become the main reasons for visiting the ENT, in summer the ears suffer from water ingress when bathing, which can lead to serious consequences: inflammation, otitis, and even abscesses.

blocked the ear with water
blocked the ear with water

What to do if the ear is blocked with water? First of all, you should immediately consult a doctor. But sometimes situations arise when this is not possible. Then you need to help yourself on your own.


The ear is a complex system consisting of three sections:

  • Outer ear.
  • Middle ear.
  • Inner ear.

The outer section consists of the auricle and the auditory tube. Behind the eardrum is the middle ear. If there is no damage, then water will not be able to enter this section. The human inner ear is responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and the auditory system.

Water in the ear. How to get rid of?

Help depends on which departmentliquid has penetrated. So, when water enters the outer ear, a person has a feeling that it overflows, as if in a vessel. In this case, it is necessary to tilt the head so that the eustachian tube takes a vertical position. Water should flow out under the influence of gravity. To improve the result, you can jump several times on one leg.

Another method based on the pump principle is also very effective when a problem of this nature occurs. To do this, press your palm tightly to your ear, creating a vacuum layer, and release it sharply.

Divers and divers do not have a question about how to remove water from the ear. They are greatly helped in a very entertaining way. Taking air into the lungs, they blow out water. In this case, the nose should be closed (just pinch it with your hand).

Another of the simplest mechanical methods to help with a problem with how to remove water from the ear is as follows: the victim is placed on the blocked ear and asked to swallow. The surface should be as flat as possible.

how to get water out of ear
how to get water out of ear

If you have cotton wool at hand, you can twist it into flagella and insert it into your ear so that water is absorbed into the soft material. Important! Do not use cotton swabs, as this may cause damage to the membrane, injury or complications.

Also be aware of the following: water may contain dirt or pathogens. Therefore, be sure to treat the ear with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. This will greatly reduce the risk of developinginfections.

Dry heat

Sometimes when water gets into the ear, it can cause pain. When pain occurs, a warm pad filled with sand should be applied to the problem area. If this is not at hand, you can use a piece of cloth or a handkerchief with heated s alt, tied in a knot. Alternatively, apply a heating pad. Thanks to such manipulations, the heated liquid will flow out much faster.

Either of these methods is effective if the water has not penetrated the eardrum. Usually in a he althy person, it serves as a kind of barrier. But sometimes it happens that the liquid does not flow out. Then you should contact the ENT, who will tell you exactly how to remove water from the ear.

how to get rid of water in ear
how to get rid of water in ear

Otitis media

Fluid retention in people who are prone to sulphurous plugging or chronic ear problems. A person who has had an ailment such as otitis media may have damage to the eardrum in the form of cracks or holes. This makes it easy for water to enter the middle ear when bathing.

If the liquid got into the middle section, then often there is a headache, nausea, less often vomiting. The only option in this situation is to see a doctor. And before the visit, you need to take a number of measures aimed at preventing the development of complications:

  • Drip an anti-inflammatory drug or insert a swab dipped in medicine. You can use boric alcohol. But there is one important condition: the drug needs to be warmed up a little.
  • Be sure to apply a warm compress to the damaged ear.
  • If you feel pain, it is recommended to take any pain reliever.
how to remove water from ear
how to remove water from ear


Ear diseases bring a lot of trouble, so it is worth taking preventive measures before swimming, especially in open water:

  • You should swim in a special rubber cap.
  • Avoid situations where water can enter the ear, such as diving less.
  • You can lubricate the entrance to the auricle with petroleum jelly, then the question of how to remove water from the ear will not arise.
  • Use earplugs for swimming.

These simple steps will help you avoid many of the problems that could ruin your vacation. Now you know how to remove water from the ear, so even diving is not scary. Feel free to go for new experiences and be he althy!
