Lung surgery requires preparation from the patient and compliance with recovery measures after it is completed. They resort to removing the lung in severe cases of cancer. Oncology develops imperceptibly and can manifest itself already in a malignant state. Often people do not go to the doctor if they have minor ailments that indicate the progression of the disease.
Types of surgery
Lung surgery is performed only after a complete diagnosis of the patient's body. Doctors are required to make sure that the procedure is safe for a person who has a tumor. Surgical treatment should take place immediately, before the oncology has spread further through the body.

Lung surgery is of the following types:
- Lobectomy - removal of the tumor part of the organ.
- Pulmonectomy involves the complete excision of one of the lungs.
- Wedge resection - point surgery of chest tissues.
For patients, lung surgery seems like a doom. After all, a person cannot imagine that his chest will be empty. However, surgeons are trying to reassure patients, terrible inthis is nothing. Concerns about difficulty breathing are unfounded.
Pre-treatment for the procedure
An operation to remove a lung requires preparation, the essence of which is to diagnose the condition of the remaining he althy part of the organ. After all, you need to be sure that after the procedure a person will be able to breathe, as before. A wrong decision can lead to disability or death. They also evaluate general well-being, not every patient can withstand anesthesia.

The doctor will need to collect tests:
- urine;
- results of the study of blood parameters;
- chest x-ray;
- ultrasound examination of the respiratory organ.
Additional examination may be required if the patient has diseases of the heart, digestive or endocrine system. Under the ban fall drugs that help thin the blood. At least 7 days must elapse before the operation. The patient sits on a therapeutic diet, bad habits will need to be excluded before visiting the clinic and after a long period of recovery.
The essence of chest surgery
Surgical removal takes a long time under anesthesia for at least 5 hours. Based on the pictures, the surgeon finds a place for an incision with a scalpel. The tissue of the chest and pleura of the lung is dissected. Adhesions are cut off, the organ is released for extraction.
Surgeon uses clamps to stop bleeding. The drugs used in anesthesia are checked in advance so as not tocause anaphylactic shock. Patients may have an acute allergic reaction to the active ingredient.

After removing the whole lung, the artery is fixed with a clamp, then the nodes are superimposed. Sutures are made with absorbable threads that do not require removal. Inflammation is prevented by a saline solution pumped into the chest: into the cavity, which is located in the gap between the pleura and the lung. The procedure ends with a forced increase in pressure in the ways of the respiratory system.
Recovery period
After lung surgery, precautions are required. The entire period is under the supervision of the surgeon who performed the procedure. After a few days, mobility exercises begin.

Respiratory movements are carried out lying down, sitting and while walking. The task is simple - to reduce the period of treatment through the restoration of pectoral muscles weakened by anesthesia. Home therapy is not painless, tight tissues are gradually released.
With a sharp pain, it is allowed to use painkillers. Appeared edema, purulent complications or lack of inhaled air should be eliminated together with the attending physician. Discomfort when moving the chest persists for up to two months, which is the normal course of the recovery period.
Additional help with rehabilitation
The patient spends several days in bed after the operation. Lung removalhas unpleasant consequences, but simple remedies help to avoid the development of inflammation:
- The dropper supplies the body with anti-inflammatory substances, vitamins, the required amount of fluid for the normal functioning of internal organs and maintaining metabolic processes at the proper level.
- You will need to install tubes in the incision area, fixed with a bandage between the ribs. The surgeon may leave them on for the entire first week. You will have to put up with inconvenience for the sake of future he alth.

If the lung cancer has already been removed, about a week of treatment in the hospital takes place after the operation. After being discharged, they continue to do physical exercises, take anti-inflammatory drugs until the seam disappears completely.
Prerequisites for treatment by a surgeon
Tumors in the lungs appear due to the following factors:
- Tuberculosis.
- Cyst.
- Echinococcosis.
- Fungi.
- Injuries.
Infections are on a par with other provocateurs: bad habits (smoking, alcoholism), chronic diseases (thrombosis, diabetes), obesity, long-term drug therapy, severe allergic reaction. The lungs are checked periodically for the timely detection of pathological conditions.
So, it is recommended to do a lung exam once a year. Particular attention is paid to patients suffering from vascular diseases. If the disease is started, the dying tissue of the tumor will provoke further growth of pathological cells. Inflammation will spread to neighboring organs orthe bloodstream will go deep into the body.

The cyst in the lungs does not remain in its original form. It gradually grows, squeezing the sternum. There is discomfort and pain. Compressed tissues begin to die, causing the appearance of purulent foci. Similar consequences are observed after an injury, a broken rib.
Can the diagnosis be wrong?
In very rare cases, there is a misdiagnosis with the conclusion "lung tumor". Surgery in such situations may not be the only way out. However, doctors still resort to removing the lung for reasons of maintaining human he alth.
In case of severe complications, the affected tissues are recommended to be removed. The decision to operate is based on clinical symptoms and imaging. The pathological part is removed to stop the growth of tumor cells. There are cases of miraculous healing, but it is unreasonable to hope for such an outcome. Surgeons are used to being realistic when it comes to saving a patient's life.