"Sevoran" (active substance - sevoflurane) is an anesthetic agent, effectively used in medicine to perform inhalation anesthesia. The introduction of the drug by this method allows you to turn off the patient's consciousness in a very short time, but after the end of the procedure, everything is quickly restored.
Anesthesia "Sevoran" when administered is accompanied by slight excitation and slightly noticeable irritation of the respiratory mucosa. Thus, it is not possible to provoke a strong secretion in the tracheobronchial tree and stimulate the nervous system. The drug provokes a dose-dependent suppression of respiratory function and a decrease in blood pressure.
How does anesthesia work? "Sevoran" does not affect intracranial pressure, does not reduce the reaction to carbon dioxide, does not affect the kidneys and liver in any way, does not provoke an increase in insufficiency in these organs, even if the patient will be under anesthesia for a long time. But how to correctly calculate the dosage so that anesthesia is effective and at the same time safe?
Sevoran anesthesia is selected individually for each patient.
Thus, during surgery, anesthesia is supplied using a vaporizer. As a rule, anesthesiologists use special devices calibrated specifically for this drug.

The dosage is selected in each case individually. Titration continues until the desired effect occurs, while taking into account the patient's clinic, his medical history, concomitant diseases and age. After the end of the supply of "Sevoran", the patient is injected with a drug from the group of barbiturates or another kind of anesthetic, which is designed for intravenous administration in order to obtain deep anesthesia. Usually, oxygen and nitric oxide or Sevoran together with oxygen are used for these purposes.
Sevoran anesthesia in a small volume before the operation allows to provide a stage of deep sleep in a couple of minutes, and this applies to both adult patients and children. With this anesthesia, a quick exit from the anesthetic state without the use of any additional means is very characteristic: patients rarely complain of prolonged depression after that, the functions of thinking are restored very quickly, people do not feel any discomfort at the site of the operation and injection.

In addition, Sevoran anesthesia provides the necessary level of anesthesia. The concentration is selected in the range from 0.55 to 3%, the drug is administered together with nitric oxide.
How is Sevoran anesthesia administered?
Inhalation anesthesia with this drug, like any other, should be administered to a well-prepared patient - this way serious consequences can be avoided. The main condition is an empty stomach. Adults are advised not to eat 6-8 hours before surgery, and children - 4-5 hours. This rule is mandatory, only in this case it is possible to protect the patient, because vomiting may occur, which will lead to such a complication as the entry of vomit into the respiratory system.
Before the patient is taken for surgery, about a couple of days in advance, he is advised to adhere to a diet. Only after preliminary preparation, it is possible to proceed to surgical intervention with Sevoran. The patient is put on a mask on his face, through which a low-flow gas supply will occur. The patient falls asleep almost immediately, after 1-2 minutes. After sleep has come, the catheter is connected to the peripheral vein, if necessary, it can be intubated. On any operation, even if it is the shortest and simplest, the anesthesiologist monitors the patient's condition and adjusts the dose of anesthesia so that the depth of anesthesia is necessary. When immersed in anesthesia, the patient goes through several stages:
- Stuns. It lasts no more than 4 minutes and occurs immediately after the person began to be given anesthesia. It is characterized by the fact that the patient does not feel pain, but consciousness is preserved. At this stage, doctors perform short operations - they open abscesses or phlegmon.
- Excitement. During it, the patient's pressure, consciousness and pain jump up.are absent, but no surgical interventions can be performed during this period.
- Surgical anesthesia, which is divided into several types of depth:
- superficial;
- easy;
- deep;
- agonal stage - complete paralysis of vital organs.
4. Awakenings. At this moment, the restoration of all body functions begins.

Features of Sevoran
Sevoran anesthesia should be used only by professional specialists who have the skills to introduce the patient into such a state. At this time, equipment should always be at hand that will allow you to apply all the necessary measures to restore the passage in the airways or conduct resuscitation if the unexpected happens during the operation.
The level of anesthesia when using this particular drug changes very quickly, forcing the anesthesiologist to use only specially calibrated evaporators. As anesthesia deepens, the patient may experience increased hypotension and respiratory depression.
If you use maintenance anesthesia, then with an increase in the concentration of the drug, the pressure will noticeably decrease, this directly depends on the dose of Sevoran. Too sharp and strong decrease in blood pressure may be due to a deep degree of anesthesia.
Consciousness after anesthesia returns to the patient in a few minutes, but even so, mental abilities will be restored only after a couple of hours. Manysurgeons and dentists consider Sevoran one of the best drugs for anesthesia. Instructions for use of this tool says that the action occurs almost instantly, and the patient leaves the state of anesthesia quickly, in most cases without consequences, although sometimes they do happen.

The benefits of using Sevoran
It is worth noting that this drug, designed to introduce a person into a state of anesthesia, has a number of undeniable advantages:
- Fast entry into anesthesia (almost immediately after the first breath), as well as a quick exit - no more than 20 minutes after the drug stops.
- Almost does not affect the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels.
- High degree of manageability.
- Lowest possible respiratory irritation.
- Non-toxic to the patient's body.
- Due to the excellent anesthetic effect, anesthesia is effectively used in dentistry and during abdominal operations.
- A rare occurrence of unwanted effects.
- Possibility of use in the form of mononarcosis.
- Enables the use of low-flow anesthesia, which leads to a minimum consumption of the drug, the complete absence of environmental pollution by drug vapors.
All the benefits described above suggest that the drug is very effective and has almost no consequences, so it is very often used when performing dental treatment under anesthesia in adults and children, as well asother surgical procedures.
Side effects and contraindications
But it is worth remembering that any drug has contraindications and side effects, and all this happens due to the characteristics of the body of each patient. It is impossible to predict how the body perceives the drug. Even the most harmless drugs can cause serious consequences for some people, including anesthesia.
- Dizziness, feeling drowsy, seizures, sudden mood changes - these symptoms can appear within a couple of days after anesthesia.
- Respiratory disorders, cough.
- Surges in blood pressure, tachycardia or bradycardia.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Allergic reactions.
- Chills and fever.

In addition to side effects, in rare cases, Sevoran (the instructions for use also informs about this) has contraindications, and every patient should know about them before anesthesia is due. Among the contraindications:
- Special drug sensitivity.
- Genetic predisposition to malignant hyperthermia.
- Breastfeeding period.
Also, all means for inhalation anesthesia are recommended to be used with extreme caution in patients with renal insufficiency, intracranial hypertension, coronary heart disease and neuromuscular pathologies. Children are allowed to use Sevoran, but only at a reduced dose and under the supervision of a doctor, even after leavinganesthesia.
In the event of an overdose, the patient may experience the following symptoms:
- The activity of the central nervous system changes.
- Hypotension.
- Vascular collapse.
- Convulsions.
- Stop breathing.
If such symptoms appear, then you need to urgently stop the administration of the drug, install a clean breathing tube and start artificial ventilation of the lungs with oxygen, monitor the work of the heart if you need to administer drugs to maintain it.

Interaction with other drugs
Inhalation anesthesia is perfectly combined with drugs that surgeons often use during surgery. This applies to drugs that affect the nervous system, muscle relaxants, antibacterial drugs, hormones, blood products. No adverse interactions identified.
Special instructions for use
"Sevoran" cannot be used independently at home. This drug should be administered, dosed and controlled only by anesthesiologists, preferably those with experience in general anesthesia.
To supply funds for inhalation anesthesia, especially for the drug "Sevoran", you need to use calibrated evaporators. It is also necessary to inform the patient that after anesthesia, he should not drive for some time and work with any moving mechanisms, because concentration may be impaired.
Featuresapplication of "Sevoran" in the treatment of teeth in children
If dental treatment is performed under anesthesia, "Sevoran" is allowed to be used by both adults and children. In addition, this type of anesthesia is also often used for other operations on children:
- Urgent surgery for acute inflammation in the oral cavity (abscess, periostitis).
- Elective surgery (tooth extraction, cysts).
- Pulpitis, multiple caries and periodontitis.

But dentists do not always use Sevoran inhalation when treating children's teeth. Anesthesia for children with the remedy we are considering is indicated in such cases:
- If there are contraindications to the use of local anesthetics.
- If the child is non-contact (pronounced negativism towards dentists).
- There are organic pathologies of the nervous system, during which the child cannot really assess the surrounding reality.
- If you urgently need to carry out one-stage sanitation of the oral cavity with a large amount of manipulations.
But it is worth remembering that a child perceives any drug very sensitively. Parents should inform the doctor about the presence of the following conditions in the baby, which are contraindications to anesthesia with Sevoran. Otherwise, the consequences can be very serious. So, it is not recommended to use it:
- Inflammation of the upper tracts.
- In acute inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, liver, lungs.
- If availableexudative diathesis.
- Recent infections.
- High intracranial pressure.
- Decompensated pathologies.
- If local anesthesia is not available.
Of course, the child must be prepared for the introduction of Sevoran anesthesia. Dental treatment under general anesthesia is carried out not only during tooth extraction, but also in other cases, and you need to properly prepare for each procedure:
- Pass an examination - donate blood, urine, biochemistry.
- ECG.
- Conclusion of the pediatrician (the certificate should indicate that the patient has no contraindications to the use of this type of anesthesia).
- Anesthesia is administered only on an empty stomach.
Currently, there are a huge number of varieties of drugs for anesthesia, but recently, Sevoran by an American company has become increasingly popular. It is considered the most harmless to the body, it is well tolerated by both adults and children. It has a very pleasant fragrance that children inhale and feel no discomfort.
The effect occurs instantly, immediately after a couple of breaths, and patients wake up 15 minutes after the end of the drug. This action is due to the fact that more than 90% of the drug is excreted through the lungs unchanged. The patient inhaled the drug, and after 10-15 minutes you can no longer find it in the blood. It is excreted very quickly from the body, while no organs suffer from its effects, the drug does not cause allergies.
Very good about the drugnot only adult patients respond, but also children who say that they breathed fragrant air and fell asleep, and then opened their eyes - and they are already lying on the bed, and nothing hurts them. In fact, this is exactly how Sevoran operates. Parents' reviews also confirm that their children tolerate anesthesia very easily, it does not cause any side effects and allergies. It is thanks to him that many children began to visit the dentist even more often, and all because all procedures are carried out without pain.
Adult patients are also quite positive about their condition after such anesthesia. The most important thing is that it be carried out by a competent specialist, then everything will be fine.