Brackets are an effective way to correct misaligned teeth. But when using the system, there is an inconvenience associated with irritation of the oral mucosa. To prevent this, dental wax is used, which covers the details of the structure. Its use is described in the article.
Dental wax is not a medical product. The tool is used only to protect the mucosa from injury. It is able to reliably mask metal locks and an arc, making them much more aesthetically pleasing.

The silicone-based mass is safe for the body, even if it is swallowed. It does not contain allergic components and toxins. The product is sold in special plastic containers, similar to small suitcases. The wax is made into long, narrow plates that are meant to be cut.
Dental wax is used to apply onall design details. Its main function is to protect the mucosa from damage that occurs from constant rubbing of soft tissues.
Wax is needed while getting used to the system. At the beginning of wearing, the orthodontic design can irritate the lips, tongue, cheeks, which causes sores. To avoid this, you need to put a mass on those parts that lead to discomfort.
Another remedy is needed in case of breakdown or deformation of the system, for example, when the arc is broken. To avoid injury to the mucosa before going to the dentist, wax is glued to the site of the breakdown. At the discretion of the patient, the products are used both when necessary and during treatment with braces.
The accuracy of dentures is determined by the quality of the wax model. And the quality of the model depends on the properties of the modeling materials. Therefore, there are some requirements for modeling waxes:
- some shrinkage during cooling;
- increased plasticity at 41-55 degrees;
- hardness at 37-40 degrees;
- no delamination and stickiness during processing;
- no plaque remains after burning;
- bright colors for easy modeling.

There are no official contraindications to the use of dental wax. Restriction to use is considered only the presence of an allergy to the components of the product. Sometimes there is itching, swelling, redness of the gums at the site of waxing.
Dental wax for braces includes a minimum of components. The main ingredient is wax. Due to its dense structure, the product qualitatively stops the impact of structural elements on soft tissues. There is also a silicone that can make the mass plastic and allows you to apply it without difficulty.

To improve the smell and taste, aromatic and flavor components are added. Products with mint, anise, apple and other flavors and aromas are sold. Substances are also added that relieve inflammation and wounds.
Classification of dental waxes is based on the presence of different flavors in products. Therefore, they are fruity, flowery. There may also be other, repetitive food flavors. There are odorless and tasteless products.
There are products from:
- antibacterial;
- wound healing;
- anti-inflammatory action.
Usually the wax comes in the form of strips, but there are also solid plates. If the second option is used, then you need to pinch off a piece and roll it into a ball, and then apply it to the braces. The portioned products are convenient to use.

Special is dental cervical wax, which is used to form the edge of the crown. It is transparent, not subject to deformation. It can be applied at the margin of the preparation. Dental cervical wax "Geo" (red or transparent) hasprecise limiting edges to ensure a perfect fit. It has low shrinkage, good scraping qualities.
Other varieties
More waxes are as follows:
- Mineral. They are made from refined crude oil. Another component is called paraffin. Mineral wax is used to obtain inlays and model bridges. Paraffin can delaminate, but this can be prevented by adding dammar resin - the paraffin will be shiny, dense, elastic.
- Animals. Beeswax, obtained from honeycomb, is added to dental waxes, as it makes the material flowable at a temperature of 37 degrees, which is necessary for some dental procedures. Beeswax is brittle and melts at 60-70 degrees. Derived from honeycombs, it is added to many waxes that become fluid at oral temperature.
- Vegetable. They are obtained from Carcauba palms. The product is hard, solid, has a high melting point. Wax is used less frequently and is now being replaced by synthetic waxes as excess causes flaking.
- Synthetic. Products are created artificially through chemical reactions. Synthetic waxes have a homogeneous composition, a certain melting point, and they are also cheap to obtain.
Staining occurs with fat dyes. Compared to other modeling materials, waxes have the following advantages:
- Melting at a wide range of temperatures, which is convenient for makingsimulation.
- Due to fluidity, you can create a relief of the tooth. And at room temperature, they neither harden nor deform.
- Waxes are elastic and under certain conditions can restore their original shape.
The product range is very rich. Among the huge number of goods, you can choose what suits a particular person. The best producers are as follows:
- 3M Unitek. This company creates and sells braces, materials that are designed for their installation and use. The products have become popular all over the world due to their high quality and functional features. Wax has excellent characteristics. It is made from environmentally friendly raw materials. The product is intended for adults and children. Since it contains a lot of silicone, it is plastic. This simplifies the application of the mass. There are no additional fragrances and flavoring additives in the product. Goods are sold as individual plates in an airtight container. The weight of the mass is 3 grams. This is enough for repeated daily application on all braces for 7 days. The approximate price of wax is 350 rubles.
- Dentaid. Spanish company that produces dental products that are designed for hygiene. Brand funds have an acceptable cost and a rich assortment. The company produces Vitis wax. Compared to other brands, this product is slowly absorbed by the action of saliva. The main difference is antibacterial activity. The mass fights microbes that accumulate on the locks. Products are delivered toplastic box. Each plate has a vacuum shell. The tool costs about 160 rubles.
- DynaFlex. This is a joint company from the Netherlands and the USA, which produces products for bite correction. On sale there are goods for the care of orthodontic products, including wax. It does not contain flavoring and aromatic additives. Compared with other brands, the mass has a high density. The tool is ideal for classic metal braces that injure the mucous membrane. There are 5 individual sticks in the package, which are attached to each other. The average price is 150 rubles.
- Sunstar. This is an American company that sells oral hygiene products. The product has useful properties and is easy to use. GUM wax was created according to this principle. The composition contains aloe vera extract and vitamin E. When using this remedy, damaged tissues recover faster. Products are sold in a small container. For convenience, it was divided into small dosed pieces, each of which is in a separate cell. There are small mirrors in the box, thanks to which the mass can be fixed in different conditions. The cost is about 200 rubles.
- L'industria Zingardi. The Italian company has been producing orthodontic products for over 70 years. Its PresiDENT wax is safe for the body. It does not contain flavoring additives, it does not cause allergies. The mass has an average density, is easily softened by fingers and fixed to braces and arcs. The purpose of the wax is to protect the mucosa from damage by the arc and ligature. Price - 140rubles.

There is a patent for dental wax 2142780. According to it, the invention can be used in orthomedical dentistry to perform modeling of removable denture bases, creating bite templates with occlusal ridges and clasp work. Wax contains paraffin, ceresin, butyl rubber, dye. Products have good plasticity, fluidity, melting point.
Terms of Use
How to use dental wax? The procedure is carried out according to the following instructions:
- First, you need to clean your teeth and parts of the orthodontic system.
- The cleaned surface should be dry from moisture. For this, cotton buds are used, which easily penetrate into different corners of the product.
- Measure a small piece of wax, which is enough to cover one area. It is cut off with scissors or torn off by hand, scrolling a piece of mass around the axis to prevent deformation of the plate.
- Knead the piece with your fingers, warming it up a little, and then you need to give it the shape of a ball.
- The ball is applied to the problem area of the structure and pressed a little.
- After some fixation, the mass must be evenly distributed to cover the striking element.
- The wax is pressed hard.
- If necessary, wax can be removed with a toothbrush or fingers.
Dentists use a dental modeling spatula for wax. It is needed for dosing pieces of mass, kneading,seals, molding composites. A dental wax spatula is used to level the horizontal. It is also needed to obtain a natural-looking prosthesis.

Dental modeling spatula for wax can be:
- single and double sided;
- metal and plastic;
- filling;
- for kneading and grinding;
- curly for complex filling and treatment mixtures.
For wax, a spatula-knife is convenient, which is sharp on one side for cutting strips. It is better to choose plastic products if required:
- kneading metal-sensitive mass;
- putting cotton balls in the mouth;
- removing soft plaque or food buried in the mouth.
The dental modeling electric spatula for wax is also used. This is a dental instrument that performs wax modeling work. The device adjusts the working temperature of the tip and maintains it throughout the work, which allows you to quickly and accurately give the desired shape to wax products.
Usually, after the installation of orthodontic structures, the dentist gives out 1 pack of wax, which will be enough for 3-7 days. Then the patient will need to apply the remedy more often. It can be purchased at stores that sell orthodontic products. The purchase is also possible in the clinic where the treatment was performed.
Such products are sold in the online store. There are other funds inpharmacies. The price is 150-300 rubles. The cost depends on the company, properties. To save money, you can not choose wax from popular manufacturers or with flavors and flavors.
Sometimes the mucosa is injured, but there is no possibility of using wax. To protect against soft tissue damage, similar agents are used that are similar in properties to wax. This applies to:
- paraffin;
- beeswax;
- dental silicone;
- a cotton swab soaked in an anti-inflammatory agent.

Some people use chewing gum as a similar remedy. But this is a big mistake, because the gaps of the system are clogged with it and deformation appears. Pathogenic microbes accumulate with chewing gum, which negatively affect the oral cavity.
Thus, dental wax greatly simplifies the wearing of braces. The main thing is to get a quality tool. Equally important is its correct use.