The he alth of a person as a whole directly depends on the condition of the teeth. It is important to conduct preventive examinations twice a year and seek help when the first unpleasant symptoms appear. The dental clinic 28 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg has proven itself well. You can hear mostly positive reviews about the institution.

Basic information
The medical institution has been working in the field of dentistry for over 10 years. Therapeutic treatment of patients of various ages is carried out here. We have all the necessary resources to carry out high-quality operations. Services in the field of prosthetics, orthodontics, aesthetic dentistry can be provided. What else attracts the dental clinic 28? The reviews say that some of the best specialists in St. Petersburg work here. Many patients specially come to the Krasnoselsky district to see a doctor.

The medical institution is located in a place with a well-developedinfrastructure. The polyclinic is represented by four departments. Adult patients can get an appointment at the following address: Garkavy Border Guard Street, house 14. The children's department is located on the same street at house 28. There are two more representations in Krasnoye Selo. You can make an appointment by contacting the reception in person or by calling the number indicated on the official website of the dental clinic 28 of the Krasnoselsky district.
Prevention of dental pathologies
With a regular examination by a specialist, most diseases of the teeth and gums can be forgotten. The problem is that a huge number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is concentrated in the human mouth. Humidity, food debris - all this creates an excellent environment for their development. Therefore, it is important to undergo a preventive examination by a specialist at least once every six months.

A lot of good reviews can be heard about the specialists who receive in room 325 of the dental clinic 28 of the Krasnoselsky district. Here you can not only carry out a preventive examination, but also remove residual deposits, which in the future can provoke the development of caries. Unfortunately, oral hygiene in many patients is at a very low level. The situation is also aggravated by bad habits, taking aggressive medications. Regular dental check-ups are the best protection against disease.
Therapeutic dentistry
No matter how carefully the patient does not conduct oral hygiene, 100% protection is notsucceed. Caries is the most common problem for which patients seek help. A lot of good reviews can be heard about the 28 dental children's clinic. The medical institution has equipment that allows you to treat caries without pain. A contactless drill today can not be found in all public clinics.

Dental clinic 28 of the Krasnoselsky district introduces modern methods of pulpitis treatment. In most cases, you do not need to install a medicine to destroy the dental nerve. Therapy of a diseased tooth takes place in one visit. Only the best anesthetics are used in the work. Some drugs may be used to treat children and pregnant women.
If the patient neglects regular check-ups at the dentist, the risk of developing periodontitis increases. Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth is easily eliminated with timely seeking help. But neglecting therapy can lead to the loss of a he althy tooth.
Surgical Dentistry
In some cases, the disease is so advanced that it does not even make sense to save a tooth. The dental clinic (Technical, 28) has all the resources for painless surgical interventions for both children and adults. In a medical institution, complex removal can be performed when the wisdom tooth is connected to bone tissue. Some surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. Not only the operation is offered, but alsodoctor's consultation after this procedure.

It is no coincidence that one can hear positive feedback about polyclinic No. 28 of the Krasnoselsky district. This is one of the few medical institutions in which tooth-preserving operations are performed. Resection of the root tip is an intervention that allows you to save the molar, but remove the problematic part of the tooth. Also in a medical institution at a high level, cysts are removed. In addition, plastic surgery of soft tissues of the oral cavity can be performed here.
Children's Orthodontics
Incorrect bite is a problem that should not be ignored. It is no coincidence that many parents can only hear positive feedback about the dental clinic 28. The children's department offers the services of a qualified orthodontist. Malocclusion in childhood can occur under the influence of a variety of reasons. In 20% of cases, sucking on a pacifier leads to unpleasant consequences. But the problem can be de alt with if you seek medical help in a timely manner.

Bite correction can be done in several ways. For preschool children, special plates made of hypoallergenic material are installed. If the patient seeks help at an older age, braces may be installed. The cost of treatment depends on the degree of neglect of the problem.
Dental implants
If tooth extraction could not be avoided, it is worth thinking about how to restore the row in the near future. gapsbetween molars over time will lead to a change in bite. As a result, there will be problems with chewing and digesting food. Dental implantation is a modern method of restoring the dentition. Services in this direction are offered by the dental clinic (Dry, 28).

In their work, specialists use high-quality materials of Israeli production. Dental implantation takes place in several stages. After the surgical removal of the molar, at least 6 months must pass. Then a metal pin is inserted into the bone tissue. Subsequently, it serves as the basis for an artificial tooth. The reviews say that it is almost impossible to distinguish a molar from a natural one.
Esthetic Dentistry
According to the reviews, many seek medical help not only to solve he alth problems. The 28 Children's Dental Clinic will help improve the external condition of the teeth.
A lot of good reviews can also be heard about teeth whitening in the clinic. A public medical institution may well compete with similar private organizations.