Warts on the legs: causes and treatment

Warts on the legs: causes and treatment
Warts on the legs: causes and treatment

Many people develop growths such as warts on their skin. This is the formation of an infectious species. Typically, blisters are considered benign, but sometimes they become malignant. Often there are warts on the legs. The reasons for their formation and ways to eliminate them are described in the article.


Scientists have found that warts on the soles of the feet are a manifestation of the papillomavirus type 1-4. These species are considered non-oncogenic, the risk of neoplasm degeneration is very low. Many people strive to eliminate the flaw as soon as possible, because it spoils the appearance. In order for the treatment to be correct, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance and identify the type of virus.

warts on legs
warts on legs

Why do warts appear on the legs? The reasons for their occurrence are as follows:

  1. Papilloma virus. In the absence of infection, warts cannot appear. But 90% of the world's inhabitants are considered carriers of the virus, and not everyone develops growths.
  2. Weakened immunity. It is in this case that the virus progresses and infects he althy cells. Suchhappens in autumn, winter, after illness.
  3. Inadequate food. Eating a lot of sweets and fatty foods causes weight gain and a weakened immune system. There are no vitamins in such food, so it will not work to improve he alth.
  4. Liver disease. Due to insufficient blood purification in diseases of this organ, harmful components accumulate in the body, due to which warts appear.
  5. Intestinal problems. If the absorption of nutrients is insufficient, then the immune system becomes weaker. This occurs with dysbacteriosis and chronic enterocolitis.

Varieties of warts

Warts on the legs are as follows:

  1. Ordinary. These are common neoplasms, similar to rounded and flattened vesicles. Appear upon contact with a sick person or when touching infected surfaces.
  2. Solar. Formed on the heels or on the foot near the toes. Warts are large. Often one neoplasm appears, and then small ones near it. Many may not even see them, as they are hidden calluses and corns. With such neoplasms, itching and pain occur.
  3. Flat. Such neoplasms have a diameter of 0.5-3.0 mm. They appear on their feet, usually on the laps of schoolchildren.
  4. Genital warts. This is a type of wart that appears on the genitals and upper legs. Treatment of these neoplasms is performed by urologists and gynecologists.

How to remove warts on the legs? Now there are many drugsand techniques that can remove bubbles in 1 procedure. To exclude relapses, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and stop the spread of the virus. Immunomodulators and antivirals are usually prescribed.

wart on toe
wart on toe

Warts on the toes and feet are removed with special liquids. They contain alkalis and acids. There are products with liquid nitrogen that freezes papillomas. The following drugs are used in the treatment.


With the help of this aggressive liquid, the neoplasm is burned out. The main active ingredients are phenol and tricresol. It is advisable to use this composition in a hospital, as there is a risk of burns and damage to he althy skin. Small warts are eliminated immediately, while large ones require several treatments.


This formulation includes phenol and metacresol. The tool destroys the formation without affecting he althy areas of the skin. Sold in small bottles with an applicator to apply the medicine.


This product contains salicylic acid. Cauterization of the wart does not occur with it, but it is softened. It is necessary to treat neoplasms 1-2 times a day for 4 days. During this period, the growth disappears. The drug does not damage he althy skin.

warts on legs treatment
warts on legs treatment

Ointment "Viferon"

Means includes human interferon. During the lubrication of the wart with an ointment, the virus protein is destroyed, andneoplasm will be removed. Treatment lasts 50 days. It all depends on the size of the formation, the state of the immune system.

Oxolinic ointment

The product has an antiviral effect. Old warts are difficult to eliminate, the course of treatment can be equal to several months. But formations are unlikely to form in this area.

warts on legs photo
warts on legs photo


The drug contains imichimod molecules, which has a local immunomodulatory, stimulating effect. After application, the wart dries out a little. But with the weakening of the immune system may appear on the legs again.

Folk remedies

Warts on the toes and feet are treated with decoctions and herbal juices, compresses. Most formulations can eliminate neoplasms, help soften the skin. The following remedies are used in folk medicine:

  1. Celandine. Effective in the treatment of warts. It is advisable to take fresh grass before flowering. The stems are rich in juice, with the help of which the destruction of papillomas occurs. You will need to cut the stem and treat the warts with a white sticky liquid. A few days are enough for the growths to be eliminated.
  2. Garlic. It must be ground in a mortar or grind with a grater. The clove needs to be cut in half and rub the juice into the neoplasm. The gruel must be put on gauze and applied to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Everything must be wrapped with a cloth and left overnight. It is important that the juice does not get on he althy skin, as this may cause a burn.
  3. Vinegar and glycerin. Must be mixed intoequal amounts of vinegar essence and glycerin. Then you need to soak the material with a solution and attach it to the warts. Should be left for a few hours. The procedure is performed within a week.
  4. Spurge. This herb has an antiviral effect. With it, it will be possible to cure warts, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones. It is necessary to break the stem and lubricate the neoplasms with juice. In a few days, the wart will disappear. Moreover, the root of education will also be removed.
  5. Bow. This recipe is more suitable for the treatment of plantar warts. You need to peel the onion and cut in half. You should immerse the halves in acetic acid for several hours, then remove the onion from the vinegar and apply immediately to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Then you need to fix it with a band-aid and leave it overnight. After a week, the neoplasms will be eliminated.
warts on the soles of the feet
warts on the soles of the feet


These funds have one principle. The lining fabric is treated with a substance that softens the neoplasm. Often this is salicylic acid, but other liquids are often used. Warts on the legs are treated with the following patches:

  1. "Salipod". Most affordable. It is presented in the form of an ordinary adhesive tape with a gasket impregnated with a mixture of sulfur and salicylic acid. It is glued for 1-2 days. During this period, salicylic acid softens the wart, so it can be easily removed.
  2. Ultra H DR. house. This Chinese patch is also inexpensive. It is presented in the form of an adhesive tape with a fabric that is impregnated with salicylic acid with 40%concentration. It is necessary to steam out the formation, wipe it dry, fix the patch and leave for 12 hours. Then replace with a new one until the bubble disappears.
  3. Suda Epitact. This is an expensive plaster of German quality. The company has been creating orthopedic products and medicines for over 80 years. The tool is presented in the form of a tape, from which it is necessary to cut pieces of the desired size. The main component is thuja extract. The patch should be changed every 3 days.


A wart appears due to a virus that is in the body. Although patches and fluids are effective, these methods are not complete. After some time, these growths may appear again. According to doctors, the treatment of warts on the legs should be accompanied by the intake of antiviral or immunomodulatory drugs. With them, the reproduction of virus cells stops, and new bubbles do not form.

how to get rid of warts on legs
how to get rid of warts on legs

Warts on the legs are treated, the photo of which is posted in the article, with the following pills:

  1. "Isoprinosine". This drug is antiviral, with it the papillomavirus is inhibited. Tablets have an immunomodulatory effect. With their reception, it will be possible to stop the development of formations.
  2. "Viferon". The drug includes human interferon. It is prescribed when using local funds. With the help of this composition, the destruction of the protein of the virus occurs. This drug should only be used when local remedies have proven ineffective. Scientists have proven that due toprivate use, inhibition of the immune system and the formation of interferon is observed.
  3. Groprinosin. This drug for the treatment of warts on the soles of the feet and on the fingers can be used for neoplasms of various types. The drug leads to the folding of the protein in the cells of the virus. It is prescribed to people with immunodeficiency. The tool significantly improves immunity. After a week, the neoplasms decrease and soon disappear completely.
  4. "Tsitovir 3". The drug includes thymogen sodium, ascorbic acid and bendazole. The last component stimulates the formation of interferon, therefore, the body's resistance to viruses and infections increases. There is no interferon in the medicine, and there will be no weakening of immunity with it.

Quick deletion

Such ways are radical. They are chosen in relation to patients with extensive skin lesions, when ointments and liquids cannot be used. Hospitals and beauty salons use the following methods:

  1. Cryodestruction. The method consists in freezing the build-up with nitrogen. Manipulation is usually performed 1 time, if you need to eliminate small and flat warts. If the formations are placed on the feet, there are many of them and there is a root, then several procedures will be required.
  2. Laser removal. Skin growths are removed by lasers with different wavelengths. After the procedure, a burn remains, but he althy skin gradually appears. As a rule, the impact on problem areas of the legs occurs one-time.
  3. Electrocoagulation. This method is based on the use of electric current. Ata small current strength will eliminate the neoplasm. The procedure is cheap and performed by a dermatologist. After that, scars form.
  4. Chemical excision. During this procedure, pyrogenal is introduced into the formation. The medicine raises the temperature at the injection site, so there is a semblance of burning a wart. After a few days, the dry crust is removed.
  5. Chemical excision. The procedure is rarely performed with a large lesion, when root removal is required. After that, it takes a long time to recover and care. The procedure is performed in a hospital, and the patient needs to stay in the hospital for several days under the supervision of medical staff.
warts on legs causes
warts on legs causes

Before eliminating such a deficiency, you should familiarize yourself with the causes and treatment of warts on the legs. There are many removal methods. But the best way is to strengthen the immune system. Therefore, it is important to lead a he althy lifestyle and eat right.
