According to certain states and internal sensations of the human body, one or another disease is judged. For thousands of years, scientists have studied what symptoms are. Each new observation was recorded by physicians, treatment instructions were drawn up, conclusions about which were made based on an analysis of the overall picture of the patient's condition.
A set of signs of malaise
When describing any disease, the question inevitably arises, what are the symptoms. Each inflammation in the body is accompanied by external signs, which are considered to be deviations from a he althy state. These include coughing, skin redness, indigestion and others.

When considering the question "What are symptoms?", it is recommended not to confuse individual body conditions with he alth disorders. So, discoloration of the skin from sunlight is not a symptom if there is no redness or pain. Tanning is a completely natural process. But a burn from excessive sunbathing is already a pathology, accompanied by characteristic signs.
Describe what symptoms are with the following synonyms: sign, change in the state of the human body, periodic ailments. A symptom can be a manifestation external, internal, intangible by other people. Pain can only be described by the patient himself, the doctor can only believe and conduct a series of additional studies.
Feeling good
Symptoms are certain states of a person, recorded in the description of pre-existing diseases. Coincidences of ailments in medical practice are manifestations of one type of pathogen. It could be a mosquito bite or a more severe virus. The greatest emphasis by doctors is placed on the patient's well-being, which is determined by a number of questions and manipulations with his body.

Symptoms are common signs of inflammation. The person himself is able to notice by his condition that there has been a deterioration in well-being and make a conclusion about the need to visit the clinic. There are practically no unexplored signs of disease left, the mutation of microorganisms contributes to the emergence of new conditions that only an experienced medical worker can diagnose.
Treatment according to the schemes of previous decades can already be extremely dangerous. Recently, mixed diseases have been increasingly observed: viral-bacterial, parasitic-viral, the action of several types of viruses, and many others.
The so-called mixed infections are dangerous because of their confused manifestations. The early symptoms of any disease can be easily confused with a simple and harmlessailment. But after a couple of days, seizures or other manifestations of the disease suddenly appear, which are very difficult to tolerate. Procrastination with medical care can result in a person's disability.
Symptoms are medically classified according to availability of information about them:
- Idiopathic - when the cause of the symptom is not established and there is no way to identify the disease. This group is also called essential symptoms. By the presence of a symptom, the disease is classified as independent (for example: idiopathic headache).
- Syndrome - available in the medical database signs of deterioration in well-being. Described as a collection of well-known and very common symptoms. The conditions for making a diagnosis are to compare a set of conditions of the patient's body with a medical reference book and a survey that assesses overall well-being.
Examples of syndromes:
- Flu-like - includes headache, fever, decreased performance, weakness, "bone ache".
- Depressive syndrome - includes a set of psychological abnormalities.
Division of syndromes:
- Non-specific - observed during many disease states.
- Specific - observed only with a specific ailment, they cannot be confused.
The Importance of Learning Statistics
The causes and symptoms of diseases need to be analyzed to develop standard actions for the spread of the same type of viruses andinfections. The training of medical specialists is carried out precisely thanks to the accumulated experience of previous generations. With a specific symptom of the disease, treatment can be prescribed without additional tests. Proper diagnosis saves time and money, and increases the chances of a cure.

Many diseases are important to start treating when the first signs appear. Symptoms help to establish both the disease itself and the stage of its development, the degree of damage to parts of the body. Based on the totality of signs of malaise, the only correct set of tests is prescribed and erroneous diagnoses are excluded.
Semiotics is a branch of medicine that studies how to identify symptoms and the possibility of prematurely diagnosing a disease before testing. In the process of development of the doctrine, new classifications arose. By the absence of a particular symptom, conclusions are also drawn about the development of certain diseases. So, in a coma, the corneal reflex is not observed, when it is always present in a he althy person.
Accounting for additional conditions in the diagnosis
In order to pinpoint an inflammation, symptoms and treatment (whether it works or not) are evaluated against additional criteria. Time is an important criterion for assessing the severity of the ailment, its neglect. The duration is judged on the quantitative characteristics of the impact on the body of infections, viruses.

You can often self-diagnose symptoms and treat at homeconditions to carry out without consulting a doctor. So, a common runny nose in combination with a red throat suggests a cold or the initial stage of the development of a sore throat. But if these symptoms are present for more than 3 days, then a doctor's consultation becomes necessary. It is the protracted forms of ailments that are dangerous to human he alth.
An additional assessment is to check the quality of the observed symptom against quantitative criteria. For this, tests are given: sputum when coughing, urine for inflammation in the lower sections, blood for infections.
Quality Research
To make the most accurate diagnosis, symptoms need to be specified according to certain criteria. So, when coughing, a search is made for the source of its origin, the depth and frequency of repetitions are measured. An important point is the mark whether it is dry or sputum is expectorated. The moment of its beginning is fixed in the ratio of the phase of breathing.

The whole process of looking for refinements of a symptom is called its specificity. This criterion describes conditions for a specific disease: asthma, influenza, poisoning. The combination of signs of a particular disease allows doctors to "move" in the right direction when examining a patient. However, according to medical rules, the final diagnosis is made only after the assumptions are confirmed by tests.
Symptom analysis is widely used in intensive care when minutes count, and sometimes clinical tests are not possible due to the long time to obtain results. Here's the association method at work -comparison of the existing picture with the base (from medical guidelines and own experience).
Psychological component
Objective symptoms cannot be disputed, they are obvious to others and the patient himself. These include: a rash on the body, blood, blue skin, a change in the composition of urine. In general, everything that can be seen or felt is taken into account.

Subjective symptoms are determined after communication with the patient. The readings obtained are refracted by the human nervous system and the state of his psyche. The threshold of pain is different for everyone and the same condition will be perceived differently by two different people. Therefore, during the diagnosis, the following is taken into account: gender, age, physical development of a person.
Nervous system
The state of a person is reflected in the work of the organism as a whole. The psychological component can change this or that symptom. But there are also false data from the malfunctioning of nerve endings. A person may complain of pain in the hand when there are no prerequisites for this.
Symptoms of disorders in the nervous system can be false and it is impossible to correctly diagnose other diseases by their manifestations. The task of doctors is to identify and eliminate the possibility of error in difficult conditions. This is possible with neurosis or psychosomatic diseases.
Mixed illnesses
Periodically, any person becomes inflamed with chronic diseases that inevitably affect all parts of the body. During a period of decline, immunity decreases, viruses, bacteria witheasily penetrate the internal organs. Mixed symptoms interfere with the correct diagnosis, but medicine has already accumulated quite a we alth of experience in determining the true causes of the problem.

Interdependent symptoms are known: mixed parasitic infections, infection with several types of viruses, tumor lesions of internal organs, combined with irritation of the nervous system. Such conditions are unique and rare. Often, this situation comes as a surprise to the average doctor, and the patient becomes a victim of a systemic approach to mixed diseases in medicine.