250 unique components extracted by bees from pollen, dozens of amino acids, various enzymes, vitamins and microelements - all this is bee pollen. This most valuable product is considered almost a panacea for a large list of diseases.
What is bee perga
Collecting pollen, the bees tamp it into wax combs, fill it with honey and seal it, restricting air access.

A natural process of lactic acid fermentation takes place, and the same “bee bread” is obtained, which hard-working insects prepare for their food, as well as for feeding the larvae. And a person, of course, gets his share of this priceless product. It is collected in different ways. The perga remaining in the old combs is not stored for a long time. In addition, it may contain the remains of larvae and cocoons. Fresh bee perga can be extracted from honeycombs. This is the most valuable product. There is another way that beekeepers often use to sell goods - grind combs with contents and add honey. The disadvantage in this case is that it is impossible to determineconcentration, and even the content of bee bread itself in the product.

What is useful bee pollen
The list of diseases for which this natural medicine is effective can cause distrust in its volume. Nevertheless, positive dynamics in the treatment of many diseases with the help of bee bread has been medically proven. First of all, these are problems with the immune system, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcer, nervous system disorders, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, prostatitis and problems with potency. The product has practically no contraindications and can be taken even by pregnant women and children. And for cosmetic purposes, it is widely used. The only alarming moment: for people who are allergic to bee products and pollen, bee pollen is not recommended.

Reviews of those who have experienced the effect of this natural medicine leave no doubt: this is actually a miracle cure. People who regularly take it feel that immunity has strengthened, the vitality of the body has increased. Traditional healers and doctors describe cases of curing prostatic hyperplasia, thyroid diseases, and rapid restoration of cerebral circulation after a stroke. Bee perga is taken inside. Pure granules need to be dissolved in the mouth in a certain dosage. For prevention, adults need 25-50 g per day, children - 1-15 g. Ifperga is ground and diluted with honey, its content in its pure form will be less, which means that you need to take it in a different dosage. To improve the condition of the skin, ground perga can be used as part of masks, and the effect will be noticeable very soon. Many women note that this tool helped to smooth fine wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. Rejuvenation occurs not only of the epidermis, but of the whole organism with the regular use of this amazing remedy. It is only important to know that the purchased product is really pure pollen, and not a surrogate, of which there are so many on the market.