Practically everyone in their life has known what a toothache is. A visit to the dentist is a rather unpleasant event, but when you cannot fall asleep or go about your business due to excruciating pain, then there is nothing to do, you have to go. Problems with teeth can be very different, and pain is most often provoked by the destructive processes that began in the tooth. Almost everyone who goes to the doctor with pain is diagnosed with caries, it can be of different types, but let's look at what root caries is and how to deal with it.
What is this pathology
This type of caries got its name because of its location. Defects develop at the very border with the gum. The decay starts quite close to the root of the tooth.

The process proceeds quickly, since in this part the tooth enamel has a minimum thickness, and in the place where the transition to the root begins, it does not exist at all. Any pathology of the teeth requires therapy, and basal caries of the front teeth in particular, as it spoils their appearance, and a person begins to be ashamed even of his smile.
Causes of basal caries
Most often, this type of pathology begins to develop after 30 years, and at retirement age, it is through his fault that the patient often loses teeth. With age, even he althy enamel becomes much thinner. If destructive processes begin, they proceed very rapidly.
The root zone is quite difficult to take good care of, so there are all conditions for the development of the pathogenic process and the accumulation of bacteria. It is in this part of the teeth that tartar is formed, which only contributes to creating a favorable environment for microorganisms.
Doctors also note the following reasons for the development of basal caries:
- Big love for sweets.
- Disorders of the endocrine system.
- Metabolic problems.
- Poor drinking water quality.

Why is the root zone vulnerable
If you do not take care of your oral cavity and do not keep it clean, then caries can develop absolutely anywhere, but the root zone is the most vulnerable. And here are the reasons:
- When we chew food, this part of the tooth does not take an active part in this process, which means that self-cleaning does not occur with solid pieces of food.
- With a toothbrush and surface cleaning, it is not good to get rid of food debris from the root zone.
- If you move the toothbrush incorrectly, then periodontal pockets are filled with plaque.
- Cleaning with a hard brush results ininjury to this part of the tooth, thin enamel quickly becomes thinner and rubbed.
- If there is periodontitis or periodontal disease, then the root of the tooth is exposed, and this is a good condition for root caries to develop.
- If there is an inflammatory process on the gums, then this contributes to the accumulation of plaque in pockets in large quantities.
- If there is a crown or filling, then under their edge a carious defect occurs over time.
- A crown that is not the height of the tooth also serves as a place for bacteria and plaque to accumulate.
- If you have to impose fixed dental structures, then this makes it very difficult to clean this area, and it takes very little time for the development of radical caries.
As you can see, basal caries has quite extensive reasons for its development. Only regular visits to the dentist will help you avoid this pathology or, if it is detected in time, competently get rid of it.
Signs of disease
Many of us sit to the last, until severe pain forces us to visit a doctor. But the problem is much easier to deal with if it is detected at the very beginning of its appearance. Radical caries, the photo demonstrates this, begins to show its symptoms like this:
- Tooth enamel changes color.
- Chalky spots appear with delineated borders.
- Discomfort while eating.
- Tooth sensitivity develops to changes in food temperature and tomechanical stress.
- An unpleasant smell comes out of the mouth.
- A cavity forms at the border of the tooth and gum.

All these symptoms can be observed at the very beginning of the development of pathology, if caries has already gone far, then the patient experiences:
- Sharp pain while brushing teeth.
- Pain occurs when temperature changes.
- Eating sweet or sour foods also causes pain.
If you do not visit a doctor even in this state of affairs, then you can completely lose a tooth.
How to diagnose basal caries yourself
You can recognize the problem without even visiting the dentist, just look in the mirror at your teeth. But it must be borne in mind that not all dental defects in the root region can be attributed to caries.
There are wedge-shaped lesions that are often localized in this area. They are shaped like a wedge, the tip of which is located towards the center of the tooth.
The surface of the dentin, if the teeth are in order, should be hard and smooth. If during examination you find irregularities, gums moving away from the root of the tooth, an inflammatory process, then this is a direct indication of the need to visit a doctor.
Do not puzzle over the question: if basal caries is found, what should I do? Only a competent specialist will save you from this pathology, and you will again smile with a snow-white smile.
Doctor Visit
As a rule, it will not be difficult for an experienced specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. Difficulties canoccur only if the pathology is located on the contact surface and is covered by an adjacent tooth.
The doctor examines the oral cavity and pays attention to the color and transparency of the enamel. Probing the oral cavity can take place without pain, and may be accompanied by severe pain.
From the inflammatory process, the doctor will be able to distinguish caries from records in the patient's record. If there is chronic periodontitis and there have already been pains of this nature, then an exacerbation of the pathology can be assumed. You can verify this by taking an x-ray.
Dentists have their own diagnostic methods every year. One of them is transillumination. Its essence is to examine the oral cavity under a powerful source of cold light. If there is basal caries, then a focus with pronounced contours with abnormal darkening is visible.

There are also caries markers - their use is possible not only in the dental office, as they are completely safe for humans. Staining allows you to quickly identify the carious area.
Pathology Therapy
If basal caries is detected, treatment should begin immediately. Therapy of such a pathology practically does not differ from the treatment of ordinary caries. The chosen method of disposal will depend on the degree of the disease.
- If the pathology is detected in the early stages of its development, then the dentist performs remineralization using preparations that include magnesium,calcium, phosphorus and other elements important for teeth.
- The average severity of caries forces the doctor to eliminate the affected areas and restore the shape of the tooth with the help of filling materials. If required, you will have to remove the pulp, clean the canal well and seal it.

Treatment of this type of caries requires experience and professionalism from the doctor, since this area is quite sensitive and is very close to the gum. Also, the dentist should take into account that in this place, as a rule, the filling material does not hold well, so it is worth choosing one that has high adhesion.
Traditional medicine in the treatment of caries
In stocks of recipes of traditional healers there are also those that will help to cope with caries:
- The field horsetail has proven itself well. The powder of this plant should be used in combination with honey for several months.
- You can make a tincture of vodka and horseradish, keep it for three months and rinse your mouth several times a day. To prepare it, you will need 50 grams of grated horseradish root, 20 grams of fennel fruit, 20 grams of mint leaves and 1 liter of vodka or alcohol. But you should not get carried away with such a tincture.
- Folk doctors advise at the first sign of caries to replace toothpaste with powdered milk. But most doctors are skeptical of this recommendation.

Of course, traditional medicine may well help get rid ofpain and inflammation for some time, but only a competent specialist knows how to treat basal caries, so you should not postpone a visit to him.
Caries Prevention
It is better to prevent the development of caries than to treat it for a long time. Preventive measures include:
- Regular dental checkups.
- The diet should be as low as possible refined carbohydrates.
- Food should not be too viscous and sticky.
- Change your toothbrush regularly and don't use it too hard.
- Move the brush from the gums to the chewing surface.
- Pay special attention to cleaning and cleaning the oral cavity in the presence of fixed structures.

Only careful oral care will help you avoid various problems and never experience excruciating toothache. Do not delay the visit to the doctor. If treated in the early stages of the development of pathology, then the treatment process, as a rule, does not cause pain and discomfort.