Lemongrass, or sorghum, is a fairly popular plant among culinary experts, which is used in the preparation of many dishes and drinks. In addition, this product has some medicinal properties, so it is widely used in pharmacology and traditional medicine.
Lemon grass: composition and calorie content

In fact, no one knows exactly where exactly this plant was grown - in India or Malaysia. However, over the past hundreds of years, this product has been an indispensable component in oriental cuisine.
Certainly, lemongrass can be attributed to dietary products, since its calorie content is only 99 kcal per 100 g. In addition, the plant has a very useful composition - it is rich in B vitamins, it also contains beta-carotene and ascorbic acid. It is worth paying attention to the content of minerals - there is potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium and iron. And thanks to the antioxidants, this herb is considered one of the most popular "products of youth." That is why it is widelyused in cooking and medicine.
Cooking lemongrass
Light citrus aroma with a hint of almond and lemon peel flavor - that's lemongrass. You can buy it both fresh and dried.

In modern cooking, this product is very popular due to its ability to change and emphasize the taste of the finished dish. For example, in India, lemongrass is added to rice and other side dishes, as well as soups, meat dishes (veal, chicken, pork) and seafood. Quite often, this herb is added to various drinks - it gives them freshness and a delicate citrus aroma.
By the way, the leaves of the plant are very tough, so they are finely cut or mixed into a thick paste.
Lemon grass in medicine: useful properties
In fact, this product began to be used as a medicine several centuries ago. But the popularity of such treatment has not diminished to this day. As already mentioned, lemon grass saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.
But in Eastern countries I use it to treat infectious diseases. Lemongrass normalizes the functioning of the immune system, helps to defeat the infection. In addition, this herb has stimulating and tonic properties. Some fans of alternative medicine are preparing an antiseptic from it.

This product is also used in the UK. Here it is recommended to add it todishes in order to normalize the digestive tract, relieve stomach pain and cope with flatulence. In addition, experts recommend regularly consuming sorghum (in moderation, of course) in order to get rid of the symptoms of overwork, improve memory, as well as increase composure and overcome insomnia.
By the way, lemongrass is also used to relieve headaches. To prepare the medicine, take a few drops of lemongrass essential oil, which is diluted in any base oil (sunflower, olive), whiskey is massaged with the resulting mixture.
Grass juice is used to protect against mosquitoes. It is enough for them to rub open areas of the skin - and you are protected from insects. In some cultures, lemon grass is considered a magical plant - it is planted around the house in order to scare away snakes and evil spirits.