Recently, more and more people are turning to the dentist with the problem of crooked teeth. The reasons for this pathology can be different: poor nutrition, any disease, lack of calcium in the body. There is also a hereditary predisposition to improper tooth growth. Naturally, it is possible to fix such a problem, although it will take a lot of time. In this case, the doctor will advise the installation of dental braces.

The presented systems are made of different materials with certain advantages and disadvantages. However, they all serve the same purpose - to correct the wrong bite. Especially popular now are sapphire braces. The fact is that they have a lot of advantages. Firstly, they are safe and very rarely can cause an allergic reaction. The materials for this design are taken from artificially grown sapphires.
Secondly, they practically do not interfere in the mouth and do not cause an unpleasant sensation of a foreign body. Sapphire braces are almost invisible on your teeth, so you don't have to worry about the aesthetic beauty of your smile. On the contrary, the design of modern systems is quite diverse. bracescan become a real decoration of your smile, while they carry a functional load.

It should also be noted that the presented product is the latest achievement of dental science. It can add extra sparkle and charm to your smile. However, sapphire braces, like other systems, have some flaws. First of all, the presented product requires careful maintenance. That is, you need to brush your teeth better than usual. You also need to use special mouthwashes that kill harmful bacteria where the brush cannot reach them. In some cases, the system needs to be worn longer than other designs. In addition, despite their high hardness, such products do not like high loads, as they are more brittle than others. But this does not mean that you have to give up your favorite foods and eat only soft foods. You just need to be a little more careful and attentive.

Sapphire braces are made individually for each individual patient, as bite problems are also different. To install the system, several steps must be taken: eliminate carious foci, take a cast of teeth in order to know at what angle each structural element should stand. Naturally, it is necessary to determine the exact color of your enamel in order to make the braces invisible. Next, dental technicians make the necessary design according to the specified parameters, and the orthodontist installs it.
Installing braces, starting at $150, is a fairly quick process. The procedure takes only a few hours. The cost of the system itself ranges from 200-500 dollars or more - depending on the complexity of the design, its quality and the requirements of the patient. However, the convenience and practicality of sapphire systems are worth the money.