Mesovarton drug: bad reviews, consequences

Mesovarton drug: bad reviews, consequences
Mesovarton drug: bad reviews, consequences

The fight against aging is an age-old problem that torments women of almost any age. Everyone is well aware of the shortcomings of their appearance, and is hard going through the appearance of the first age-related changes. And depending on hereditary factors and lifestyle, they can appear already at the age of thirty, and the fight against them in the future will require considerable effort and financial investment. However, if you start to carry out anti-aging procedures before your reflection in the mirror starts to upset you, then you can feel happy and catch the admiring glances of men at forty-five or fifty.

Beauticians often call biorevitalization the best way to restore skin tone and get rid of wrinkles. Today, several types of effective drugs have been developed for it, and we will talk about one of them today. "Mezovarton P199" for biorevitalization has been used by cosmetologists for about ten years. Over the years, a lot of reviews have accumulated about its use, among which there are both positive and negative. In our article, we will take a closer look at the available reviews of "Mezovarton" and the bad consequences of the procedures.with its use. In parallel, we will talk about the drug itself and its composition, as well as what cosmetologists never tell their clients when advertising this miracle remedy.

mesowarton reviews bad consequences
mesowarton reviews bad consequences

Biorevitalization: a little about the procedure

This method of skin rejuvenation is considered one of the most popular and safe. It is often referred to as a cure for cells that stop actively dividing over time, which causes the first signs of aging.

The process of biorevitalization itself seems to be extremely simple. The cosmetologist pierces the skin with a special preparation, which is also called a “beauty cocktail”. At the same time, several zones can be treated at a time: face, neck, décolleté and even hands. Usually treatment lasts up to three months. Depending on the initial state of the epidermis, four to eight procedures are required for a pronounced effect. The break between them is about two weeks.

Most often, ladies notice the first positive results after the third procedure. The effect is enough for one year, in the future, cosmetologists advise to conduct a maintenance course that will help keep the skin in good shape.

For clients of different ages developed their own drugs. Their main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which helps cells renew themselves more actively. However, the drug "Mezovarton" was created using a completely different technology, this explains its promised effectiveness in cases where age-related changes have already left noticeable marks on the face. Usually itrecommended for women over forty, however, let's talk about everything in order.

mezovarton p199 for biorevitalization
mezovarton p199 for biorevitalization

Composition and description of the product for biorevitalization

For nearly a decade, skin rejuvenation professionals have considered Mezovarton a know-how in cosmetology due to its unique composition. A group of American and Russian scientists worked on it, so the drug was successfully certified in different countries.

The main active ingredient of "Mezovarton" is a synthesized peptide, which is as close as possible to the embryonic peptide, acting directly on the body's stem cells. In a short time interval, the cells are activated, they begin to divide and stimulate the production of collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis.

In addition to the substance indicated by us, Mezovarton also includes other components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin complex;
  • twenty-one amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • growth factors.

Together, all of the above components increase the elasticity of the skin and in just a few sessions “erasure” even deep mimic wrinkles. Therefore, cosmetologists regularly recommend Mezovarton to their patients over forty years old for youthful skin. At the same time, they promise that the result of its application will be simply shocking. However, we decided to figure out whether the drug is really so effective, because in the official reviews of "Mezovarton"bad consequences are rarely described.

Indications for use

Since the drug is considered very strong, it is prescribed for certain changes in the skin. First of all, these include the following problems:

  • dehydration;
  • scars;
  • pigmentation;
  • floating oval;
  • serious age-related changes;
  • loss of firmness;
  • disturbances in the elasticity of the skin;
  • enlarged pores.

As we have already indicated, "Mezovarton" is recommended by cosmetologists to patients from forty years old. In rare cases, when the aging process has been significantly affected by a hereditary factor or other causes, the drug can be used at a younger age, but not earlier than thirty-seven years.

mesovarton drug
mesovarton drug

The effect of the drug "Mezovarton"

All cosmetologists, without exception, repeat this, they always praise the biorevitalization carried out with the help of Mezovarton. Experts confirm their eulogies with numerous photographs showing women before and after the procedure. Usually these arguments are enough for patients to unconditionally trust doctors. But what do they promise women? Let's list the main results:

  • disappearance of wrinkles;
  • relief smoothing;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • gradual lightening of age spots;
  • increase elasticity;
  • normalization of metabolic processes.

Agree similarthe effect seems to be something magical. However, do not rush, there are reviews of the bad consequences of Mezovarton on the Internet, which means that the drug is not suitable for all women and gives youth. In addition, before starting the procedures, it is necessary to identify the contraindications that this remedy has.

drug mezovarton effect
drug mezovarton effect

List of contraindications

Do not hesitate to ask the beautician about cases that are an obstacle to biorevitalization with this drug. If you do not pay attention to contraindications, then reviews of the consequences of Mezovarton injections can be extremely negative and turn into serious he alth problems.

The main contraindications are pregnancy and age up to thirty years. It is also forbidden to use the remedy described by us during breastfeeding. Serious skin diseases and common rashes of an indeterminate nature should be a reason to refuse biorevitalization.

If your skin is hypersensitive, then you should not have the procedure either. It will be painful, cause redness and bruising.

Failures in the functioning of the immune system are considered by all cosmetologists as contraindications not only for Mezovarton, but also for other drugs used in biorevitalization.

mezovarton reviews of cosmetologists
mezovarton reviews of cosmetologists

What form is the drug produced in?

The manufacturer produces the drug in syringes, which are packaged in one and a half milliliterssubstances. This is quite enough for one procedure. Moreover, if necessary, the cosmetologist quite painlessly divides one syringe into several zones.

They can treat the face, neck and décolleté. In some cases, it also remains on the hands, which often give out female age in the first place.

mesovarton know-how in cosmetology
mesovarton know-how in cosmetology

Mesovarton drug: instructions for the procedure

The process of biorevitalization is quite simple, but it is directly related to the professionalism of the beautician. Do not save and choose the most inexpensive clinic. After all, you trust a specialist not only with your face, but also with your he alth.

Before the procedure, a special anesthetic is applied to the skin. The procedure itself cannot be called painless, so an anesthetic is required.

Then the doctor starts to give injections, this process takes place according to a special scheme and several hundred punctures are made in one procedure, into which the drug is injected.

At the end of biorevitalization, the beautician applies a special mask or cream to the injured skin. They cool the epidermis and relieve the redness that inevitably occurs after so many injections.

Side effects of the procedure

If you focus on the reviews of cosmetologists, "Mezovarton" has no side effects. In cases where the technology is followed, and the woman has no contraindications to biorevitalization, the drug is not capable of harming he alth.

Cost of funds

Manynothing can force women to give up Mesowarton. The bad reviews, the consequences, and the price seem to be just a minor obstacle to gaining youth. Of course, the drug is quite expensive, given its unique composition.

On average, patients are recommended to have a course of eight procedures, depending on the provider and the clinic where you plan to do biorevitalization, it will cost you from forty thousand rubles.

However, it should be borne in mind that the resulting effect will last for a year. In any case, cosmetologists and satisfied clients say so. But unfortunately, in addition to laudatory speeches about "Mezovarton" and its unprecedented performance, there are also negative comments. Not all patients are satisfied with how the drug has transformed their appearance. And it is these reviews that we will pay attention to in the next section of the article.

mesowarton for youthful skin
mesowarton for youthful skin

Comments from dissatisfied clients

You will not find negative reviews about the bad consequences of "Mezovarton" on the websites of clinics. It is unprofitable for cosmetologists to talk about them, but we cannot simply ignore them.

So, why are women who have tried "Mezovarton" unhappy? Based on real stories, we can say that the drug was not as effective as it was promised. After four or five treatments, many women do not notice even the slightest change in their appearance. They usually stop at this point because they don't want to waste money.

Often"Mezovarton" causes swelling that does not go away within three days after injection. It is accompanied by redness and even bruising in the puncture zone. Such a reaction is often associated with intolerance to the drug and the individual reaction of the body.

Some ladies note in the reviews that after "Mezovarton" they experience a strong general malaise that does not go away for several days. Repeated procedures show that such a reaction was not accidental, and women have to stop beauty injections.

Of course, all of the above problems do not seem significant, but they destroy the bright prospects that cosmetologists working with Mezovarton draw for their clients.

How to protect yourself from negative consequences?

If you are not afraid of negative reviews about the drug, and you definitely intend to biorevitalize them, then try to protect yourself as much as possible from the risk of adverse consequences.

You can do this by asking the cosmetologist for all the documents for the drug. If you do not receive them, then you should immediately abandon the procedure.

Be sure to check when the specialist opened the ampoule with the drug. Keep in mind that he must do this in front of you, without hiding this process.

Follow all the recommendations voiced by the doctor. Usually, beauticians give a list of facial skin care tips that alleviate the consequences of the procedure.

And do not skimp on the beautician. A good doctor is the guarantor of successful procedures and your preserved he alth.
