Allergy to wormwood and flowering plants is called hay fever. This is a composite grass with the most active pollen, which contains essential oil in the amount of 0.1% to 0.6%, ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins, mucous and resinous substances, alkaloids. The roots contain tannins and mucous substances, essential oil and inulin. The "hottest" month is August, when flowering occurs. It is important to know that this ailment needs treatment, because the likelihood of bronchial asthma is extremely high.

As an allergy to wormwood pollen develops, the nasal mucosa swells, and an allergic rhinitis appears. A person begins to sneeze often, the eyes do not stop tearing, conjunctivitis develops. Discharge from the nasal mucosa is clear and copious. Seasonality is the main signal to suspect an allergy. The level of symptoms depends on the concentration of pollen in the air. It is lowest during rainy weather, highest in windy and dry weather.
Mugwort allergy: how to treat?
It is very important to make sure that the patient reallythere is an allergic reaction to wormwood. During the examination, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity threshold by analyzing skin tests and conduct blood composition studies. After an accurate diagnosis of wormwood allergy is made, contact with the irritant should be avoided as much as possible. In the midst of flowering, it is best to go to the sea, mountain resorts.

It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the plant world in the place of the proposed trip, because there is a chance to get into trouble and become a victim of another plant. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines ("Histimet", cromones, "Allergodil"), local hormones that relieve annoying symptoms caused by an allergy to wormwood. Drugs that inhibit the development of the disease: "Nedocromil sodium", anticholinergics, glucocorticoids. With a mild form of the disease, medications "Ebastine", "Loratadin", "Fexofenadine", "Cetirizine" are prescribed. Local vasoconstrictors such as Galazolin, Nazivin, Afrin, Naphthyzin help well. Reception of drugs should not last more than 10 days. Any medication should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor! Immunotherapy is an effective drug treatment of the original causes of the disease. In addition, patients with hay fever may suffer from allergies to several products at once, so doctors recommend sticking to a diet and not eating honey, citrus fruits, halva and sunflower oil.
Avoiding flare-ups

At a time when wormwood allergies are on the rise, not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation. Many people are completely irresponsible about their disease and therefore, even during periods of remission, they do not pay special attention to the existing problem. The consequences of a careless attitude to one's own he alth are terrible: bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, and anaphylactic shock. By taking the right drugs and at the same time observing some precautions, it is quite possible to prevent an exacerbation of the disease. Avoiding contact with wormwood pollen is the main way to relieve allergies. In windy dry weather, windows and doors of the office and apartment should be closed. Ventilate on calm days or after rain. In hot weather, do not go outside. If this is unavoidable, then upon returning home, remove your clothes, wash your hair, rinse the nasal cavity with saline, eye water and gargle with saline. If possible, daily wet cleaning should be carried out in the apartment. A good option is to purchase an air purifier. Stay he althy!